
Callservices -- incoming call service types




The /etc/ics/Callservices file contains information about which services can be used by an incoming call.

All entries must contain the following five fields in the order shown. If a field is to be left blank, then that field must contain a dash (-). Blank lines, and lines that begin with white space, a tab, or a hash sign (#) are ignored.

The fields in the Callservices file are defined, in order, as follows:

This can be one of:

modem (Automatic Call Unit)

modem in fax mode

direct serial link to another computer or switch

ISDN adapter in V120 mode

ISDN adapter in fax mode

ISDN adapter in synchronous mode

ISDN adapter in video mode

ISDN adapter in voice mode

TCP/IP local area network (LAN)

The telephone number that will accept the call for the service. Any specifies any telephone number.

NOTE: UnixWare does not support the facility to obtain the called ID for modems. Specify Any as the ``ID'' of such devices.

The pathname of the device on which the call was received. Any specifies any port.

The pathname of the service to invoke.







   # /etc/ics/Callservices example
   isdn_sync Any Any /usr/bin/pppsh
   acu Any Any /usr/bin/shserv
   isdn_sync 1234 /dev/net0 /usr/bin/pppsh
   isdn_async 6543 /dev/net0 /usr/bin/shserv
   acu_fax Any Any NULL
   isdn_fax Any Any NULL
   isdn_voice Any Any NULL
   isdn_video Any Any NULL
In the above example, a call type of isdn_sync invokes the PPP shell service, /usr/bin/pppsh. If the type is acu then the service to be invoked is /usr/bin/shserv. If the call type is any of acu_fax, isdn_fax, isdn_voice or isdn_video then there is currently no support in UnixWare 7 to handle such requests, so the service is set to NULL. If a third party application were to become available to deal with any of these, then the Callservices file can be updated on the installed system.


Autoacts(4bnu), Callfilter(4bnu), Devices(4bnu), isdnmon(1M), pppsh(1M), Systems(4bnu), ttymon(1M)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004