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SMIT Help Information for Xstation Manager

Note: The information contained in this article is structured as help information for the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) and is not intended for use as a procedural or conceptual article.

Add an Xstation 130

Adds the Xstation 130 specified by the Name parameter to the current host, and stores the configuration in the /etc/x_st_mgr/ file, the /etc/x_st_mgr/x_st_mgrd.tmty file, and the /etc/bootptab file.

Add an Xstation

Adds the Xstation specified by the Name parameter to the current host, and stores the configuration.

Add an Xstation 120

Adds the Xstation 120 specified by the Name parameter to the current host, and stores the configuration in the /etc/x_st_mgr/ file, the /etc/x_st_mgr/x_st_mgrd.tmty file, and the /etc/bootptab file.

Add an Xstation 150

Adds the Xstation 150 specified by the Name parameter to the current host, and stores the configuration in the /etc/x_st_mgr/xs150/cfg/IPADDRESS file, the /etc/x_st_mgr/x_st_mgrd.tmty file, the /etc/x_st_mgr/ file, and the /etc/bootptab file.

Change/Show Characteristics of an Xstation Network Type

Changes, for the current host, the characteristics of the Xstation network type specified by the TypeName parameter, and stores the changed definition in the /etc/bootptab file. The TypeName parameter must contain x_st_mgr. as a prefix, for example, x_st_mgr.ether.

Change/Show Characteristics of an Xstation 130

Changes, for the current host, the characteristics of the Xstation specified by the Name parameter, and stores the changed configuration in the /etc/x_st_mgr/ file, the /etc/x_st_mgr/x_st_mgrd.tmty file, and the /etc/bootptab file.

Change/Show Characteristics of an Xstation 150

Changes, for the current host, the characteristics of the Xstation specified by the Name parameter, and stores the changed configuration in the /etc/x_st_mgr/X150/cfg/IPADDRESS file, the /etc/x_st_mgr/x_st_mgrd.tmty file, the /etc/x_st_mgr/ file, and the /etc/bootptab file.

Change/Show Characteristics of an Xstation

Changes, for the current host, the characteristics of the Xstation specified by the Name parameter, and stores the changed configuration.

Change/Show Characteristics of an Xstation 120

Changes, for the current host, the characteristics of the Xstation specified by the Name parameter, and stores the changed configuration in the /etc/x_st_mgr/ file, the /etc/x_st_mgr/x_st_mgrd.tmty file, and the /etc/bootptab file.

Define an Xstation Network Type

Defines, for the current host, the Xstation Network Type specified by the TypeName parameter, and stores the definition in the /etc/bootptab file. The TypeName parameter must contain x_st_mgr. as a prefix, for example, x_st_mgr.ether.

List All Xstation Network Types

Displays, for the current host, all the Xstation Network Types defined in the /etc/bootptab file. These are the network types you use when you add an Xstation to the host with the x_add_trm_120 or x_add_trm_130 or x_add_trm_150 command. The network type is displayed in the Type column, followed by the network, server port, and boot file for each network type.

List All Xstations Configured on this Host

Displays, for the current host, information about each Xstation configured in the /etc/bootptab file.

Remove an Xstation Network Type

Removes, from the current host, the Xstation Network Type specified by the Name parameter and defined in the /etc/bootptab file.

Remove an Xstation

Removes, from the current host, the Xstation specified by the Name parameter and defined in the /etc/bootptab file.

Xstation Configuration

An Xstation must be configured to identify it to a network. To configure an Xstation, you must set up a network type and you must setup the Xstations on the network type. The network type setup is performed once for each network-Xstation model-subnet combination and is done before the Xstations on the network type are setup. The Xstation setup procedure is performed once for each Xstation added to the host.

Xstation Network TYPE Name

Specifies the name you choose to identify a network type for a specific network-Xstation model-subnet combination. The name must start with x_st_mgr. Example: x_st_mgr.ether130 for Ethernet and an Xstation 130. A different network type will be required for each subnet, because the gateway and subnet mask are specified.

