
t_error -- write an error message


cc [options] file -lnsl
#include <xti.h>

int t_error(char *errmsg);


This function is a TLI/XTI local management routine used to generate a message under error conditions. t_error writes a message on the standard error file describing the last error encountered during a call to a TLI/XTI function.

The argument string errmsg is user supplied and may be set to give context to the error. The message returned by t_error prints in the following format: the user-supplied error message followed by a colon and the standard transport function error message for the current value contained in t_errno.


a user-supplied error message that gives context to the error.

index to a user-specified message array.

points to the array of user-supplied message strings.

maximum number of messages in the user-specified message array.

State transitions

t_error may be issued from any valid state except T_UNINIT and has no effect on the entry state at exit.


X/Open® Transport Interface Library (shared object)

Network Services Library (shared object)



On return, t_errno is set only when an error occurs and is not cleared on subsequent successful calls.

If the returned value of t_errno has been set to TSYSERR, t_error will also print the standard error message for the current value contained in errno (see intro(2)).

Return values

Upon completion, a value of 0 is returned. No errors are defined.


intro(2), t_strerror(3xti)


Following a t_connect function call, which might fail on a transport endpoint fd2 because a bad address was detected, a call to t_error might be issued to check for a possible failure:
   t_error("t_connect failed on fd2");
If the t_connect fails, t_errno is set to the appropriate value, and the diagnostic message would print as:
   t_connect failed on fd2: Incorrect transport address format
where t_connect failed on fd2 tells the user which function failed on which transport endpoint, and Incorrect transport address format identifies the specific error that occurred.
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004