SMIT Help Information for TCP/IP

Note: The information contained in this article is structured as help information for the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) and is not intended for general reading.


TCP/IP is a communications subsystem that allows you to set up local area and wide area networks.

TCP/IP provides facilities that make the computer system an Internet host that can attach to a network and communicate with other Internet hosts. TCP/IP includes commands and facilities that allow you to:

Transfer files between systems

Log in to remote systems

Run commands on remote systems

Print files on remote systems

Send electronic mail to remote users

Converse interactively with remote users

Manage a network.

Note: TCP/IP provides basic network management capability. The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) provides more network management commands and functions.

TCP/IP is a communications subsystem that allows you to set up local area and wide area networks.

TCP/IP provides facilities that make the computer system an Internet host that can attach to a network and communicate with other Internet hosts. TCP/IP includes commands and facilities that allow you to:

Transfer files between systems

Log in to remote systems

Run commands on remote systems

Print files on remote systems

Send electronic mail to remote users

Converse interactively with remote users

Manage a network.

Note: TCP/IP provides basic network management capability. The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) provides more network management commands and functions.

Minimum Configuration and Startup

Sets the required initial values for using TCP/IP on a host machine. These values are written to the configuration database. Also, allows you to add a hostname to the /etc/hosts file.

Internet address

Specify the full Internet address of the current machine using dotted decimal form ( Each network interface on the host should have a unique Internet address.

The Internet Protocol (IP) uses a 32-bit, two part address field. The 32 bits are divided into four octets as in the following:

01111101 00001101 01001001 00001111.

These binary numbers translate into:

125 13 73 15.

The two parts of an Internet address are the network address portion and the host address portion. This allows a remote host to specify both the remote network and the local host on the remote network when sending information. By convention, a host number of 0 is used to refer to the network itself.

Name Server

Contains Internet address and domain name, which reside in the /etc/resolv.conf file.

Internet address

Specify the full Internet address of the machine which performs name resolution for the current host. The address should be in dotted decimal form (

Start now?

Specify whether you want to invoke the rc.tcpip file to start the TCP/IP daemons configured there.

Further Configuration

Allows you to view and configure the hostname, static routes, network interfaces, and network services.


Internet addresses provide machines with an efficient means of identifying the source and destination of datagrams sent across an internetwork. But users prefer meaningful, easily remembered names. TCP/IP provides a machine naming system that supports both flat and hierarchical network organizations.

Set the Hostname

Gives the current machine a symbolic name. This symbolic name is used in name-to-address resolution. Name resolution can be accomplished using the /etc/hosts file or by using a name server.

Host name

Specify the host name you want to assign to the current machine. Enter the host name in the following format:


When specifying the host name, use ASCII characters, preferably alpha-numeric only. Do not use a . (period) as part of the hostname. Avoid using hexadecimal or decimal values as the first character (for example 3Comm, where 3C might be interpreted as a hexadecimal character). The unqualified host name should be less than 32 characters, for compatibility with older hosts.

If the host uses a domain name server for name resolution, the host name must contain the full domain name.

In the hierarchical domain naming system, names consist of a sequence of case-insensitive subnames separated by periods with no embedded blanks. The DOMAIN protocol specifies that a local domain name must be less than 64 characters, and that a host name must be less than 32 characters in length. The host name is given first. Optionally the full domain name can be specified; the host name is followed by a . (period), a series of local domain names separated by periods, and finally by the root domain. A fully specified domain name for a host, including periods, must be less than 255 characters in length and in the following form:


In a hierarchical network, certain hosts are designated as name servers which resolve names into Internet addresses for other hosts. This arrangement has two advantages over the flat name space: it keeps the resources of each host on the network from being tied up in resolving names, and it keeps the person who manages the system from having to maintain name resolution files on each machine on the network. The set of names managed by a single name server is known as its zone of authority.

Show the Hostname

Displays the symbolic name of the current machine. Output is in the following format:

Static Routes

A route defines a path for sending packets through the Internet network to an address on another network. A route defines the path segment from one host to a gateway that can forward packets to a destination, or from one gateway to another.

A static route is a path that is set up and maintained manually. Each time a route changes or needs to be added, the routing table must be manually updated.

Add a Static Route

Sets up a new static route entry to add to the kernel routing tables. You can specify whether to flush the routing table before adding the new route.

The policy to use for Multipath Routing. This policy determines which routes are selected when there are multiple routes to a single host or destination. The default is the Weighted Round-Robin policy.

If a policy is not specified when multipath routing is used, the MPR policy determines which policy is used.

The weight of the route to use for the Weighted policies with Multipath Routing. You can specify either Weighted Round-Robin or Weighted Random.

Flush routing table

Flush the routing table to delete all routes stored in the kernel routing table.

Flush routing table in the current running system

If you flush the routing table in the current running system, all routes stored in the kernel routing table will be deleted immediately.

Flush routing table in the configuration data base

If you flush the routing table in the configuration data base, all routes stored in the kernel routing table will be lost at the next system startup.

Network Interfaces

At each system startup, the system automatically configures the network interface device drivers and software based upon the information in the ODM database. The Internet address must be set for each interface that is configured. This is the only attribute that is required to be set by the user. All other necessary attributes have default values that can be customized.

Network Interface Selection

Allows you to view and customize the characteristics of a network interface. The characteristics are automatically loaded at each system restart using default values. The default values are loaded at the first system start. Customized values are stored and loaded at each subsequent system restart.

List All Network Interfaces

Displays a list of all possible interfaces from which to choose. Output is in one of the following formats:

enx, etx, trx, xtx, slx, sox

The trailing "x" takes the place of the number of that instance, for example en0, en1, tr0, sl1, sl2, sl3. Each network interface is on a separate line.

Add a Standard Ethernet Network Interface

Allows you to add a new standard Ethernet network interface for the current host.

Add an IEEE 802.3 Network Interface

Allows you to add a new IEEE 802.3 interface for the current host.

Add a Token-Ring Network Interface

Allows you to add a new Token-Ring network interface for the current host.

Add a Serial Line INTERNET Network Interface

Adds a new SLIP interface for asynchronous communication on the current host.

Add a Serial Optical Network Interface

Adds a new Serial Optical interface for the current host. If the serial optical device handler is not configured, SMIT configures it automatically. The processor ID of the device is set to the last octet of the network address (with the network mask applied) supplied by the user. If the device handler is configured, the processor ID must match the last octet of the network address.

If your system uses Serial Optical link to make a direct, point-to-point connection to another system or systems, special conditions apply. You must start the interfaces on the systems at approximately the same time, or a method error occurs. If you wish to connect to a machine on which the Serial Optical interface is already started, you need only start the Serial Optical interface on your machine and connect.

Add a 370 Channel Attach Network Interface

Adds a new 370 channel attach network interface for the current host.

Add a FDDI Network Interface

Adds a new FDDI network interface for the current host.

Available Network Interfaces

Change/Show a Standard Ethernet Interface

Provides options for customizing the characteristics of a standard Ethernet interface for the current host.

Change/Show an IEEE 802.3 Interface

Provides options for customizing the characteristics of an 802.3 interface for the current host.

Change/Show a Token-Ring Interface

Provides options for customizing the characteristics of a Token-Ring interface for the current host.

