
defaults -- default program information directory


keyword | keyword=value


The files in the directory /etc/default contain the default information used by system commands such as xbackup and remote. Default information is any information required by the command that is not explicitly given when the command is invoked.

The directory may contain zero or more files. Each file corresponds to one or more commands. A command searches a file whenever it has been invoked without sufficient information. Each file contains zero or more entries which define the default information.

keyword identifies the type of information available and value defines its value. Both keyword and value must consist of letters, digits, and punctuation. The exact spelling of a keyword and the appropriate values depend on the command and are described with the individual commands.

Any line beginning with a number sign (#) is considered a comment and is ignored.


Not all commands use /etc/default files. Those commands that do use /etc/default files detail their usage on the corresponding manual page.


directory containing command default definition files

See also

archive(F), boot(HW), boot(F), cleantmp(ADM), cron(C), doscmd(C), filesys(F), format(C), goodpw(ADM), idleout(ADM), lock(C), login(M), lp(C), man(C), mapchan(F), mapchan(M), mapkey(M), passwd(C), purge(C), remote(C), sassign(F), su(C), tape(C), tar(C), usemouse(C), xbackup(ADM), xdumpdir(ADM), xrestore(ADM)

Standards conformance

default is not part of any currently supported standard; it is an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
© 2007 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 05 June 2007