
Duration -- Time differences


   #include <Time.h>
   namespace SCO_SC {

typedef long long Duration_t; class Duration{ public: // Duration constants static Duration max(); // Objections static Objection string_objection; // Constructors, destructor Duration(); Duration(Duration_t d,Duration_t h = 0,Duration_t m = 0,Duration_t s = 0); ~Duration(); // Copy and assign Duration(const Duration& d); Duration& operator=(const Duration& d); // Component extractors Duration_t day_part()const; int hour_part()const; int minute_part()const; int second_part()const; // Conversion to and from strings String make_string()const; String make_string(const char* fmt)const; friend Duration make_duration(const char* time_of_day); // Other conversions operator void*()const; friend Duration_t seconds(const Duration& d); // Relations friend int operator==(const Duration& d1, const Duration& d2); friend int operator!=(const Duration& d1, const Duration& d2); friend int operator>(const Duration& d1, const Duration& d2); friend int operator>=(const Duration& d1, const Duration& d2); friend int operator<(const Duration& d1, const Duration& d2); friend int operator<=(const Duration& d1, const Duration& d2); // Fixed-point arithmetic friend Duration operator+(const Duration& d1, const Duration& d2); friend Duration operator-(const Duration& d1, const Duration& d2); friend Duration operator*(const Duration& d,Duration_t n); friend Duration operator*(Duration_t n,const Duration& d); const Duration& operator+=(const Duration& d); const Duration& operator-=(const Duration& d); const Duration& operator*=(Duration_t n); friend Duration operator-(const Duration& d); friend Duration abs(const Duration& d); // Approximate arithmetic friend Duration operator/(const Duration& d,Duration_t n); const Duration& operator/=(Duration_t n); friend double operator/(const Duration& d1, const Duration& d2); // Functions for expressing Durations in natural units static Duration days(Duration_t d); static Duration hours(Duration_t h); static Duration minutes(Duration_t m); static Duration seconds(Duration_t s); // Stream insertion friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Duration& d); }; }


A Duration is a time difference, like "two hours." Class Duration provides positive and negative Durations with a fixed precision of one second and a machine-dependent range. As fixed point quantities, Durations can be added, subtracted, and multiplied by integers without loss of accuracy, unlike floating point numbers, which yield approximate results for such operations. Dividing a Duration by an integer, on the other hand, yields a Duration guaranteed accurate to the nearest second, while dividing one Duration by another yields an approximate floating point ratio.

A Duration may be constructed by giving its component days, hours, minutes, and seconds. When components are viewed using the component extractors, the resulting component values may differ from the original constructor arguments through the effect of normalization.

Two functions named make_string convert Durations to String(3C++); the parameterless version can be used for arbitrary Durations, while the one-parameter version, which takes a printf(3s)-like control string, is intended for use with Durations representing times-of-day (nonnegative Durations less than 24h). For the inverse transformation, strings representing times-of-day in a variety of styles can be converted to Durations using function make_duration(). This conversion uses the string table described in Time(3C++); the table can be set to reflect local preferences by calling Time::set_table() (see Time(3C++)).

Duration constants

static Duration max(); Returns a machine-dependent Duration whose value is the largest positive Duration that can be computed. Equivalent to Duration(0,0,0,Time::max()-Time::ref()). The maximum negative Duration is -Duration::max()-1. The range of representable Durations is therefore [-Duration::maxX()-1,Duration::max()].


static Objection string_objection; Indicates an error in conversion from string to Duration. The default action is to abort with an error message.

Constructors, destructor

Duration(); The zero-length Duration.

Duration(Duration_t d,Duration_t h = 0,Duration_t m = 0,Duration_t s = 0); A Duration of d days, h hours, m minutes, and s seconds. Preconditions: the resulting Duration must lie in the range [-Duration::max()-1,Duration::max()].

~Duration(); Destructor.

Copy and assign

Duration(const Duration& d);

Duration& operator=(const Duration& d); Copying or assigning a Duration creates a copy of its value.