Change/Show a SLIP (Serial Line IP) Interface

Provides options for customizing the characteristics of a serial line interface protocol (SLIP) interface for the current host.

Change/Show a Serial Optical Interface

Provides options for customizing the characteristics of a serial optical interface for the current host. If you change the network address for this interface, you must first change the serial optical device handler processor ID to match the last octet of the new network address (with the network mask applied).

Network Interface Name

Specify the name of the network interface to change (i.e., tr0, sl1, lo0).

The chgif command, which is called by the chdev command (used by SMIT when changing interfaces), now checks to see if the /usr directory is remotely mounted before changing network interface information. If the /usr directory is remotely mounted, any changes made to the network interfaces take place only in the Object Data Manager (ODM) information database. To get the network interface changes to take affect, either restart the machine or use the ifconfig command to change the network interface information.

If you restart the system, the new information is read from the ODM database. If a restart is not desired, use the ifconfig command to make the network interface information take place immediately The system administrator of a system with a remotely mounted /usr directory should be very careful not to modify the interface, because the libraries, commands, and kernel reside in the /usr directory.

Internet Address

The Internet address of the network interface must be in dotted decimal form (

Subchannel Address

The Subchannel Address can be entered in decimal or hex and must fall within the range specified by the "CLAW Mode" field in the "Change/Show Characteristics of a 370 Parallel Channel Adapter" dialog. To specify a hex address, use the format "0xNN," where NN is the hex representation. The default value is represented in decimal.

Remove a Network Interface

Allows you to remove a network interface from the network interface list. Displays a list of network interfaces.

Available Network Interfaces

Network Interface Drivers

Allows you to view and customize the characteristics of a network interface device driver. The characteristics are automatically loaded at each system restart using default values. The default values are loaded at the first system start. Customized values are stored and loaded at each subsequent system restart.

Allows you to view and customize the characteristics of a network interface device driver. The characteristics are automatically loaded at each system restart using default values. The default values are loaded at the first system start. Customized values are stored and loaded at each subsequent system restart.

Allows you to view and customize the characteristics of a network interface device driver. The characteristics are automatically loaded at each system restart using default values. The default values are loaded at the first system start. Customized values are stored and loaded at each subsequent system restart.

Available Network Interfaces

Network Interface

The name of the interface to be changed.

Name Resolution

To resolve a name in a flat network, the resolver routine checks the /etc/hosts file for an entry that maps the name to an address. To resolve a name in a domain network, the resolver routine queries the domain name server database, which may be local if the host is a domain name server or may be on a foreign host. Name servers translate domain names into Internet addresses.

Domain Nameserver

Allows you to manipulate the /etc/resolv.conf file, which contains information on the name servers and domain names.

Restore a copy of /etc/resolv.conf file

Imports a name server configuration file into the /etc/resolv.conf file.

Full path name of file for creation of /etc/resolv.conf

Specify the full path name to use when restoring the /etc/resolv.conf file. The default entry is /etc/

Create a new /etc/resolv.conf file

Creates the /etc/resolv.conf file and allows you to specify name server address and domain name for the current host.

Nameserver Internet Address

Specify the Internet address of the name server host. The address must be entered in dotted decimal format (

Nameserver Internet address

Specify the Internet address of the name server you want to remove in dotted decimal form ( You must specify an existing Internet address from the /etc/hosts file.

Stop Using a Nameserver

Allows you to remove the /etc/resolv.conf file. You can rename the file or, if you do not specify a file name, the default file name of /etc/ is used for renaming. Saving the file lets you later call up the file for reference or reuse.

Full path name of file to save /etc/resolv.conf

Specify the full path name for to use when renaming the /etc/resolv.conf file. The default entry is /etc/

Set/Show the Domain

Allows you to display and set the domain entry in the /etc/resolv.conf file. If the domain entry does not exist, it will be added. If the domain entry does exist, the name will be changed.

Hosts Table (/etc/hosts)

The /etc/hosts file contains the Internet Protocol (IP) host names and addresses for the local host and other hosts in the Internet network. This file is used to resolve a name into an address (that is, to translate a host name into its Internet address). When your system is using a name server, the file is accessed only if the name server cannot resolve the host name.

Add a Host

To communicate with other systems in the network, you identify those systems by supplying their names and Internet addresses to the /etc/hosts file. A host list is used to exchange e-mail (electronic mail) and data with other systems. A host list can be stored locally on each system in the network, or a central host list can be stored on a network name server for use by all systems in the network.

When a system sends a request to communicate with another system, the name server checks this centrally maintained host list and responds with the address of the requested system.

If your network uses a name server, add the host name for the name server and any host systems not listed on the name server; otherwise, you must construct a local host list that identifies each host system in the network that you want to communicate with.

Change/Show Characteristics of a Host

Presents a list of all host entries. You must specify a host entry to show/change by entering that host's Internet address. You can change the Internet address or the host name for a host entry. Uses a name select to specify the host to change.

Current INTERNET address

Specifies the current Internet address of the host.


If you want to change the Internet address of the host entry, enter the new Internet address in dotted decimal form (

Host name

If you want to change the host name and aliases of the host entry, specify the new host name and aliases. Separate multiple names with blanks (that is, alpha bravo charlie). A host name can contain up to 255 characters and must use no blank characters.


Remove a Host

Allows you to remove a host entry by entering that host's Internet address.

Host Name or INTERNET Address (dotted decimal)

Specify the Internet address of the host. Enter the address in dotted decimal form ( You can also press List to get a list of internet addresses.

Client Network Services

Allows you to view and set up name resolution, arp tables, and the following daemons: inetd, syslogd, routed, gated, named, timed, rwhod and portmap.

Services (/etc/services)

Allows you to view, add, delete or change internet services.

List All Services

Allows you to view all internet services.

Add a Service

Allows you to add an internet service.

Change/Show Characteristics of a Service

Presents a list of all service entries. You must specify a service entry to show/change by entering that service's Internet name.

Internet Service Name

Enter the service name and protocol type separated by a space. Use the List function to get a list of available choices (for example, ftp tcp).

Old Internet service name

Specify the name of the server you want to change.

Old protocol

Specify the Internet transport protocol the server currently uses:

tcp: Transmission Control Protocol.

udp: User Datagram Protocol.

New Internet service name

Specify the new name of the server.

New protocol

Specify the Internet transport protocol the server will use:

tcp: Transmission Control Protocol.

udp: User Datagram Protocol.

Syslogd (information only)

The syslogd daemon reads a datagram socket and logs each message line into a set of files described by the /etc/syslog.conf configuration file. The syslogd daemon reads the /etc/syslog.conf file upon starting up and upon receiving a hang-up signal.

Protocols (information only)

The protocols file contains information about the known protocols used in the DARPA Internet. Each protocol is represented by a single line in the protocols file. Each entry is of the form:

Name      Number      Aliases

The fields contain the following information:

Name: Official Internet Protocol name.

Number: Protocol number.

Aliases: Unofficial names used for the protocol.

Items on a line are separated by one or more blanks or tab characters. Comments begin with the # (pound sign), and routines that search the protocols file do not interpret characters from the beginning of a comment to the end of the line. A protocol name can contain any printable character except a field delimiter, new line character, or comment character.