You choose the Network Type Name when you define an Xstation network type. When you add an Xstation to the network in SMIT, use the List function to select a previously defined Network Type Name.


Specifies the type of physical network connection used for the terminal (Ethernet, IEEE 802.3, or Token-Ring). In SMIT, use the List function to select a network type. Valid options are ethernet, ieee802, and tokenring. The default option is ethernet.

The same Xstation can be on multiple networks, but must be configured with a different name and internet protocol (IP) address for each network. When configuring an Xstation Network Type for Serial Line Interface Protocol (SLIP), select the ethernet option.


Indicates which port to use to access the initial files for booting, to access default font paths, and to page files back to the host. If the Xstation Manager daemon, x_st_mgrd, is used for these functions, the port number is set to the value specified in the /etc/services file. The default port for this daemon is 9000.

HOME Directory

Specifies the directory where the Xstation Network Type configuration files reside. This directory must exist, with root having write permission. The default home directory is /etc/x_st_mgr.


Specifies the name of the bootfile. Because the bootfile is downloaded into the Xstation, the bootfile entry differs for each Xstation model. Use the List function to select a valid option. The valid option for an Xstation 120 is bootfile3. The option for an Xstation 130 is bootfile4. The valid option for an Xstation 150 is X150serv. Bootfile3 and bootfile4 are Xserver Version 11.5 code.

DOMAIN Name Server

Specifies the full internet address of the machine that performs name resolution for the Xstation. The address should be in dotted decimal format.


This optional parameter specifies the gateway address. The default value is the internet address of the host system that establishes a communication connection to another Ethernet, IEEE 802.3, or Token-Ring system. Unique to the gateway, the internet address is in dotted decimal format: ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd, where ddd is a value between 1 and 255.

To designate a default gateway, select a gateway on the same local network as the Xstation. If the Xstation has more than one network connection, you can set a gateway for each network, however, when multiple gateways are defined, only one default gateway can be used.

The configured gateway is determined during the Xstation's boot process. If the Xstation is booted from a Token-Ring network, the Token-Ring gateway is selected; otherwise, the Ethernet gateway address is selected.

Subnet MASK

A network subnet mask is required for each gateway entry to tell the system what the subnet partitioning scheme is. This 4-byte mask, in dotted decimal format, consists of the Network Address portion and the Subnet Address portion of the Internet address. The Xstation uses the subnet mask to determine if the destination address is on the local network. If the destination address is not local, the Xstation directs the packet to the gateway. The gateway then forwards the packet.

Because Token Ring and Ethernet can run simultaneously, two login windows are required to access both networks without using a gateway.

Xstation NAME

Specifies the unique alphanumeric name that identifies the Xstation. The name can be up to 31 characters, and include the uppercase or lowercase letters a through z, the numbers 0 through 9, the - (dash) and the . (period) characters. The name can be a user name, such as

taylor, or a group name with a number appended, such as graphs-2.

Notes: The terminal name should not start with an uppercase or a lowercase o or x, followed by an octal or hexadecimal numeric. These characters are interpreted as octal or hexadecimal numbers, instead of as a terminal name. In the examples x3 and xE4, the 3 and the E4 are hexadecimal numerics. Also, the Xstation name must be known to the host system.

Hardware ADDRESS

Specifies the Local Area Network (LAN) hardware address of the Xstation. To obtain this number, power-on the Xstation and its display. When the power-on self-test completes, the hardware address appears on the LAN Statistics screen. Each Xstation adapter has a unique 6-byte hexadecimal address, in XXXXXXXXXXXX format.


Specifies whether or not the host is a primary boot server. A primary boot server responds immediately to a boot-protocol broadcast request from an Xstation; for other (secondary) boot servers, a delay time is imposed (see Secondary Server DELAY Time). Two options are valid: y if the server is a primary server, and n if the server is not a primary server. The default option is y.

Secondary Server DELAY Time

Specifies the number of seconds a secondary boot server must wait before answering a boot-protocol broadcast request. (The valid number for a primary server is 00, because there is no delay time.)

