
aiolkinit -- set up asynchronous I/O memory locking permissions


/etc/aiolkinit [raw-device]


The aiolkinit utility allows a system administrator to control which users may lock memory for AIO use, and how much memory can be locked. This utility reads the /usr/lib/aiomemlock file, and sets up an internal kernel table entry for each line.

Typically, aiolkinit is not invoked directly, but is called by a script in the /etc/rc2.d directory. Note that this script should be invoked before starting up any program that uses AIO. Invoking aiolkinit after boot causes entries that have been added to /usr/lib/aiomemlock to be revised. Removing entries does not affect their memory locking ability until reboot.

The aiolkinit program defaults to opening /dev/rroot to call the appropriate AIO I/O control command (ioctl). If /dev/rroot does not support AIO, an alternate AIO device must be provided as an argument.


This command can be run only by the super user.


definitions for asynchronous I/O

permissions file to control how much memory can be locked by whom

command to print statistics on AIO usage

See also

aio(F), aio(HW), aioinfo(ADM), aiomemlock(F)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005