SMIT Help Information for HCON

Note: The information contained in this article is structured as help information for the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) and is not intended for general reading.

To add or remove an HCON user, specify the user login name to be added or removed. When you add a user, the name you specify must be a valid login name. When you remove a user, the name you specify must be that of a registered HCON user.

In order for HCON to establish a session with a host computer, it must have information about the user running the session and the session itself. The configuration of HCON provides this information.

For HCON to have the necessary information about a user you must, as a user with root user authority, register each HCON user. The users you register must already be valid users. When a user is registered, HCON stores the user's login ID in an Object Data Manager (ODM) database and creates ODM object classes in which to store the user's session profiles.

SMIT provides online help for the HCON administrative functions, which allow a user with root authority to add, remove, and list HCON users. In addition, using a shell procedure created by SMIT can be useful when you are defining the same users on more than one system.

In addition to being registered, each HCON user must have at least one session profile defined before using HCON. The HCON programs consult the profile for information about the host and options to use. HCON users can define session profiles for themselves. In addition, a user with root user authority has the option of defining session profiles for any HCON user. SMIT provides dialogs for each HCON session type, with the defaults inserted, and gives online help for creating session profiles. Also, using a shell procedure created by SMIT can be useful when you are defining similar profiles for more than one user.

Note: It is not advisable to use a : (colon) when entering information into SMIT text-entry fields. SMIT interprets a : (colon) as a field delimiter.

These functions allow a user with root authority to add, remove, and list HCON users.

Adds a user to HCON and sets the user's defaults to match the system defaults. The user must be a valid user and must not be already defined to HCON. You must have root authority to use this option.

Removes a specified HCON user and all of that user's HCON session profiles. You must have root authority to use this option.

Lists the login names of all users who have been defined to HCON. You must have root authority to use this option.

These functions allow you to add, reconfigure, remove, and list session profiles for the current user. A user with root authority can work with profiles belonging to any HCON user.

Modifies an existing HCON session profile belonging to the current user. If you have root authority, you can also use this option to modify a profile belonging to any HCON user.

Modifies the profile of a DFT display session.

Modifies the profile of an HIA display session.

Modifies the profile of a non-SNA DFT printer session.

Modifies the profile of a TCP/IP display session.

Removes a session profile for the current user. If you have root authority, you can also use this option to remove a profile belonging to any HCON user.

Displays all the characteristics of a specified session profile belonging to the current user. If you have root authority, you can also use this option to display the characteristics of a profile belonging to any HCON user.

Creates an HCON session profile for the current user. If you have root authority, you can also use this option to create a profile for any HCON user.

Lists the name and session use of all defined HCON session profiles belonging to the current user. If you have root authority, you can also use this option to list the profiles belonging to any HCON user.

These functions allow the user to start and stop the HCON daemon subsystem. With these functions, the user also can view session profile data and LU pooling information.

Starts the hcondmn and its related subsystem. The hcondmn subsystem must be active to use the emulator.

Stops the hcondmn and its related subsystem.

Displays the status of defined session profiles and active sessions for the current user. It also shows the current definition of active profiles. For the user with root authority, the display will show all the users on the system.

Displays the number of defined LUs and the number of active LUs, for each LU pool. This function also will display the total number of pools, defined LUs, and active LUs on the system.

Displays the status of each LU in the specified LU pool.

-w LUPrefix - Displays the status of each LU within the specified SNA LU pool. The LUPrefix variable specifies the prefix prepended to the LU address (02,03,04, ..., FE) that is part of the local LU profile name and the logical connection profile name. The LU prefix consists of an ASCII text string of 12 characters or less.

-I HostName - Specifies the host name to be used for the TCP/IP display session. The host name, which can be up to 255 characters in length, can be either the name of the host or a dotted-decimal Internet address. For example, if the host name, mikevm , has Internet address 123.45.678, then either mikevm or 123.45.678 can be used as HostName. A fully qualified host name such as is also valid. There is no default for the HostName variable.

The -I flag is valid only for TCP/IP sessions.

-P LocalPrinterName - Specifies the name of the local printer used by the emulator to service either print requests from the host or print-screen requests via the emulator PRINT key.

Display sessions allow users to emulate a 3278/79 display terminal connected to a mainframe host system. At the beginning of the session, it is as if the terminal had just been turned on. The user can log on to the host, run applications on the host, and transfer files between the local system and the host.