Use the List function to see the recommended range of values. Generally, a value less than the minimum value does not distinguish between a primary and secondary server, and a secondary server may be selected even when the primary server is available.

A value greater than the maximum value may lead to a time-out. A secondary server will respond to a broadcast, but will not respond to a direct request.

INPUT Device

Specifies the input device. Valid options are mouse or tablet. Use the List function to select the input device. The default option is mouse.

You can attach a 6093 tablet device (Model 11 or Model 12) to the Xstation serial port. A tablet uses absolute positioning as opposed to the relative positioning of a mouse, and cannot change the initial cursor location. The threshold and acceleration parameters of the xset command apply only to the mouse.

X Windows protocol supports five button signals from a mouse or tablet. Buttons 1, 2, and 3 correspond to the left, middle, and right buttons respectively. Button 4 is used as an event generating button. If required by specific application programs, button 5 sends the required messages. Buttons 6 through 16, if present, are disabled.

Tablet PORT

Specifies the serial port on an Xstation 130 to which the tablet is attached. Use the List function to select a value. The valid choices are: com1, com2, com3, and com4. The default value is com1.

Fixed DISK?

Specifies whether or not an Xstation 130 has a fixed disk installed. Two options are valid: y if there is a fixed disk and n if there is no fixed disk. The default option is n.

PIXMAPS to Fixed Disk?

Specifies whether the PIXMAPS are paged to the fixed disk. Two options are valid: y for yes and n for no. The default option is n.

Tablet PORT

Specifies the serial port on an Xstation 150 to which the tablet is attached. Use the List function to select a value. The valid choices are: none, T1, T2, S1, and S2. The default option is none.

FONTS file access method

Specifies the method to access the fonts files for an Xstation 130. Use the List function to select from a range of options. The default option is Use network only.

FILE access method

Specifies the method to access the font files for an Xstation 150. Use the List function to select from a range of options. The default option is x_st_mgrd.

Use network only

One of six methods to access the font files. This is the default method.

Use disk only

One of six methods to access the font files.

Try disk first, try network second

One of six methods to access the font files.

Try network first, try disk second

One of six methods to access the font files.

Try disk first, try network second and store to disk

One of six methods to access the font files.

Use most recent copy and update disk

One of six methods to access the font files.

BOOTFILE access method

Specifies how to access the bootfile for the Xstation 130. Use the List function to select from a range of options. The default option is Use network only.

XSERVER file access method

Specifies how to access the downloadable server file for the Xstation 150. Use the List function to select from a range of options. The default option is Base FLASH.

Use network only.

One of six methods to access the bootfile. This is the default method.

Use disk only.

One of six methods to access the bootfile.

Try disk first, try network second.

One of six methods to access the bootfile.

Try network first, try disk second.

One of six methods to access the bootfile.

Try disk first, try network second and store to disk.

One of six methods to access the bootfile.

Get from network and store to disk.

One of six methods to access the bootfile.

Hardware pan SHAPE

Specifies how the hardware pan feature is to be used. With hardware pan, the physical screen shows a portion of a larger base window whose size is dependent on the amount of video memory (VRAM) installed on the Xstation. When the cursor is moved past the edge of the display, the screen will automatically scroll in that direction, provided that it has not already reached the edge of the base window.

Use the List function to select an option. Valid options are none, square, horizontal, and vertical. The default value is none.

Note: The window size for panning is always a power of two. With minimum VRAM, expanding the window dimensions to a power of two may not leave enough memory to expand to the shape selected.

XDMCP mode

Selects the mode used by X Display Manager Control Protocol (XDMCP). XDMCP uses the xdm program to facilitate the connection of an Xstation to a remote host. XDMCP allows the user to turn an Xstation off and on and maintain an established connection to the remote host. Use the List function to select an option. Valid options are broadcast, direct, indirect, and off. The default option is off.

