
Time -- date and time-of-day


   #include <Time.h>
   namespace SCO_SC {

class Duration; // see Duration(3C++) class Place; // see Place(3C++) class ostream; // see iostream(3C++) typedef long long time_t; class Time{ public: // Time constants static Time min(); static Time max(); static Time ref(); // Objections static Objection environment_objection; static Objection string_objection; // Enumerations enum Weekday{ sunday = 0, monday = 1, tuesday = 2, wednesday = 3, thursday = 4, friday = 5, saturday = 6 }; enum Month{ january = 0, february = 1, march = 2, april = 3, may = 4, june = 5, july = 6, august = 7, september = 8, october = 9, november = 10, december = 11 }; // Constructors, destructor Time(); Time(unsigned y, Month m, unsigned d, const Place& p); Time(unsigned y, Month m, unsigned d); ~Time(); // Copy and assign Time(const Time& t); Time& operator=(const Time& t); // Julian dates unsigned julian_day_no(const Place& p)const; unsigned julian_day_no()const; // Component extractors unsigned year_part(const Place& p)const; Month month_part(const Place& p)const; unsigned day_part(const Place& p)const; Duration clock_part(const Place& p)const; unsigned year_part()const; Month month_part()const; unsigned day_part()const; Duration clock_part(); // Day-of-week operations Weekday week_day(const Place& p)const; Time previous(Weekday w, const Place& p)const; Time next(Weekday w, const Place& p)const; Weekday week_day()const; Time previous(Weekday w)const; Time next(Weekday w)const; // Relations friend int operator==(const Time& t1,const Time& t2); friend int operator!=(const Time& t1,const Time& t2); friend int operator<=(const Time& t1,const Time& t2); friend int operator>(const Time& t1,const Time& t2); friend int operator>=(const Time& t1,const Time& t2); friend int operator<(const Time& t1,const Time& t2); // Arithmetic operators friend Time operator+(const Time& t,const Duration& d); friend Time operator+(const Duration& d,const Time& t); friend Time operator-(const Time& t,const Duration& d); const Time& operator+=(const Duration& d); const Time& operator-=(const Duration& d); friend Duration operator-(const Time& t1, const Time& t2); // Conversion to and from strings String make_string(const char* fmt, const Place& p)const; String make_string(const Place& p)const; friend Time make_time(const char* str,const Place& p); String make_string(const char* fmt)const; String make_string()const; friend Time make_time(const char* str); static void set_table(char** tm_form); char** get_table(); // Conversion to and from time_t friend time_t make_time_t(const Time& t); friend Time make_time(time_t t); // Stream insertion friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os,const Time& t); // Auxiliary functions static unsigned days_in_year(unsigned y); static int is_leap(unsigned y); static unsigned first_day(Month m, unsigned y); static unsigned days_in_month(Month m, unsigned y); static int valid_date(unsigned y, Month m, unsigned d); static Time julian(unsigned y, int n, const Place& p); static Time julian(unsigned y, int n); // Miscellaneous unsigned hash()const; }; }


The facilities of Time(3C++) can be viewed as a replacement for (or, an interface to) UNIX system facilities such as those described in ctime(3C). The most important facilities are:

class Time - see this page

Combines the notion of calendar date and time of day into a single abstract value denoting a particular epoch in absolute time.

class Place - see Place(3C++)

Timezone information for specific locations, including the host machine location.

class Duration - see Duration(3C++)

Time differences

Class Time

Time combines the notion of calendar date and time-of-day into a single abstract value denoting a particular epoch in absolute time. Times have a fixed precision of one second and a machine-dependent range. For UnixWare, this range is from January 1, 1901 to January 1, 2901. Note that Time uses a 64-bit representation and is not subject to the Unix 32-bit "end of time" at year 2038.

Times specified relative to a particular Place(3C++), called local times, are converted to an internal representation of absolute time based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) by applying the timezone difference plus daylight savings time correction, if any, for that Place. Times may also be viewed relative to particular Places; this requires a conversion from absolute time back to local time. Note that when working with Times near the limits of the range of representable Times, these conversions may fail, producing undefined results (see the Preconditions below).

Many functions come in pairs: one with and one without a Place parameter (see Bugs for why we did this). The ones with the Place parameter allow a Time to be expressed relative to a particular Place. Those without the Place parameter use Place::here(), a Place initialized with timezone information for the host machine location, gotten from the TZ environment variable. See Environment Requirements for a discussion of how to set the TZ variable and related environment issues.