HCON supports four types of display sessions: DFT sessions, SNA standalone sessions, HIA sessions, and TCP/IP sessions. These sessions differ primarily in the type of device used to connect to the host computer. DFT display sessions use the 3270 Connection Adapter in Distributed Function Terminal (DFT) mode. SNA standalone sessions use a 4-Port Multiprotocol Communications Controller, X.25 Interface Co-Processor/2, or Token-Ring High-Performance Network Adapter along with the SNA Services software. HIA display sessions use the Host Interface Adapter (HIA).

Display sessions allow users to emulate a 3278/79 display terminal connected to a mainframe host system. At the beginning of the session, it is as if the terminal had just been turned on. The user can log on to the host, run applications on the host, and transfer files between the local system and the host.

HCON supports four types of display sessions: DFT sessions, SNA standalone sessions, HIA sessions, and TCP/IP sessions. These sessions differ primarily in the type of device used to connect to the host computer. DFT display sessions use the 3270 Connection Adapter in Distributed Function Terminal (DFT) mode. SNA standalone sessions use a 4-Port Multiprotocol Communications Controller, X.25 Interface Co-Processor/2, or Token-Ring High-Performance Network Adapter along with the SNA Services software. HIA display sessions use the Host Interface Adapter (HIA).

An HCON printer session allows a user to emulate a 3286/87 printer. With a printer session, an HCON user can print files from the host computer on a local printer or store these files in printable form in a file on the local system.

The two types of printer sessions supported by HCON are non-SNA DFT sessions and SNA standalone sessions. Non-SNA DFT sessions use the 3270 Connection Adapter in Distributed Function Terminal (DFT) mode.

HCON User Name

Specifies the logon name of the session owner for viewing, creating, modifying, or removing. The logon name specified must be a registered HCON user.

Session Name

Defines the session name. Each HCON session has a unique name, a single English alphabetic character. Uppercase letters are interpreted as lowercase letters. When defining a session, the name must not be the name of a previously defined session profile for the user.

The session name must be specified. Once the session has been defined, the session name cannot be changed. However, sessions that already exist can be reconfigured. The session name for new sessions defaults to the first available English alphabetic character. There is no default session name for reconfigure or remove session options.

Session Use

The session use, which is optional, is a string of up to 20 ASCII characters. It is intended to help identify the session profile. The string you enter for the session use is shown in the Operator Information Area (OIA) when a session is running and in lists of sessions produced using either SMIT or the lshconp command. The default for the session use is blank.


1. For SNA standalone sessions, to see both the SNA logical connection profile name and the session use characteristics in the OIA, use only 10 characters for session use and 5 characters for SNA logical connection profile or prefix.

2. It is not advisable to use a : (colon) when entering information into SMIT text-entry fields. SMIT interprets a : (colon) as a field delimiter.

Communications Device

Specifies the communication device name. The device name can be up to 10 characters. For distributed function terminal (DFT) displays and non-SNA DFT printer session profiles, the device name is the 3270 Connection Adapter device name (3270cX, where X is an integer from 0 through 7). For HIA display session profiles, the device name is hia0. This field is not used for a SNA standalone connection.

The communication device is defined either automatically during the first system start up after the device has been installed or manually using the smit devices command. A communication device does not have to be installed and configured to be specified in a session profile. However, it must be installed and configured before the HCON session can be run using the device name specified.

For DFT and HIA sessions, the communication device must not be omitted. The default is 3270c0 for DFT sessions or hia0 for HIA sessions.

Note: It is not advisable to use a : (colon) when entering information into SMIT text-entry fields. SMIT interprets a : (colon) as a field delimiter.

The SNA Logical Connection Profile

The SNA Services logical connection profile can be up to 14 characters, and is used by SNA Services to connect to the host. If LU pooling is desired, specify the Logical Connection Prefix followed by an * (asterisk), instead of the actual logical connection profile name.

Before running a SNA standalone session, define the SNA Services logical connection profile using smit sna. The LU address from the host configuration must match the Local LU address within the Local LU profile of the SNA Services profile. The LU type must be either 1, 2, or 3. Because there is no default, the SNA profile cannot be omitted for SNA standalone sessions.

Host Name

Specifies the name of the host that communicates with the emulator. This field is used for TCP/IP communication for a destination host IP address. The host name can be up to 255 characters in length. The name can be either the symbolic name of the host or a dotted-decimal Internet address. For example, if the host name, mikevm, has Internet address 123.45.678, then either mikevm or 123.45.678 can be used to specify the host name. A fully qualified host name such as is also valid.