The lines appear as follows:

ip - 0 - #dummy for IP
icmp - 1 - #control message protocol
#ggp - 2 - #gateway^2 (not normally used)
tcp - 6 - #tcp
#egp - 8 - #exterior gateway protocol
#pup - 12 - #pup
udp - 17 - #user datagram protocol
#idp - 22 - #xns idp

Server Network Services

Allows you to view and set up services such as remote access, remote printing, inetd services, PTY configuration, and arp tables.

Remote Access

Provides options through which you can manipulate entries in the /etc/hosts.equiv file for foreign hosts. This file contains entries for foreign hosts that can execute commands on the local host. The file is used by the rlogind, rshd, and lpd daemons.

Also provides options through which you can manipulate entries in the /etc/ftpusers file. This file contains entries for local users that cannot be used by remote ftp clients.

Host Access (/etc/host.equiv)

The /etc/hosts.equiv file defines which remote hosts are permitted to execute certain commands on the local host without supplying a password.

List All Remote Hosts

Displays the list of host names contained in the /etc/hosts.equiv file. Output is in the following format:


Each host is listed on a different line. Hosts using a domain naming system will be listed with their full domain name.

Remove a Remote Host

Allows you to delete a foreign host name from the list of names in the /etc/hosts.equiv file. Displays a list of available host names from which to choose.

Restrict File Transfer Program Users (/etc/ftpusers)

Manipulates the /etc/ftpusers file. This file contains entries for local users that cannot be used by remote ftp clients.

Show All Restricted Users

Displays the list of user names contained in the /etc/ftpusers file. Output is in the following format:


Each user is listed on a separate line.

Remove a Restricted User

Allows you to delete a user name from the list of names in the /etc/ftpusers file. Displays a list of available user names from which to choose.

Other Available Services

Allows you to view and set up configuration values for the inetd daemon and its servers, the syslogd daemon, the routed daemon, the gated daemon, the named daemon, the timed daemon, the rwhod daemon, and the portmap daemon.

Super Daemon (inetd)

The inetd subsystem provides Internet service management for a network. The inetd subsystem controls several inetd subservers.

inetd Subsystem

Allows you to manipulate the inetd subsystem.

Start Using the inetd Subsystem

Allows you to specify when to start the inetd subsystem.


Next System RESTART

BOTH Now and at System Restart

Start Using the xxxxxx Subsystem

Stop Using the xxxxxx Subsystem

A majority of the TCP/IP subsystems let you specify when the system should perform the requested action. The three options given are:

system restart - Makes necessary changes to the system so changes occur on the next system restart.

now - Makes requested changes immediately, but makes no permanent changes to the system.

both - Combines the system restart and now options so that changes requested take place immediately and for every subsequent system restart.

A majority of the TCP/IP subsystems let you specify when the system should perform the requested action. The three options given are:

system restart - Makes necessary changes to the system so changes occur on the next system restart.

now - Makes requested changes immediately, but makes no permanent changes to the system.

both - Combines the system restart and now options so that changes requested take place immediately and for every subsequent system restart.

A majority of the TCP/IP subsystems let you specify when the system should perform the requested action. The three options given are:

system restart - Makes necessary changes to the system so changes occur on the next system restart.

now - Makes requested changes immediately, but makes no permanent changes to the system.

both - Combines the system restart and now options so that changes requested take place immediately and for every subsequent system restart.

A majority of the TCP/IP subsystems let you specify when the system should perform the requested action. The three options given are:

system restart - Makes necessary changes to the system so changes occur on the next system restart.

now - Makes requested changes immediately, but makes no permanent changes to the system.

both - Combines the system restart and now options so that changes requested take place immediately and for every subsequent system restart.

A majority of the TCP/IP subsystems let you specify when the system should perform the requested action. The three options given are:

system restart - Makes necessary changes to the system so changes occur on the next system restart.

now - Makes requested changes immediately, but makes no permanent changes to the system.

both - Combines the system restart and now options so that changes requested take place immediately and for every subsequent system restart.

A majority of the TCP/IP subsystems let you specify when the system should perform the requested action. The three options given are:

system restart - Makes necessary changes to the system so changes occur on the next system restart.

now - Makes requested changes immediately, but makes no permanent changes to the system.

both - Combines the system restart and now options so that changes requested take place immediately and for every subsequent system restart.

Stop Using the inetd Subsystem

Provides a way to specify when to stop the inetd subsystem.


Next System RESTART

BOTH Now and at System Restart

List All inetd Subservers

Outputs a list of all possible inetd subservers for installation on the current host. Output displays the service name, socket type, protocol, wait/Nowait value, user name, server program, and server program argument.

The fields in the output are:

Service name: displays the official Internet name of the service.

Socket type: displays the name for the type of socket used for the service. The socket type is either stream or datagram.

Protocol: displays the name of the Internet protocol the service uses. The protocols are either tcp or udp.

Wait/Nowait: indicates either the wait or the nowait instruction for datagram sockets and the nowait instruction for stream sockets. The Wait/Nowait field determines whether the inetd daemon waits for a datagram server to release the socket before continuing to listen at the socket.

User: specifies the user name that the inetd daemon should use to start the server. This variable allows a server to be given less permission than the root user.

Server program: specifies the full path name of the server that the inetd daemon should execute to provide the service.

Server program argument: Specifies the command line arguments that the inetd daemon should use to execute the server. These arguments begin with the name of the server used.

Each subserver is listed on a separate line.

Add an inetd Subserver

Adds a new subserver to be controlled by the inetd daemon.

Internet service name

Specify the name of an Internet server. This name must be identical to the first entry on the line that describes the server in the /etc/services file.

Change/Show Characteristics of an inetd Subserver

Provides for changing the characteristics of a configured inetd subserver.

Internet service name to change

Specify the name of the server you will be changing.

New Internet service name

Specify the new name of the server.


Indicate the Internet transport protocol the subserver will use. Your choices are:

tcp: Transmission Control Protocol.

udp: User Datagram Protocol.

The default entry is tcp.

Syslogd Subsystem

Start Using the syslogd Subsystem

Allows you to specify when to start the syslogd subsystem.


Next System RESTART


Change/Show Restart Characteristics of the syslogd Subsystem

Allows you to view and change the restart characteristics of the syslogd subsystem.

Stop Using the syslogd Subsystem

Provides a way to specify when to stop the syslogd subsystem.


Next System RESTART


routed Subsystem

The routed daemon manages the network routing tables in the kernel.

Unlike the gated daemon which supports all TCP/IP gateway protocols, the routed daemon only implements the Routing Information Protocol (RIP). Do not use the routed daemon when Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP), Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), or Defense Communications Network Local-Network Protocol (HELLO) routing is needed. Use the gated daemon for these protocols.

Warning: Do not run the routed daemon and the gated daemon together on the same host.

Start Using the routed Subsystem

Allows you to specify when to start the routed subsystem.

Warning: Do not run the routed daemon and the gated daemon together on the same host.


Next System RESTART


Change/Show Restart Characteristics of the routed Subsystem

Allows you to view and change the restart characteristics of the routed subsystem.

Do not run the routed daemon and the gated daemon together on the same host.