Environment Requirements

Many operations of class Time take optional Place parameters, allowing Times to be expressed or viewed relative to particular timezones ("local times"). By default, these functions use the timezone of the host machine, as determined from the TZ environment variable (see environ(5) for a discussion of environment variables). To see if TZ is defined on your machine and, if so, what value it has, type

       echo $TZ

If (1) TZ is undefined or (2) you want your program to behave as if it were in a timezone different from the one in which it is actually located, the safest policy is to define and export the TZ variable before executing any program that includes <Time.h>.

To set the TZ variable for a Place in New Jersey, for example, you could enter the following command:


or simply


(the quotation marks are necessary for the more elaborate form). To simulate a location in the southern hemisphere, such as the Cook Islands, you could enter the following command:


In each case, follow the assignment by the command

       export TZ

The syntax of the TZ variable can be described as follows:

TZ -> zone

| zone signed_time

| zone signed_time zone

| zone signed_time zone dst

zone -> letter letter letter

signed_time -> sign time

| time

time -> hour

| hour : minute

| hour : minute : second

dst -> signed_time

| signed_time ; dst_date , dst_date

| ; dst_date , dst_date

dst_date -> julian

| julian / time

letter -> a | A | b | B | ... | z | Z

hour -> 00 | 01 | ... | 23

minute -> 00 | 01 | ... | 59

second -> 00 | 01 | ... | 59

julian -> 001 | 002 | ...| 366

sign -> - | [plus ]

Note that on older systems, the above definition may be more complete than the one in environ(5).

Certain systems (such as UnixWare) may use an implementation defined format for the TZ variable (indicated by an initial colon). In this case, Time uses the ctime(3C) function tzsef() to interpret the variable. However, all uses of the timezone variable as an optional Place parameter, should use the standard format documented here.

If you are writing code that does not use local timezone information, then TZ need not be set for your program to work correctly. If your program uses local timezone information and it may be executed on machines other than your host machine (for which you do not control the environment), then it is possible to write your program in such a way that it is able to cope with an unset TZ variable using the Objection(3C++) mechanism. See Time(3C++) for a discussion of how to do this.

String Table

Times can be converted to and from character strings in a wide variety of styles (e.g., 1/1/84, Jan 1, 1984f, etc.). Nonnegative Durations less than 24 hours ("times-of-day") also have a variety of possible string representations (2:00 PM, 14:00, etc.). The defaults are built into a string table; your program can get the address of this table by calling Time::get_table() and they can install an alternate table by by calling Time::set_table() (see Time(3C++)). The contents of this table (by index) are:

0-11 3-character abbreviated month names.

12-23 Full month names.

24-30 3-character abbreviated weekday names.

31-37 Full weekday names.

38 Local time format used by the %X field.

39 Local date format used by the %x field.

40 Format used if the format argument is NULL or empty.

41-42 Meridian names: AM, PM.

43-46 UTC timezone names: GMT, UTC, UCT, CUT.

47-50 Daylight savings time suffix names: DST.

51-54 Suffixes to be ignored.

55-61 Time part names: second, hour, minute, day, week, month, year.

62-65 Hours of the day names: midnight, morning, noon, evening.

66-68 Relative day names: yesterday, today, tomorrow.

69-71 Past relative time references: last, ago, past.

72-75 Current relative time references: this, now, current.

75-77 Future relative time references: next, hence, coming.

78-81 Noise words to be ignored: at, in, on.

Time constants

static Time min(); Returns the Time whose value is the earliest Time that can be computed. For UnixWare, Time::min() is January 1, 1901.

static Time max(); Returns the Time whose value is the greatest Time that can be computed. For UnixWare, Time::max() is January 1, 2901.

static Time ref(); The reference Time (January 1, 1970 at 0h, GMT).


The default action for both Objections is to abort with an error message.

static Objection environment_objection; Indicates that the TZ environment variable has not been set (see Environment Requirements for a discussion of how to set the TZ variable and related environment issues). The recovery action in all cases is to behave as if TZ=GMT0 had been specified.

static Objection string_objection; Indicates an error in conversion from string to Time. The default action is to abort with an error message.


The following enumeration types have been provided for convenience in naming the days of the week and the months of the year. Since these definitions are nested inside class Time, you must refer to both the typenames and the enumeration constants using qualification (see below).

enum Weekday The days of the week. Refer to the typename as Time::Weekday and the enumeration constants as Time::sunday and so on.

enum Month The months of the year. Refer to the typename as Time::Month and the enumeration constants as Time::january and so on.

Constructors, destructor

Time(); A Time equal to Time::ref().

