
get_t_errno, set_t_errno -- get/set t_errno value


cc [options] file -lnsl

#include <xti.h>

int get_t_errno(void);

int set_t_errno(int);


The set_t_errno and get_t_errno functions are used in TLI/XTI multithreaded applications to set and return the value of t_errno. These functions avoid the inconsistencies that may occur when t_errno is accessed directly in conditions of low memory.


X/Open® Transport Interface Library (shared object)

Network Services Library (shared object)


While get_t_errno and set_t_errno are designed for use in multi-threaded applications, they are available for use in non-reentrant code and may be incorporated if a need is anticipated to convert to reentrant code later.


intro(2), t_error(3xti), t_strerror(3xti)


The get_t_errno and set_t_errno functions may not be available in other versions of the UNIX® operating system.

You are encouraged not to set t_errno, either directly or by calling set_t_errno.

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004