Host Acting as a GATEWAY

If you set up the routed daemon to run on a gateway host, you set the host as an Internetwork router to offer a route to the default destination. The default is to turn the gateway function off.

SUPPRESS sending routing information

If you suppress sending routing information, you set the routed daemon to quiet mode. This prevents the routed daemon from supplying routing information, regardless of whether it is functioning as an internetwork router. You should suppress sending routing information if running the routed daemon on a nongateway host. The default is to suppress sending routing information.

Do not set the routed daemon to both suppress sending routing information and to send routing information.

DO send routing information

If you set the daemon to send routing information, you cause the routed daemon to supply routing information regardless of whether it is functioning as an internetwork router. This sets the routed daemon to supply mode. The default is to suppress sending routing information.

Do not set the routed daemon to both suppress sending routing information and to send routing information.

Write all packets sent and received to STDOUT

If you log all packets, you can choose to write the information to standard output. The default is to not write the log to standard output.

Stop Using the routed Subsystem

Provides a way to specify when to stop the routed subsystem.


Next System RESTART


gated Subsystem

The gated subsystem handles multiple routing protocols, including the Routing Information Protocol (RIP), the Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP), and the Defense Communications Network Local-Network Protocol (HELLO). In addition, the gated subsystem supports the Simple Network Monitoring Protocol (SNMP). The gated process can be configured to perform all of these protocols or any combination of the four. The configuration file for the gated daemon is the /etc/gated.conf. The gated subsystem stores its process ID in the /etc/gated/pid file.

Warning: Do not run the gated daemon and the routed daemon together on the same host.

Start Using the gated Subsystem

Allows you to specify when to start the gated subsystem.

Warning: Do not run the gated daemon and the routed daemon together on the same host.


Next System RESTART


Change/Show Restart Characteristics of the gated Subsystem

Allows you to view and change the restart characteristics of the gated subsystem.

Do not run the gated daemon and the routed daemon together on the same host.

TRACE all routing updates

No matter which protocol(s) you are using, you can set the gated daemon to log all updates to the routing table. The default is to turn this off.

Stop Using the gated Subsystem

Provides a way to specify when to stop the gated subsystem.


Next System RESTART


named Subsystem

The named daemon is the server for the Domain Name Protocol (DOMAIN). The named daemon runs on name server hosts, controls the domain name resolution function, and listens for name server requests generated by resolver routines running on foreign hosts.

Start Using the named Subsystem

Allows you to specify when to start the named subsystem.


Next System RESTART


Change/Show Restart Characteristics of the named Subsystem

Allows you to view and change the restart characteristics of the named subsystem.

Stop Using the named Subsystem

Provides a way to specify when to stop the named subsystem.


Next System RESTART


rwhod Subsystem

The rwhod subsystem maintains the database used by the rwho and ruptime commands. Once started, the rwhod daemon operates as both producer and consumer of status information.

As a producer of status information, the rwhod daemon queries the state of the local host approximately every 3 minutes. It then constructs status messages and broadcasts them to the local network.

As a consumer of status information, the rwhod daemon listens for status messages from rwhod servers on remote hosts. When the rwhod daemon receives a status message, it validates the received status message. It then records the message in the /usr/spool/rwho directory. (The rwho and ruptime commands use the files in the /usr/spool/rwho directory to generate their status listings.)

Start Using the rwhod Subsystem

Allows you to specify when to start the rwhod subsystem.


Next System RESTART


Stop Using the rwhod Subsystem

Provides a way to specify when to stop the rwhod subsystem.


Next System RESTART


timed Subsystem

The timed daemon synchronizes one machine's clock with those of other machines on the local area network that are also running the timed daemon. The timed daemon slows the clocks of some machines and speeds up the clocks on other machines to create an average network time.

The timed command is based on a master-slave scheme. When the timed daemon is started on a machine, it asks the master timed daemon for the network time and sets the machine's clock to that time. After that, the machine accepts synchronization messages periodically sent by the master and calls the adjtime subroutine to perform the needed corrections on the machine's clock.

The timed daemon also communicates with the date command in order to set the date globally. The daemon also communicates with the timedc command. If the machine running the master ceases to function, then a machine that is running the timed daemon with the -M flag becomes the new master timed daemon.

Start Using the timed Subsystem

Allows you to specify when to start the timed subsystem.


Next System RESTART


Change/Show Restart Characteristics of the timed Subsystem

Allows you to view and change the restart characteristics of the timed subsystem.

Stop Using the timed Subsystem

Provides a way to specify when to stop the timed subsystem.


Next System RESTART


portmap Subsystem (information only)

The portmap daemon converts RPC program numbers into Internet port numbers.

When an RPC server starts up, it registers with the portmap daemon. The server tells the daemon which port number it is listening to and which RPC program numbers it serves. Thus, the portmap daemon knows the location of every registered port on the host and which programs are available on each of these ports.

Since standard RPC servers are normally started by the inetd daemon, the portmap daemon must be started before the inetd daemon is invoked.

Note: If the portmap daemon is stopped or comes to an abnormal end, all RPC servers on the host must be restarted.

The portmap daemon is a subsystem that can be controlled by the System Resource Controller (SRC).

To start the portmap daemon, enter this command:

startsrc -s portmap


Provides support for a pseudo-terminal, which functions as a keyboard and display device to software.

Routing (information only)

Name Server (information only)

Arp Tables (information only)

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) tables contain the maps for Internet addresses to hardware addresses. These tables are maintained by the kernel and are available for viewing.

Manage Print Server

Select BSD style rc Configuration

The BSD style configuration uses the traditional ifconfig command, and it uses the /etc/rc.bsdnet file to configure the corresponding interface. The &Symbol.AIX; style configuration uses the ODM database and the /etc/ file to define, load, and configure the corresponding interface.

Select BSD style rc Configuration

The BSD style configuration uses the traditional ifconfig command, and it uses the /etc/rc.bsdnet file to configure the corresponding interface. The &Symbol.AIX; style configuration uses the ODM database and the /etc/ file to define, load, and configure the corresponding interface.

Use BSD style rc Configuration

Specify yes for BSD style configuration, using the /etc/rc.bsdnet file, and specify no for &Symbol.AIX; style configuration, using the /etc/ file.

The two types of routing are static and dynamic. Static routing works well for a smaller system because the routing table probably will not require much updating. But dynamic routing works better for larger systems. The routing daemon automatically updates the routing table whenever new information is received.

In addition, dynamic routing can be set to passive or active mode. In passive mode, the daemon waits for routing information from other gateways and then updates the routing table. In active mode, the daemon also broadcasts its own routing information to other gateways.

You may decide to use a combination of static routing and dynamic routing. That is, you might want to give static definitions to some particular paths in the /etc/gateways file if you are using the routed daemon, or in the /etc/gated.conf file if you are using the gated daemon, while allowing other paths to be updated by the daemons. The static routes you create are not advertised to other gateways and will not be updated by the routing daemons. Static routes require manual updating.

If Using Dynamic Routing

Dynamic routing is a good idea for larger networks or larger autonomous systems. You might decide to use dynamic routing because you have a large autonomous system with several gateways and many hosts. If you are connected to different types of networks, you probably Token-Ring also have different types of protocols. The daemon you choose is important. Choose the routing daemon you use according to the type of gateway you need and the protocols your gateway is required to support.

