
isdnmon -- port monitor for ISDN devices




isdnmon is an ISDN port monitor. It controls all /dev/isx interfaces that are ISDN devices configured for incoming calls. isdnmon is started by netcfg(1M) when the first ISDN device is configured for incoming calls, and stopped by netcfg the last device configured for incoming calls is removed. It should only be running when ISDN devices exist and are configured for incoming calls. isdnmon creates a child process using fork(2) to handle each incoming call.

isdnmon monitors multiple interfaces. It is not necessary to have multiple instances of isdnmon for multiple ISDN connections.

isdnmon is configured to run under sac(1M) (the Service Access Controller) as part of the Service Access Facility (SAF). netcfg configures isdnmon using the sacadm(1M) and pmadm(1M) commands. It accepts or rejects calls based on the contents of the Callfilter(4bnu) and Callservices(4bnu) files.


It is not necessary to start and stop isdnmon with the sacadm command Under normal circumstances, isdnmon should only be controlled by netcfg; it should not be invoked from the command line.

isdnmon can be used to troubleshoot suspected problems with incoming ISDN calls. To do so, you must stop isdnmon and create log files before starting it again. For example:

sacadmin -k -p isdnmon
touch /var/saf/isdnmon/isdnmon.debug
touch /var/saf/isdnmon/isdncall.debug
sacadmin -s -p isdnmon

These files are created in the /var/saf/isdnmon/ directory:

contains a record of all activity on the ISDN port, including the process ID (pid) numbers of the child process handling each call

alerts isdnmon to create per-call logs but does not contain any information

contains information about each call, identified by the call handler's pid number

NOTE: No incoming connections are made while isdnmon is stopped.

isdnmon log files are cumulative and grow rapidly. If you plan to use them for extended periods of time, you should clean them out regularly with cron(1M) jobs.




sacadm(1M), pmadm(1M), isdn(7).
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004