To send a message to the network and wait for an xdmcp host to respond, use the broadcast option. To direct a request to an xdmcp manager known to the Xstation, use the direct option. To send a request to an xdmcp manager that maintains a list of xdmcp hosts and have the manager assign an xdmcp host, use the indirect option. If you do not want XDMCP, use the off option.

xdmcp HOST

Specifies the name of the xdmcp host used for direct or indirect communication with the Xstation. Valid options are none or the name of an xdmcp host. The option none must be specified if XDMCP is not used or if broadcast mode is used. The name of an xdmcp host must be specified if mode is direct or indirect. The default option is none.


Sets the language used for system messages, the LANG environment variable. Use the List function to select an option.


Sets the keyboard layout for the xmodmap command. Use the List function to select an option.

Keyboard FILE

Specifies the name of the keyboard file. The default is `keyboard.' Some countries have a second keyboard file usually named `keyboard.alt'.

FONT for login window

Sets the font used in the login window. Use the List function to select an option.

LOCATION for login window

Sets the position of the login window on the display. Use the List function to select an option.

LPF key port

Specifies the serial port on an Xstation to which the LPF keys are attached. Use the List function to select an option. The valid options for an Xstation 130 are: none, com1, com2, com3, and com4. For an Xstation 120, the valid options are none and com1. The default option is none.

LPF key port

Specifies the serial port on an Xstation to which the LPF keys are attached. Use the List function to select an option. The valid options for an Xstation 150 are: none, T1, T2, S1, or S2. The default option is none.

Key Repeat RATE

Sets the rate, in characters per second, of automatically transmitted duplicate characters. Holding down any key will activate the typematic operation and the keyboard will continue to transmit duplicate characters until the key is released. The arrow keys will repeat at twice the speed of character keys, up to 30 characters per second. A value of 0 will disable the key repeat. The range of valid values is from 2 to 30. The default rate is 28.

Using Fonts

Font Path Setup

Customizes the font paths. Each font path consists of one or more entries that contain information telling where fonts are to be accessed. A font path is created for each network type, giving all Xstations using that network type access to the same fonts.

List Font Paths

Lists, for the current host, all elements of the font path for each network type.

Define a Xstation Manager accessed font directory

Adds an Xstation Manager accessed font directory to the specified Xstation Network TYPE Name.

Define a NFS/TFTP accessed font directory

Adds a NFS/TFTP accessed Font Directory to the specified Xstation Network TYPE Name.

Define a Network Font Server

Adds a Network Font Server to the specified Xstation Network TYPE Name.

Remove a Font Path Element

Removes a specified font path element from the specified network type name.


Specifies the name of the system to access for the font directory. Use the name associated with the appropriate network adapter. Use the IP address if a domain name server is not defined in the Xstation Network Type.


Specifies the number of the font server port. The default value is 7500.


Specifies the complete path to the directory that contains the fonts.

Font Path Element POSITION

Specifies where to insert this element in the font path. Valid options are numbers or the keyword "Last".

Xstation Network TYPE Name

Each Network Type name has its own fontpath consisting of one or more font path elements. Use the List function to view a list of Network Types and their Font Path Elements. To add this element to all Network Type names select ALL from the list. Font Path Elements added to all Network Type names always will be placed at the end of each font path.


Use the List function to select nfs or tftp as the method to access the font directory.


Network File System. Allows access to files and directories located on remote computers and treats those files and directories as if they were local.


Trivial File Transfer Protocol. Transfers files between hosts using minimal protocol.


Standard Xstation Manager Port.


Standard Font Server Port.


Specifies the number for the x_st_mgrd server port. this number must be in the /etc/services file.


Port used by this font path to access the fonts. This is either the Xstation Manager Daemon port or the font server port.


One of four options for Hardware pan SHAPE. By selecting none, you have opted not to use the hardware pan feature.


One of four options for Hardware pan SHAPE. By selecting square, you have set the hardware pan feature to move in both horizontal and vertical directions.


One of four options for Hardware pan SHAPE. By selecting horizontal, you have set the hardware pan feature to move only in a horizontal direction.


One of four options for Hardware pan SHAPE. By selecting vertical, you have set the hardware pan feature to move only in a vertical direction.

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