Consider the Protocols to Use

Interior gateways use the HELLO Protocol (HELLO) and Routing Information Protocol (RIP).

Exterior gateways use the Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP).

Choose a Daemon to Use

The two routing daemons in TCP/IP are the routed and gated daemons. The two daemons cannot be run together on the same gateway.

The gated daemon supports the Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP), the Border Gateway Protocol, the HELLO Protocol (HELLO), the Routing Information Protocol (RIP), and the Simple Network Monitoring Protocol (SNMP). By using the gated daemon your gateway can communicate with interior gateways and with exterior gateways. If you use the EGP or BGP, you should obtain an autonomous system number from Internet for your gateway. Also, find out who your EGP neighbors or BGP peers are.

Note: SNMP is not a routing protocol; it is used to change or show management information for a network element from a remote host.

Through System Resource Control (SRC), the gated daemon can run in active or passive mode, trace packets sent and received, and log debugging information.

The routed daemon supports the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) only. By using the routed daemon your gateway can communicate with other interior gateways within the autonomous system, but not with exterior gateways outside the autonomous system. Through SRC, the routed daemon can run in active or passive mode, trace packets sent and received, and log debugging information.

Configure the Daemon

Set up the daemons by altering the appropriate configuration files.

Select a network interface. A network interface is a software program that makes a logical connection between computers on a network. Abbreviations for interface types are en for Standard Ethernet, et for IEEE 802.3 Ethernet, tr for Token-Ring, xt for X.25, sl for Serial Line IP, so for Serial Optical, and lo for loopback. A numeral after an abbreviation identifies a specific interface.

If the host uses multiple network interfaces, specify the interface for this Internet address. Abbreviations for the interfaces include: en for Standard Ethernet, et for IEEE 802.3 Ethernet, tr for Token-Ring, xt for X.25, sl for Serial Line IP, so for Serial Optical, and lo for loopback. Include a numeral after the abbreviation to identify the specific interface. Entries should be in the following form:

Change/Show Characteristics of a Network Interface Driver

Allows you to view and change the characteristics of a specific network interface driver. Specify from a list the driver you want to change, then change those characteristics to customize the network interface driver.

X.25: 60 through 2048

Maximum IP packet size for remote transmission

Valid ranges for maximum IP packet size for each network interface driver are:

Ethernet: 60 through 1500

802.3: 60 through 1492

Token-Ring: 60 through 1500

X.25: 60 through 1024

SLIP: 60 through 1500.

Add an X.25 Interface

Allows you to add a new X.25 wide area network interface for the current host.

Change/Show an X.25 Interface

Allows you to customize the characteristics for an X.25 interface for the current host.

Enter the string used to call up the destination for this serial line IP connection.

IP/X.25 Host Configuration

Allows you to update the translation table for mapping IP addresses to X.25 virtual circuits.

Add an IP/X.25 Host Entry

Adds a host entry to the IP/X.25 translation table and allows the establishment of virtual circuits.

When a pair of logical channels are assigned to a call, a virtual circuit is established. The virtual circuit may be either switched or permanent. A virtual circuit that exists for the duration of the call is called a switched virtual circuit (SVC). On some networks, you can establish a permanent virtual circuit (PVC) between two addresses, to save time in establishing calls. This gives you a permanent connection to the destination. A PVC does, however, tie up a logical channel permanently.

Add a Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC) IP/X.25 Host Entry

Allows you to add a PVC host entry to the IP/X.25 translation table.

A permanent virtual circuit is a pair of logical channels that sets up a permanent connection which remains open for ad hoc usage. By contrast, a switched virtual circuit exists only for the duration of the call.


Specify the host name to add to the translation table.

Logical Channel Number

Specify the X.25 logical channel to be used for the PVC. Valid values are 1 through 4095.

Add a Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) IP/X.25 Host Entry

Allows you to add an SVC host entry to the IP/X.25 translation table.

A switched virtual circuit is a pair of logical channels that exists only for the duration of the call. By contrast, a permanent virtual circuit sets up a permanent connection which remains open for specific usage.

Remote DTE address

The DTE (data terminal equipment) is the host that sends and receives data. Specify the X.25 address of the remote DTE. Valid values are 1 to 15 ASCII decimal digits (X.121 address). Valid characters are 0 through 9.

Port number

Specify the port number (adapter number) to be used by the SVC. Valid values are 0 through 3.

Each X.25 adapter you have installed is defined as a device. Specifically, this adapter is an X.25 port set up in the /dev file.

Received data packet size

Specify the maximum receive packet size to be used with the virtual circuit. The received data packet size refers to the size of the packets the calling DTE wants to receive from the called DTE. Valid values are 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096.

Transmitted data packet size

Specify the maximum transmit packet size to be used with the virtual circuit. The transmitted data packet size refers to the size of the packets the calling DTE wants to transmit to the called DTE. Valid values are 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096.

Received data window size

Specify the maximum receive window size to be used with the virtual circuit. The received data window size refers to the window size for data sent between the DTEs. Valid values are 1 through 127.

Transmitted data window size

Specify the maximum transmit window size to be used with the virtual circuit. The transmitted data window size refers to the window size sent between the DTEs. Valid values are 1 through 127.

Closed user group selection

Specify the closed user group index to be used with the closed user group facility. Valid values are 0 through 9999.

A closed user group (CUG) is a subgroup of users that is assigned to an optional facility that enables a member of one subgroup to communicate only with other members of the subgroup. A DTE can belong to more than one closed user group.

Closed user group with outgoing access selection

Specify the closed user group index to be used with the closed user group outgoing access facility. Valid values are 0 through 9999.

A closed user group (CUG) is a subgroup of users that is assigned to an optional facility that enables a member of one subgroup to communicate only with other members of the subgroup. A DTE can belong to more than one closed user group.

Recognized private operating agency (RPOA)

Specify the data network identification code or codes identifying a requested RPOA transit network. Valid values are 4 ASCII digits, digit values 0 through 9. Up to 10 groups of 4 may be specified.

User-defined facilities and call user data

Specify the optional user-defined facilities to be used in the call request packet. Valid values are 1 through 16 HEX digits, digit values 0 (zero) through F.

Change/Show an IP/X.25 Host Entry

Indicate the type of IP/X.25 Host Entry to change/show. A PVC (permanent virtual circuit) is a pair of logical channels that sets up a permanent connection which remains open for ad hoc usage. An SVC (switched virtual circuit) is a pair of logical channels that exists only for the duration of the call.

Change/Show a Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC) IP/X.25 Host Entry

Allows you to change or show a PVC host entry in the IP/X.25 translation table. A permanent virtual circuit is a pair of logical channels that sets up a permanent connection which remains open for specific usage. By contrast, a switched virtual circuit exists only for the duration of the call.

Change/Show a Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) IP/X.25 Host Entry

Allows you to change or show an SVC host entry in the IP/X.25 translation table. A switched virtual circuit is a pair of logical channels that exists only for the duration of the call. By contrast, a permanent virtual circuit sets up a permanent connection which remains open for specific usage.

Remove an IP/X.25 Host Entry

Specify an IP/X.25 Host Entry to remove from the IP/X.25 translation table.