Indicates the code page to be used for ASCII-EBCDIC translation. The default value is determined by the value of the LANG environment variable at the time that the user is registered as an HCON user. If the LANG variable is not set or has an invalid value, English (U.S.A.) is used as the default.

Keyboard Table

Specifies the file containing the keyboard-definition table to be used for the session. The table characteristic can be up to 1024 characters in length. The specified table tells HCON where emulator keys are mapped on the keyboard. For example, it tells HCON which key on the keyboard should act like the Clear key found on a 3278/79 display. The table is built using the keyboard-definition option in the hconutil command. The default table is the /usr/lib/hcon/e789_ktbl file, which is installed with HCON.

Color Table

Specifies the file containing the color definition table to be used for the session. The color table can be up to 1024 characters, The specified table tells the emulator the colors and attributes to be used for each 3270 field and character attribute. The table builds using the color definition option in the hconutil command. The default table is the /usr/lib/hcon/e789_ctbl file, installed with HCON.

Host Type

Specifies the type of operating system used by the mainframe host for the file transfer program and the API. Valid values include:

Value....Mainframe Operating System

TSO......MVS/TSO (default)





Note: HCON does not support a VSE host in a DBCS environment.

3270 Model (Rows by Columns)

Specifies the 3270 model to be emulated. The number of rows and columns is also displayed. Valid values include:

Value...3278/79 Model...Screen Size (Rows by Columns)

2.......2...............24 x 80 (default)

3.......3................32 x 80

4.......4.................43 x 80

5.......5.................27 x 132

Except on ASCII terminals, the emulator does not bring up a session unless the entire emulator screen fits on the physical display (or window). On ASCII terminals with a screen size of 24 rows by 80 columns, either row 24 or the OIA displays on the bottom row. The operator can switch between them using the DOIA emulator key.

If the display (or window) is larger than the specified model, the OIA displays on the last row, and the emulator screen displays in the upper leftmost corner of the screen (or window).

File Used by SAVES Key

Defines the save file name, which can be up to 1024 characters. When the SAVES key is pressed, the current screen is appended to the file identified by the save file name. The actual file name is the specified name followed by a . (period) and the session name.

For example, if /home/rps/save is specified as the file name and the name of the session is a, screen images are appended to the /home/rps/save.a file. The default name of the save file is $HOME/e789_saves.

File Used by REPLS Key

Defines the replace file, containing up to 1024 characters. When the REPLS key is pressed, the current screen is used to replace the contents of the file identified by the replace file name. The image replaces any data in the file, including previously saved screen images. The actual file name is the specified name concatenated with a . (period) and the session name.

For example, if /home/rps/replace is specified as the file name and the name of the session is a, the screen image is placed in the /home/rps/replace.a file. The default name of the replace file is $HOME/e789_repls.

Host Logon ID

Specifies a mainframe login name (up to eight characters) to be used by the file transfer program and API for automatic logons. The ID is also used by the HCON utility using the AUTOLOG facility. The default host login ID may be left blank.

Host File Transfer Program

Specifies the mainframe file transfer program name (up to eight characters). The default depends on the value of the LANG environment variable at the time the user is registered as an HCON user. If the LANG variable is not set or is not a valid value, the IND$FILE program is the default. This field is normally used in the DBCS countries where the file transfer program is APUVFILE.

The following table contains the default values for the host file transfer program for each of the supported value of the LANG environment variable:

Language...Value of LANG Variable...Default Host File Transfer Program

English...En_US, en_US...IND$FILE

Austrian-German...De_DE, de_DE...IND$FILE

Belgian/French/Dutch...Fr_BE, De_BE, de_BE, fr_BE, Nl_BE, nl_BE, Nl_NL, nl_NL...IND$FILE

Danish...Da_DK, da_DK...IND$FILE

Norwegian...No_NO, no_NO...IND$FILE

Finnish...Fi_FI, fi_FI...IND$FILE

Swiss-French...Fr_CH, fr_CH...IND$FILE

Swiss-German...De_CH, de_CH...IND$FILE

Swedish...Sv_SE, sv_SE...IND$FILE

Icelandic...Is_IS, is_IS...IND$FILE

Italian...It_IT, it_IT...IND$FILE

Japanese...Jp_JP, En_JP, en_JP, Ja_JP, ja_JP...APVUFILE


Traditional Chinese...zh_TW...APVUFILE

Portuguese...Pt_PT, pt_PT...IND$FILE

Spanish...Es_ES, es_ES...IND$FILE

English (U.K.)...En_GB, en_GB...IND$FILE

French...Fr_FR, fr_FR...IND$FILE

Canadian-French...Fr_CA, fr_CA...IND$FILE



File Transfer Direction

Indicates the direction most often used during file transfer. The value can be up or down. The down value is the default.

