
namemap -- map a name


cc [options] file -liaf
#include <iaf.h>

int namemap (char *scheme, char *g_name, char *logname);


The namemap routine is used to map remote names into local identities. It takes a remote user identification and the name of the ID mapping scheme as input and returns a corresponding local user login name. scheme is the scheme name, g_name is the remote (global) name, and logname is the location where namemap places the local login name.

To map the remote identity to a local one, namemap consults the uidata and idata map files associated with the scheme. When user-controlled mapping for a scheme is enabled by the system administrator, namemap consults uidata before idata, which causes user-specified entries to take precedence over system administrator mapping. If user-controlled mapping for the scheme is disabled, only the scheme's idata file is consulted.


map file for scheme_name

user-controlled map file for scheme_name

password file

Return values

Upon successful completion, namemap returns 0; otherwise, it returns -1.


attradmin(1Mbnu), idadmin(1Mbnu), namemap(3iac), uidadmin(1bnu)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004