
relax -- change system security defaults


/etc/relax level


relax changes selected system-wide security defaults to one of several predefined levels (high, improved, low, and traditional). The directories in /tcb/lib/relax are named for each level, and each directory contains three files:

specifies fields to be updated in the file /etc/auth/system/default.

specifies files and values to be updated or removed in the directory /etc/default.

is a shell script which is run to make other changes to such settings as kernel parameters using configure(ADM), default umask settings by edits to various files, and other changes.


relax takes one argument, which should be the name of a directory in /tcb/lib/relax, for example:

relax improved

This reconfigures the system security settings to the ``improved'' level of security.


If the script for the level you select makes changes to the kernel configuration, these changes will not come into effect until UNIX® is rebooted.


security level directory

File Control database

System Defaults database

files containing other current default settings


files edited by /tcb/lib/relax/level/script

See also

configure(ADM), secdefs(ADM), umask(C)

``Maintaining system security'' in Managing system security

Standards conformance

relax is not part of any currently supported standard; it is an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005