Remote Print Queues

Official Internet service name

Specify the Internet name for the server you want to remove.

Transport protocol

Specify the transport protocol used by the server. Your choices are:

tcp: Transmission Control Protocol.

udp: User Datagram Protocol.

Internet Service Name

Remote Printer Subsystem

Specify Remote Printer Subsystem to configure remote or local print queues, print queue devices, remote hosts, the lpd subsystem, or virtual printers.

Configure a Primary Name Server

Configure a primary name server according to the following steps:

Edit the /etc/named.boot file. If there is no named.boot file in the /etc directory, copy the /usr/samples/tcpip/named.boot sample file into the /etc directory and edit it. Refer to the "named.boot file format for TCP/IP " for more information and a detailed example of a boot file.

This file is read each time the named daemon starts. It tells the server what type of server it is, the zone for which it is responsible, and where to get its initial information.

Note: Include lines for each zone for which the name server is primary.

Edit the /etc/ file. Refer to the TCP/IP Domain Cache file format for more information and a detailed example of a cache file.

Note: All lines in this file must be in Standard Resource Record Format.

Edit the /etc/named.local file. See the "DOMAIN Local Data file format for TCP/IP" for more information and a detailed example of a local data file.

Note: All lines in this file must be in Standard Resource Record Format.

Edit the /etc/ file. The /usr/lpp/tcpip/samples/hosts.awk file contains directions for creating the /etc/ file. Use the /usr/lpp/tcpip/samples/ sample file as an example when creating the /etc/ file. See the "DOMAIN Data file format for TCP/IP" for more information and an example of a hosts data file.

Edit the /etc/named.rev file. The /usr/lpp/tcpip/samples/addrs.awk file contains directions for creating the /etc/named.rev file. See the "DOMAIN Reverse Data file format for TCP/IP" for more information and a detailed example of a reverse hosts data file.

Note: The presence of this file indicates that the host should use a name server, not the /etc/hosts file, for name resolution. This file should exist on a name server host but should be empty.

Perform one of the following steps:


Allows you to set up the dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) application. DHCP enables your system to attempt to get the TCP/IP configuration and startup parameters from a server on the network.

Sets or shows the search list parameter located in the /etc/resolv.conf file.

Removes the search list parameter from the /etc/resolv.conf file.

Provides access to start and stop the SNMP daemon (snmpd) subsystem.

Starts the snmpd subsystem using the startsrc command.

Stops the snmpd subsystem using the stopsrc command.

Provides access to start and stop the DHCP server program (dhcpsd) subsystem.

Starts the dhcpsd subsystem using the startsrc command.

Stops the dhcpsd subsystem using the stopsrc command.

Provides access to start and stop the DHCP client daemon (dhcpcd) subsystem.

Starts the dhcpcd subsystem using the startsrc command.

Stops the dhcpcd subsystem using the stopsrc command.

Starts the TCP/IP daemons that are configured in the /etc/rc.tcpip file.

Select the interface that you wish to configure with DHCP. Select any to try to use the first interface DHCP successfully configures.

The interface you have selected for DHCP to configure.

The server to receive the request for parameters.

The subnet mask for this interface.

The broadcast address for this interface.

A space-delimited set of numbers used to receive vendor-specific information. This information is not necessary.

A list of all request parameters. Do not complete this field. The DHCP client daemon will provide this information to the server.

An ASCII string that can be used as a message to the DHCP server.

Do not specify a value in this field. The DHCP client usually provides the maximum DHCP message size.

Provides access to start and stop the DHCP relay agent program (dhcprd) subsystem.

Starts the dhcprd subsystem using the startsrc command.

Stops the dhcprd subsystem using the stopsrc command.

Select when to start using DHCP. If you are going to configure more then one interface, select Not Now. This will not modify the /etc/, /etc/rc.bsdnet, and /etc/rc.tcpip files. If you need to start using DHCP later, go to the Start Using the dhcpcd Subsystem SMIT menu (the fast path is smit stdhcpcd).


Add an ATM interface

Allows you to add a new ATM Classical IP network interface for the current host.

Network Interface

Specify the name of the network interface that you are adding. The interface name for the ATM Classical IP network interface is atN, where N is a decimal number (for example, at1). Normally, the interface and the device that is associated with that interface contain the same number in their names. For example, the at0 interface usually is associated with the atm0 device. When a device is associated with multiple interfaces, only one of the interfaces can contain the same number as the device. For example, the at1 and at2 interfaces can be configured on top of the atm1 device. Refer to the Alternate Device field on this menu to make sure that the interface name and the device name are specified according to your own needs. A valid interface name is required for this field..

PVC for IP over ATM

Allows you to list, add, change, and remove PVCs (Permanent Virtual Connections) for the ATM Classical IP network interfaces.

List PVCs

Displays a list of all previously defined PVCs for the ATM Classical IP network interfaces.

Add PVCs

Allows you to define a new PVC. The new PVC is added to the list of existing PVCs.

Change/Show PVCs

Allows you to show and modify the characteristics of a PVC from a list of the PVCs for the ATM Classical IP network interfaces. Characteristics of PVCs are loaded automatically at each system restart using values set in the configuration database.

Remove PVCs

Allows you to remove an existing PVC from a list of the PVCs for the ATM Classical IP network interfaces.

Available PVCs

Select a PVC from the list.

Network Interface

Specify the network interface associated with this PVC (for example, at0). If you defined the Destination IP address for the PVC, this field is optional.

mtu size

Specify the maximum IP packet size for this ATM network interface. You can specify a numeric value from 1 through 65528.

Turboways ATM Adapter

ATM Adapter

The valid range for the peak bandwidth is 1 through 155 Mbps.

ATM Adapter

Best Effort is for traffic that does not require quality of service and bandwidth reservation. The ATM network does not reject a Best Effort connection. There are four Best Effort rate queues, one of which can be defined by the user. Use this option to set the user definable rate queue for Best Effort connection. The three predefined values accommodate 25 Mbps, 100 Mbps, and 155 Mbps. The adaptor automatically makes connections using the fastest of the four queues that does not exceed the requested rate.

ATM Adapter

ATM 100Mbps Adaptor refers to the Asynchronous Transfer Mode adaptor using Multimode Fiber with 4B/5B encoding. This adaptor provides for the transparent transfer of 53 byte ATM cells across an ATM network on pre-established ATM connections, which are identified by VPI:VCI pair.

ATM Adapter

If set to yes, the user-defined MAC address will be used rather than the address found in the read-only memory of the adaptor. This option is useful when you are changing the card on which an ARP server was running.

ATM Adapter

The alternate MAC address for the adapter, which can be used in place of the address found in the read-only memory of the adapter (for example: 0x0123456789ab).

ATM Adapter

This is the maximum AAL5 PDU (protocol data unit) size. This is used to select the adapter buffer size. Setting this value larger than what is needed by the network applications will result in wasted adapter buffer space. Most installations perform well with the default of 9180.

ATM Adapter

The maximum number of Small ATM mbufs this adapter should allocate. Small buffers are 256 bytes.

ATM Adapter

The maximum number of Medium ATM mbufs this adapter should allocate. Medium buffers are 4 KB.