Time(unsigned y, Month m, unsigned d, const Place& p); A Time of 0h on the date specified by y, m, and d at Place p. Preconditions: (1) the first three arguments must describe a valid date (for example, February 29, 1988 would be valid, while February 29, 1987 would be invalid because 1987 was not a leap year); (2) the parameters must represent a Time in the range [Time::min(),Time::max()]. Note that you can test a date for validity using function valid_date().

Time(unsigned y, Month m, unsigned d); Similar to the above except that Place::here() is used. Raises Time::environment_objection if the TZ environment variable is not set.

~Time(); Destructor.

Copy and assign

Time(const Time& t);

Time& operator=(const Time& t); Copying or assigning a Time creates a copy of its value.

Julian dates

unsigned julian_day_no(const Place& p)const; Returns an integer in [1,366] representing the Julian day number of this Time at Place p. Preconditions: the result of conversion to local Time must lie inside the range [Time::min(),Time::max()].

unsigned julian_day_no()const; Similar to the above except that Place::here() is used. Raises Time::environment_objection if the TZ environment variable is not set.

Component extractors

The normalized components of a Time are a 4-tuple <y,m,d,c> satisfying the following invariant: (1) y, m, and d represent a legal year-month-day combination (that is, valid_date(y,m,d) returns non-zero). (2) c is a time-of-day (that is, a nonnegative Duration strictly less than 24h).

All operations have the following Preconditions: the result of conversion to local Time must lie in the range [Time::min(),Time::max()].

unsigned year_part(const Place& p)const;

Month month_part(const Place& p)const;

unsigned day_part(const Place& p)const;

Duration clock_part(const Place& p)const; The normalized components of a Time at Place p.

unsigned year_part()const;

Month month_part()const;

unsigned day_part()const;

Duration clock_part(); Similar to the above except that Place::here() is used. Raises Time::environment_objection if the TZ environment variable is not set.

Day-of-week operations

The following operations recognize Time as a repeating cycle of seven-day weeks. All operations have the following Preconditions: the result of conversion to local Time must lie in the range [Time::min(),Time::max()].

Weekday week_day(const Place& p)const; The Weekday on which this Time falls at Place p.

Time previous(Weekday w, const Place& p)const; A Time at Place p whose date is that of the most recent weekday (relative to this Time) specified by w and with the same time-of-day as this Time.

Time next(Weekday w, const Place& p)const; A Time at Place p whose date is that of the next weekday (relative to this Time) specified by w and with the same time-of-day as this Time.

Weekday week_day()const;

Time previous(Weekday w)const;

Time next(Weekday w)const; Similar to the above except that Place::here() is used. Raises Time::environment_objection if the TZ environment variable is not set.


friend int operator==(const Time& t1, const Time& t2);"

friend int operator!=(const Time& t1, const Time& t2);" Equality and inequality relations.

friend int operator<=(const Time& t1, const Time& t2);"

friend int operator>(const Time& t1, const Time& t2);"

friend int operator>=(const Time& t1, const Time& t2);"

friend int operator<(const Time& t1, const Time& t2);" The usual (total) ordering relations.

Arithmetic operators

friend Time operator+(const Time& t, const Duration& d);"

friend Time operator+(const Duration& d, const Time& t);"

friend Time operator-(const Time& t, const Duration& d);" A new Time obtained by adding (subtracting) a Duration to (from) a Time. Preconditions: the result must lie in the range [Time::min(),Time::max()].

const Time& operator+=(const Duration& d);

const Time& operator-=(const Duration& d); Assignment versions of the above.

friend Duration operator-(const Time& t1, const Time& t2);" The algebraic difference between t1 and t2. Preconditions: the resulting Duration must lie in the range [-Duration::min()-1, Duration::max()] (see Duration(3C++)).

Conversion to and from strings

String make_string(const char* fmt, const Place& p)const; Constructs a String representation of this Time at Place p under control of the printf(3S)-style control string fmt. Raises Time::environment_objection if the TZ environment variable is not set. Fields of the control string have the form %field, where

% % character.

a Abbreviated weekday name.

B Full month name.

A Full weekday name.

b Abbreviated month name.

c ctime(3) style date without the trailing newline.

C date(1) style date.

d Day of month number.

D Date as mm/ dd / yy.

e Blank-padded day of month number.

E Unpadded day of month number.

h Abbreviated month name.

H 24-hour clock hour.

i International date(1) date.

I 12-hour clock hour.

j 1-offset Julian date.

J 0-offset Julian date.

l ls(1) -l date that lists recent dates with yy : mm and distant dates with yyyy.

m Month number.

M Minutes.

n newline character.

p Meridian (for example, AM or PM ).

r 12-hour time as hh : mm : ss meridian.

R 24-hour time as hh : mm.

S Seconds.

t tab character.

