
secdefs -- report settings of security defaults


/tcb/bin/secdefs [ -v ] [ -a | level ... ]


secdefs compares the current settings of the system-wide security defaults with the security levels defined in /tcb/lib/relax (high, improved, traditional, and low). secdefs reports the name of the closest security level that has the least number of differences.

secdefs takes the following options and arguments:

Displays a table of the actual differences as well as a count. The three columns of the table display:

Displays comparisons for each security level defined in /tcb/lib/relax, in order of increasing number of differences.

secdefs reports on the differences for each of the named levels.


secdefs examines only the files etc_def and default in the directory /tcb/lib/relax/level. It does not compare the values set in the script file against the current security defaults.



security level defaults

System Defaults database

current default settings

See also

configure(ADM), default(F), defaults(F), relax(ADM)

``Maintaining system security'' in Managing system security

Standards conformance

secdefs is not part of any currently supported standard; it is an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005