ATM Adapter

The maximum number of Large ATM mbufs this adapter should allocate. Large buffers are 8 KB.

ATM Adapter

The minimum number of Small ATM mbufs; the adapter allocates this many buffers at configuration and may free buffers if more than the minimum number of buffers is unused. Small ATM mbufs are 256 bytes.

ATM Adapter

The minimum number of Medium ATM mbufs; the adapter allocates this many buffers at configuration and may free buffers if more than the minimum number of buffers is unused. Medium ATM mbufs are 4 KB.

ATM Adapter

The minimum number of Large ATM mbufs; the adapter allocates this many buffers at configuration and may free buffers if more than the minimum number of buffers is unused. Large ATM mbufs are 8 KB.

ATM Adapter

The 155 Mbps adapter can generate SONET or SDH framing. Set the value to 0 to use SONET framing. Set the value to 1 to use SDH framing.

The default value is 0.

ATM Adapter

The 155 Mbps adapter can provide the SONET clock or use the network's clock. Set the value to 1 to use the SONET clock. Set the value to 0 to use the network clock.

The default value is 0.

ATM Adapter

The minimum number of VCs (virtual connections) that the system is guaranteed to accommodate at any given time.

ATM Adapter

The maximum number of VCs (virtual connections) that the system is expected to accommodate at any given time.

ATM Adapter

The maximum number of Huge ATM mbufs this adapter should allocate. Huge buffers are 16 KB.

ATM Adapter

The minimum number of Huge ATM mbufs; the adapter allocates this many buffers at configuration and may free buffers if more than the minimum number of buffers is unused. Huge ATM mbufs are 16 KB.

ATM Adapter

The minimum number of ATM MTB mbufs; the adapter allocates this many buffers at configuration and may free buffers if more than the minimum number of buffers is unused. The ATM MTB buffer size is user defined in kilobytes.

ATM Adapter

The maximum number of ATM MTB mbufs this adapter should allocate. This parameter also determines the maximum transmit block size.

ATM Adapter

The Maximum Transmit Block mechanism allows the transfer of data blocks from the system to the adapter that are larger than the PDU (protocol data unit) size. These blocks are then segmented by the adapter. For example, you can use this option for transmitting large packets of video data.

ATM Adapter

This ATM adapter supports the use of interface buffers. The socket layer attempts to obtain an interface buffer and then copy data directly into a buffer that has already been prepared for DMA by by the adapter. Interface buffers are not used for transmits with lengths less than this value.

ATM Adapter

The DMA bus width specifies the amount of bus space that can be used when preparing memory for DMA access from the ATM adapter. You can determine this value by multiplying the size and maximum number of each ATM buffer pool and then adding all four of those products together. The DMA bus width for the device must be greater than or equal to the sum. Use 4 KB as the minimum buffer size when calculating this value.

ATM Adapter

Best Effort is for traffic that does not require quality of service and bandwidth reservation. The ATM network does not reject a Best Effort connection. There are four best effort rate queues, one of which can be defined by the user. Use this option to set the user definable rate queue for Best Effort connections. The three predefined values accommodate 25 Mbps, 45 Mbps, and 100 Mbps. The adapter automatically makes connections using the fastest of the four queues that does not exceed the requested rate.

ATM Adapter

The length of the ATM device software transmit queue.

Change / Show Characteristics of an ATM Adapter

Specify the UNI (ATM Forum User-Network Interface specification) version number of the Signalling protocol that you wish to use. The default value for this option is auto_detect, which means that the system you are using finds out which UNI version the connected ATM switch is currently using, and together they determine the UNI version to use.

If the auto_detect mechanism is not working with the ATM switch, you can use this attribute to force the client system to use a specific UNI version's Signalling protocol for its Switched Virtual Connection (SVC) activities.

By configuring this attribute and the ATM switch, you can maintain the interoperability between RS/6000 and any other ATM equipment while the UNI standards are evolving. Use the atmstat command to display the UNI version currently in use on a specific ATM device.

PCI ATM Adapter

ATM Adapter

Before transmitting, the socket layer requests a buffer of 256 bytes.

ATM Adapter

Before transmitting, the socket layer requests a buffer of 512 bytes.

ATM Adapter

Before transmitting, the socket layer requests a buffer of 1 KB.

ATM Adapter

Before transmitting, the socket layer requests a buffer of 2 KB.

ATM Adapter

Before transmitting, the socket layer requests a buffer of 4 KB.

ATM Adapter

Before transmitting, the socket layer requests a buffer of 8 KB.

ATM Adapter

Before transmitting, the socket layer requests a buffer of 16 KB.

ATM Adapter

Before transmitting, the socket layer requests a buffer of 32 KB.

ATM Adapter

Before transmitting, the socket layer requests a buffer of 64 KB.

ATM Adapter

Before the packet is transferred to system memory by direct memory access, the socket layer requests a buffer of 4 KB.

ATM Adapter

This is the transmit watchdog timeout value.

ATM Adapter

This is the receive watchdog timeout value.

Adds a new Virtual IP address interface for the current host.

Adds a new Virtual IPv6 address interface for the current host.

List of available Virtual IP address interfaces for the current host.

The name of the network interface that the route should go through.

Select "Yes" to turn on Active Dead Gateway Detection for this route, or select "No" to turn it off. "No" is the default. Active Dead Gateway Detection checks the gateway to determine whether it is responding. If it is not responding, the cost of the route is raised so that a backup route, if one exists for this destination, can be used instead.

Specify the cost value. Cost prioritizes routes going to the same destination. If one or more routes go to a particular destination with a cost of 0 (zero), those routes are used, and routes with higher costs are not used. You should always give routes a cost greater than 0 to specify them as backup routes. If the lower cost routes are deleted, or if Dead Gateway Detection discovers a problem and raises their costs, the backup routes are used instead.

Provides access to start and stop the pxed subsystem. The PXE Proxy DHCP server provides information needed by a PXE client to locate and download its appropriate boot files from a network server. The PXE Proxy DHCP server does not administer client IP addresses or other DHCP client options.

Use the PXE Proxy DHCP server when the management of the system boot images must be separated from the management of the DHCP addresses and DHCP client network configurations. A system does not have to be the DHCP server to configure the pxed daemon to run on it.

Starts the pxed subsystem using the startsrc command.

Stops the pxed subsystem using the stopsrc command.

Select the network interface that is using this virtual IP address. Press the F4 key to present the list of choices.

Select the network interface using this VIPA that you want to remove or add. Press the F4 key to present the list of choices.

Select "Add" to add the selected interface. Select "Remove" to remove the selected interface.

Provides options for enabling, managing, and disabling Mobile IPv6.

Provides options for configuring this node to become a correspondent node. A correspondent node is a peer node that the mobile node communicates with. A mobile node is a node that can change its point of attachment from one line to another and still be reached at its home address.

Provides options for configuring this node to become both the home agent and a correspondent node. The home agent is a router on the mobile node's home link on which the mobile node has registered its current care-of address. The home agent intercepts packets sent to the mobile node address on the home link when the mobile node is not connected to its home address. A correspondent node is a peer node that the mobile node communicates with.

Enabling or disabling the home agent also enables or disables the correspondent node.