T 24-hour time as hh : mm : ss.

U Week number with Sunday as the first day.

w Weekday number.

W Week number with Monday as the first day.

x Local date style, using index 39 of the string table that includes the month, day and year.

X Local time style, using index 38 of the string table that includes the hours and minutes.

y 2-digit year.

Y 4-digit year.

Z Timezone name.

String make_string(const Place& p)const; Equivalent to make_string("%x %X",p)

friend Time make_time(const char* str, const Place& p);" Parses string str representing a date and time-of-day and creates a Time, taking timezone information from p (it ignores any timezone names embedded in the string). Raises string_objection if the string cannot be parsed. The recovery action is to return Time::ref(). The function is not perfect (see Bugs), but it does recognize most forms that can be produced by make_string(), plus a few others, including strings expressing relative times (e.g., "now", "today", "3 hours ago", etc.). See String Table for a description of the table.

String make_string(const char* fmt)const;

String make_string()const;

friend Time make_time(const char* str); Similar to the above except that Place::here() is used. Raises Time::environment_objection if the TZ environment variable is not set.

static void set_table(char** tm_form); Redefines the string table used by Time::make_time() and Duration::make_time() for string-to-Time and string-to-Duration conversion, respectively. See String Table for a description of the table.

char** get_table(); Returns a pointer to the current string table.

Conversion to and from time_t

Times can be converted to and from time_t values, where time_t is a type (defined in sys/types.h) representing the number of seconds elapsed since Time::ref(). These conversions provide an escape-hatch to UNIX system time facilities.

friend time_t make_time_t(const Time& t); Computes a time_t value from t.

friend Time make_time(time_t t); The inverse of the above transformation.

Stream insertion

friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os,const Time& t);" Displays a local time in the standard format. That is, os << t is equivalent to os << t.make_string().

Auxiliary functions

These functions have been declared as static to avoid polluting the global namespace.

static unsigned days_in_year(unsigned y); The number of days in year y.

static int is_leap(unsigned y); Returns non-zero if year y is a leap year.

static unsigned first_day(Month m, unsigned y); Returns the Julian day number of the first day of Month m in year y.

static unsigned days_in_month(Month m, unsigned y); Returns the number of days in Month m in year y.

static int valid_date(unsigned y, Month m, unsigned d); Returns non-zero if y, m, and d represent a legal year-month-day combination.

static Time julian(unsigned y, int n, const Place& p); Returns a Time corresponding to 0h on Julian day number n of year y at Place p, where January 1 is Julian day number 1 and December 31 is Julian day number 365 (366 in a leap year). If n lies outside [1,365] (366 in a leap year), the date will be adjusted accordingly. For example, day numbers 0 and -1 correspond to December 31 and December 30 (respectively) of the previous year, and day number 367 corresponds to January 1 (or 2) of the following year (depending on whether the current year is a leap year). Preconditions: the parameters must represent a Time inside the range [Time::min(),Time::max()].

static Time julian(unsigned y, int n); Similar to the above except that Place::here() is used. Raises Time::environment_objection if the TZ environment variable is not set.


unsigned hash()const; Returns a number suitable for use as a hash table probe.


The string version of make_time() gives incorrect answers for strings of the following form:

Strings representing Times prior to 1970.

Strings that omit a time-of-day specifier.
Such strings do not yield a time of midnight on
the specified date (as might be expected), but
rather some arbitrary time-of-day on the same date.
Always specify time-of-day unless
you don't care, e.g., "0:00:00 on 12/1/88".

Strings containing timezone names (the timezone names
are ignored).
Use the second parameter to pass timezone information.

Instead of pairs of functions like

       Time(unsigned y,Month m,unsigned d,const Place& p);
       Time(unsigned y,Month m,unsigned d);

we would have preferred to provide a single function with a default:

       Time(unsigned y,Month m,unsigned d,
           const Place& p=Place::here());

This is a historical consequence of limitations of early C++ compilers.


As described above, certain operations have preconditions requiring that their results lie in the range of representable Times. For example,

       Time::max() + seconds(1)

violates the precondition of the addition operator and

       Time::min() - seconds(1)

violates the precondition of the subtraction operator. Although preconditions are never checked for and the result is technically undefined when preconditions are not satisfied, the usual effect of such operations is that Times in the future become Times in the past, and vice-versa.

A corollary to this is that Time::min() cannot be used in timezones west of GMT, and Time::max() cannot be used in timezones east of GMT, because adjustment for the timezones would violate the preconditions described above.


CC(1C++), printf(3S), iostream(3C++), Objection(3C++), String(3C++), time(2), Duration(3C++), Place(3C++)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004