
tam -- TAM transition libraries


cc -I /usr/include/tam [flag . . . ] file . . . -locurses [library] . . .

#include <tam.h>


These routines are used to port UNIX PC character-based TAM programs to any machine so that they will run using any terminal supported by curses(3ocurses), the low-level Extended Terminal Interface library. Once a TAM program has been changed to remove machine-specific code, it can be recompiled with the standard TAM header file <tam.h> and linked with the TAM transition and curses(3ocurses) libraries.


The following is a list of TAM routines supplied in the transition library. Those routines marked with a dagger (+) are macros and do not return a value. For a complete description of each routine, see the references below.

Routines Description
addch+, addstr+ see
adf_gttok converts word to token
adf_gtwrd Gets next word from string and copies it to buffer
adf_gtxcd gets next text code from string and copies it to buffer

attroff, attron, baudrate,
beep, cbreak, clear,
clearok+, clrtobot, clrtoeol,
delch, deleteln, echo,
endwin, erase+,
exhelp see
fixterm, flash+, flushinp see
form see

getch, getyx+, initscr,
insch, insertln
iswind always returns 0
kcodemap, keypad, leaveok+ see
menu see
message, mtype see

move+, mvaddch+,
mvaddstr+, mvinch

nl+, nocbreak, nodelay,
not supported
nonl+ not supported
pb_check Checks whether paste buffer is empty or not
pb_empty Clears out the paste buffer and closes it
pb_gbuf Reads pate buffer file into buffer
pb_gets Reads paste buffer file, converts it to text
pb_name Gets name of paste buffer file
pb_open Opens/creates the paste buffer file
pb_puts Outputs the string to the paste buffer in ADF format
pb_seek Seeks to end of paste buffer file and sets for append
pb_weof Outputs ``EOF'' string to paste buffer and closes the file

printw, refresh+, resetterm,
resetty, savetty
track, track_t maps to wgetc in the current window
wcmd Outputs a null- terminated string to the
entry/echo line.
wcreate creates a window
wdelete deletes the specified window
wexit deletes all windows and exits
wgetc gets the keyboard input
wgetmouse no-op; returns 0
wgetpos Gets the current position (row, column) of the cursor in the specified window (wn).
wgetsel returns the currently selected window

 Routines                     | Description
 addch, addstr                | see
 curses(3ocurses)             |
 adf_gttok                    | converts word to token
 adf_gtwrd                    | Gets next word from string
                              | and copies it to buffer
 adf_gtxcd                    | gets next text code from
                              | string and copies it to
                              | buffer
 attroff, attron, baudrate,   | see
 beep, cbreak, clear,         |
 clearok, clrtobot, clrtoeol, |
 delch, deleteln, echo,       |
 endwin, erase,               |
 curses(3ocurses)             |
 exhelp                       | see
 message(1fmli)               |
 fixterm, flash, flushinp     | see
 curses(3ocurses)             |
 form                         | see
 forms(3ocurses)              |
 getch, getyx, initscr,       | see
 insch, insertln              |
 curses(3ocurses)             |
 iswind                       | always returns 0
 kcodemap, keypad, leaveok    | see
 curses(3ocurses)             |
 menu                         | see
 menus(3ocurses)              |
 message, mtype               | see
 message(1fmli)               |
 move, mvaddch,               | see
 mvaddstr, mvinch             |
 curses(3ocurses)             |
 nl, nocbreak, nodelay,       | not supported
 noecho                       |
 nonl                         | not supported
 pb_check                     | Checks whether paste buffer
                              | is empty or not
 pb_empty                     | Clears out the paste buffer
                              | and closes it
 pb_gbuf                      | Reads pate buffer file into
                              | buffer
 pb_gets                      | Reads paste buffer file,
                              | converts it to text
 pb_name                      | Gets name of paste buffer
                              | file
 pb_open                      | Opens/creates the paste
                              | buffer file
 pb_puts                      | Outputs the string to the
                              | paste buffer in ADF format
 pb_seek                      | Seeks to end of paste buffer
                              | file and sets for append
 pb_weof                      | Outputs ``EOF'' string to
                              | paste buffer and closes the
                              | file
 printw, refresh, resetterm,  | see
 resetty, savetty             |
 curses(3ocurses)             |
 track, track_t               | maps to wgetc in the current
                              | window
 wcmd                         | Outputs a null- terminated
                              | string to the
                              | entry/echo line.
 wcreate                      | creates a window
 wdelete                      | deletes the specified window
 wexit                        | deletes all windows and exits
 wgetc                        | gets the keyboard input
 wgetmouse                    | no-op; returns 0
 wgetpos                      | Gets the current position
                              | (row, column) of the cursor
                              | in the specified window (wn).
 wgetsel                      | returns the currently
                              | selected window

Routines Description
wgetstat returns the information in WSTAT for a window
wgoto moves the window's cursor to a specified row, column
wicoff no-op; returns 0
wicon no-op; returns 0
wind creates a window of specific height and width and loads it with the specified fonts
winit Sets up the process for window access
wlabel, wndelay, wnl outputs a null-terminated string to the window label area
wpostwait Reverses the effects of wprexec.
wprexec Performs the appropriate actions for passing a window to a child process.
wprintf, wprompt Outputs a null-terminated string to the prompt line.
wputc Outputs a character to a window.
wputs Outputs a character string to a window.
wrastop not supported
wreadmouse no-op; returns 0
wrefresh Flushes all output to the window.
wselect Selects the specified window as the current or active one.
wsetmouse no-op; returns 0
wsetstat Sets the status for a window.
wslk Writes a null-terminated string to a set of screen-labeled keys.
wslk Writes a null-terminated string to a screen-labeled key. The alternate form writes all the screen-labeled keys at once more efficiently.
wuser not supported

 Routines             | Description
 wgetstat             | returns the information in WSTAT
                      | for a window
 wgoto                | moves the window's cursor to a
                      | specified row, column
 wicoff               | no-op; returns 0
 wicon                | no-op; returns 0
 wind                 | creates a window of specific
                      | height and width and loads it
                      | with the specified fonts
 winit                | Sets up the process for window
                      | access
 wlabel, wndelay, wnl | outputs a null-terminated string
                      | to the window label area
 wpostwait            | Reverses the effects of wprexec.
 wprexec              | Performs the appropriate actions
                      | for passing a window to a child
                      | process.
 wprintf, wprompt     | Outputs a null-terminated string
                      | to the prompt line.
 wputc                | Outputs a character to a window.
 wputs                | Outputs a character string to a
                      | window.
 wrastop              | not supported
 wreadmouse           | no-op; returns 0
 wrefresh             | Flushes all output to the
                      | window.
 wselect              | Selects the specified window as
                      | the current or active one.
 wsetmouse            | no-op; returns 0
 wsetstat             | Sets the status for a window.
 wslk                 | Writes a null-terminated string
                      | to a set of screen-labeled keys.
 wslk                 | Writes a null-terminated string
                      | to a screen-labeled key.  The
                      | alternate form writes all the
                      | screen-labeled keys at once more
                      | efficiently.
 wuser                | not supported

© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004