Provides options for disabling Mobile IPv6, stopping the ndpd-router daemon, and disabling IPv6 forwarding.

Provides options for managing the binding cache.

Select when to enable Mobile IPv6. Press the F4 key to present a list of choices. The default is "now".

To reject packets when a mobile node communicating with this node does not use the required IP security authentication on its Binding Update packets, select "yes".

To receive packets even when the required IP security authentication is not used, select "no". The default is "no".

Select when to disable Mobile IPv6. Press the F4 key to present a list of choices. The default is "now".

To stop the ndpd-router daemon from running when Mobile IPv6 is not used, select "yes". Select "yes" if the system is not being used as an IPv6 router after Mobile IPv6 is disabled. The default is "no".

To stop the forwarding of IPv6 packets if Mobile IPv6 is not used, select "yes". Select "yes" if the system is not being used as an IPv6 router after Mobile IPv6 is disabled. The default is "no".

Lists the current bindings in the cache on this node. These entries contain information about each mobile node that a correspondent or home agent can communicate with. This information includes the home address, care-of-address, life time, sequence number, and other important information. A correspondent node uses these bindings to route packets directly to a mobile node at its care-of-address. This improves network load and reduces congestion at the mobile node's home agent and home link.

Removes all the bindings in the cache at one time.

Enables TCP enhancements as specified by RFC 1323, TCP Extensions for High Performance. rfc1323 is a connect type tunable. Setting it overrides the system-wide rfc1323 set by the "no" command. This change affects only future connections and takes effect only if the "use_isno" option was enabled by the "no" command.

To disable the RFC enhancements on this interface, specify the value of "0". To enable TCP connections on this interface for negotiating the RFC enhancements, specify "1".

In AIX Version 4.3.3 and later, this network option can also be set on a per interface basis with the ifconfig command. To remove this option from the interface and delete it from the ODM, type "NULL" in this field.

The default maximum segment size used in communicating with remote networks. tcp_mssdflt is a connect type tunable. Setting it overrides the system-wide tcp_mssdflt set by the "no" command. This change affects only future connections and takes effect only if the "use_isno" option was enabled by the "no" command.

Use this option only if path MTU discovery is not enabled or path MTU discovery fails to discover a path MTU. You can specify a value from 0 to(PMTU - 52) or 64K-1. The default value is 512.

In AIX Version 4.3.3 and later, this network option can also be set on a per interface basis with the ifconfig command. To remove this option from the interface and delete it from the ODM, type "NULL" in this field.

If tcp_nodelay is enabled (set to 1) and the send buffer size is less than or equal to the maximum segment size (ATM and SP switches can have 64K MTUs), the application's data will be sent immediately and the application must wait for an ACK before sending another packet (this prevents TCP streaming and could reduce throughput). This change affects only future connections and takes effect only if the "use_isno" option was enabled by the "no" command. To remove this option from the interface and delete it from the ODM, type "NULL" in this field.

The system default socket buffer size for receiving data. This affects the window size used by TCP. tcp_recvspace is a connect type tunable. Setting it overrides the system-wide tcp_recvspace set by the "no" command. This change affects only future connections and takes effect only if the "use_isno" option was enabled by the "no" command.

Setting the socket buffer size to 16KB (16,384) improves performance over standard Ethernet and Token-Ring networks. The default is a value of 4096. A value of 16,384 is set automatically by the file or the rc.bsdnet file (if Berkeley-style configuration is issued). Lower bandwidth networks, such as Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP), or higher bandwidth networks, such as Serial Optical Link, should have different optimum buffer sizes. The optimum buffer size is the product of the media bandwidth and the average round-trip time of a packet. You must specify a socket buffer size less than or equal to the setting of the sb_max attribute. For daemons started by inetd, you must run the following command after a change:

stopsrc -s inetd ; startsrc -s inetd

In AIX Version 4.3.3 and later, this network option can also be set on a per interface basis with the ifconfig command. To remove this option from the interface and delete it from the ODM, type "NULL" in this field.

The system default socket buffer size for sending data. This affects the window size used by TCP. tcp_sendspace is a connect type tunable. Setting it overrides the system-wide tcp_sendspace set by the "no" command. This change affects only future connections and takes effect only if the "use_isno" option was enabled by the "no" command.

Setting the socket buffer size to 16KB (16,384) improves performance over standard Ethernet and Token-Ring networks. The default is a value of 4096. A value of 16,384 is set automatically by the file or the rc.bsdnet file (if Berkeley-style configuration is issued). Lower bandwidth networks, such as Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP), or higher bandwidth networks, such as Serial Optical Link, should have different optimum buffer sizes. The optimum buffer size is the product of the media bandwidth and the average round-trip time of a packet: "optimum_window = bandwidth * average_round_trip_time". You must specify a socket buffer size less than or equal to the setting of the sb_max attribute. For daemons started by inetd, you must run the following command after a change:

stopsrc -s inetd ; startsrc -s inetd

In AIX Version 4.3.3 and later, the tcp_sendspace network option can also be set on a per interface basis with the ifconfig command. To remove this option from the interface and delete it from the ODM, type "NULL" in this field.

Add an IPV6 in IPV4 Tunnel Interface

Configures an IPv6 over an IPv4 tunnel. This tunnel will transfer IPv6 packets over an existing IPv4 network. IPv4 source and destination addresses for the tunnel must be available.

You can specify when to have the system start using the ndpd-host subsystem. You can select one of the following options:

Now - Runs the daemon immediately, but makes no permanent changes to the system.

Next System Restart - Runs the daemon only at the next system restart.

Both Now and at System Restart - Runs the daemon immmediately and again every time the system is started.

You can specify when to have the system stop using the ndpd-host subsystem. You can select one of the following options:

Now - Stops the daemon immediately, but makes no permanent changes to the system.

Next System Restart - Stops the daemon only at the next system restart.

Both Now and at System Restart - Stops the daemon immmediately and again every time the system is started.

You can specify when to have the system start using the ndpd-router subsystem. You can select one of the following options:

Now - Runs the daemon immediately, but makes no permanent changes to the system.

Next System Restart - Runs the daemon only at the next system restart.

Both Now and at System Restart - Runs the daemon immmediately and again every time the system is started.

You can specify when to have the system stop using the ndpd-router subsystem. You can select one of the following options:

Now - Stops the daemon immediately, but makes no permanent changes to the system.

Next System Restart - Stops the daemon only at the next system restart.

Both Now and at System Restart - Stops the daemon immmediately and again every time the system is started.

Configures an IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel. This tunnel transfers IPv6 packets over an existing IPv4 network. IPv4 source and destination addresses for the tunnel must be available.

A local route reaches its destination directly through an interface and not through a router.

Specifies the maximum IP packet size. Valid ranges for maximum IP packet size for each network interface driver are:

Ethernet: 60 through 1500

802.3: 60 through 1492

Token-Ring: 60 through 4056

Serial Optical: 1 through 61428

SLIP: 60 through 4096.

Gigabit Ethernet with Jumbo Frames: 60 through 9000.

Virtual Ethernet: 60 through 64000. Note: Virtual Ethernet is only supported on AIX 5.3 and above.

10 Gigabit Ethernet: 60 through 9000 or 9600.