File Transfer Wait Period

Specifies the amount of time, in minutes, that the file transfer dfxfer background process waits for more file transfer requests. If the dfxfer process is running in implicit mode, the associated session remains logged on to the host during this period. If the wait period ends and no requests have been received, the dfxfer process disconnects from the session if running explicitly, or logs off the host and terminates the session if running implicitly.

The wait period must be a number of minutes up to 999. A value of 0 (zero) is the default and indicates that the dfxfer process should exit immediately after completing the last file transfer.

A value of 999 indicates that the dfxfer process should never terminate. For implicit file transfers, a value of 999 causes the associated session to remain logged on to the host indefinitely, or until the session is terminated.

File Transfer Recovery Time

Specifies the length of time, in minutes, that the file transfer dfxfer process attempts recovery during file transfer. The recovery time must be a number of minutes up to 999. The recovery time is only in effect when the file transfer process has performed an implicit logon to the host. A value of 0 (zero) is the default and indicates that no recovery should be performed.


Specifies the AUTOLOG profile to be used by the AUTOLOG facility. The ID can be up to 18 characters. An AUTOLOG profile is created using the genprof or hconutil command before an implicit logon using AUTOLOG is attempted by file transfer, an API program, or the HCON utility. The default AUTOLOG node ID is blank.


Specifies whether a trace is sent to standard output during an implicit host logon using AUTOLOG. The trace contains a listing of the AUTOLOG procedure followed by the status of each step executed during the logon process. Choose yes to issue a trace during implicit logons performed with AUTOLOG. The default value is no.


Specifies the maximum amount of time (up to 99 seconds) that the AUTOLOG facility waits for a specified prompt to be sent from the host system.

If the specified prompt is received before the timeout period completes, the AUTOLOG facility sends the specified input to the host and proceeds to the first of the next events. If the timeout period completes without receiving the prompt, the AUTOLOG facility proceeds to the next unsuccessful event number. The default value 0, indicates that the next step should be performed immediately.

Maximum I/O Buffer Size (Bytes)

Specifies the maximum size of the session communication buffer for file transfer and API operations. If size is larger than the buffer size specified during the configuration of the communication device, the file transfer or API application will receive an error indicating failure.

The maximum value that can be given for the I/O buffer size is 32767 bytes; the minimum is 2048 bytes. The default for the maximum I/O buffer size is 2048 bytes. The maximum I/O buffer size cannot exceed 3456 bytes when running a file transfer, API/API operation, or API/API_T operation through the pvm or passthru facility on the host system.

Warning: If an I/O buffer size of 3456 bytes is not used while the operation is going through the passthru or pvm facility, unknown results can occur, especially concerning program checks on the emulator.

Local Printer Name

Specifies the name of the local printer used by the emulator to service either print requests from the host or print-screen requests generated by way of the emulator's PRINT key. The local printer name can be up to 32 characters in length. The printer does not need previous set up when specified in a session profile. However, it must be set up before the HCON emulator is invoked with the session you are defining. The printer local name defaults to lp0.

The local printer name can be left blank. For printer sessions, either a local printer name or a file to store printer output must be specified, but not both.

File To Store Printer Output

Specifies the name of the file where printer output is stored instead of spooling it to a physical printer. The file name can be up to 1024 characters long.

The default printer output file is blank. For printer sessions, either a printer output file or a local printer name must be specified, but not both.

Controller Port Address

Specifies the logical port (two hexadecimal characters) where the coaxial cable from the 3270 Connection Adapter is attached to one of the following:

The session address from the host configuration must match the controller port address in hexadecimal notation. The range of port addresses is X'00' to X'1F', the corresponding values used in this field are 00 to 1F. For example, if the fifth session in the host is a printer session, then the local printer address in the HCON session profile must be X'04' (04). The 3270 connection adapter printer address must be configured with the same hexadecimal number. The adapter is configured using the smit devices command.

For non-SNA DFT printer sessions, the controller port address must not be left blank; the default is 00. For SNA printer sessions, this field is not used. Instead, the printer address is configured in the SNA profile.

Select Number of Emulator Sessions

Select the maximum number of sessions for use with HCON. Each time the maximum number of HCON sessions is exceeded, the system adds an entry in the /hconerrors log. You must have root authority to use this option.