Component extractors

Duration_t day_part()const;

int hour_part()const;

int minute_part()const;

int second_part()const; The normalized components of a Duration. Normalized components satisfy the following properties: (1) hour_part() lies in [-23,+23] (2) minute_part() and second_part() lie in [-59,+59] (3) all components are either (a) all nonnegative or (b) all nonpositive.

Conversion to and from strings

String make_string()const; Constructs a string representation of the Duration. The Duration may have any value (i.e., it need not represent a time-of-day). The String has the format [-] d..dd hhh mmm sss.

String make_string(const char* fmt)const; Converts a Duration to a String under control of the printf(3S)-like control string fmt. If the Duration is not a time-of-day it will be converted to one by discarding whole days and, if necessary to make the value nonnegative, adding 24h. Fields of the control string have the form %field, where

% % character.

H 24-hour clock hour.

I 12-hour clock hour.

M Minutes.

n newline character.

p Meridian (for example, AM or PM ).

r 12-hour time as hh : mm : ss meridian.

R 24-hour time as hh : mm.

S Seconds.

t tab character.

T 24-hour time as hh : mm : ss.

X Local time style (using index 38 of the string table) that includes the hours and minutes.

friend Duration make_duration(const char* time_of_day); The inverse of the above transformation. Parses a string (which must represent a time-of-day) and returns the corresponding Duration. The string must have one of the following forms:

   hh meridian

where: meridian is AM or PM, midnight gives a Duration of 0h, morning gives a Duration of 6h (6AM), noon gives a Duration of 12h, and evening gives a Duration of 18h (6PM). make_duration() is case insensitive. If hh is 12 or greater, meridian is ignored. The tokens recognized by make_duration() may be redefined by calling Time::set_table() (For a description of the function and the table layout, see Time(3C++).) Raises Duration::string_objection if the string does not represent a valid time-of-day; recovery action: return a zero-length Duration.

Other conversions

operator void*()const; Returns zero if and only if this is the zero-length Duration. Most useful in contexts where implicit conversion will take place, e.g., while(d)....

friend Duration_t seconds(const Duration& d); Converts d to seconds. For example, seconds(days(1)) would give 86400.


friend int operator==(const Duration& d1, const Duration& d2);

friend int operator!=(const Duration& d1, const Duration& d2); Equality and inequality relations.

friend int operator>(const Duration& d1, const Duration& d2);

friend int operator>=(const Duration& d1, const Duration& d2);

friend int operator<(const Duration& d1, const Duration& d2);

friend int operator<=(const Duration& d1, const Duration& d2); The usual total order relations.

Fixed-point arithmetic

These yield exact results wherever possible. Preconditions: the result of all functions must lie in the range [-Duration::max()-1, Duration::max()].

friend Duration operator+(const Duration& d1, const Duration& d2);

friend Duration operator-(const Duration& d1, const Duration& d2); Addition and subtraction, yielding a Duration.

friend Duration operator*(const Duration& d,Duration_t n);

friend Duration operator*(Duration_t n,const Duration& d); Multiplication by an integer.

const Duration& operator+=(const Duration& d);

const Duration& operator-=(const Duration& d);

const Duration& operator*=(Duration_t n); Assignment versions of the above.

friend Duration operator-(const Duration& d); A Duration with the same magnitude as d but opposite sign.

friend Duration abs(const Duration& d); A positive Duration with the same magnitude as d.

Approximate arithmetic

These yield results that are accurate to the nearest second.

friend Duration operator/(const Duration& d,Duration_t n); Divide a Duration by an integer. Preconditions: the divisor must be non-zero.

const Duration& operator/=(Duration_t n); Assignment version of the above.

friend double operator/(const Duration& d1, const Duration& d2); The quotient of d1 and d2. Preconditions: the divisor must not be a zero-length Duration.

Stream insertion

friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os,const Duration& d);" Displays d in the standard format. That is, os << d is equivalent to os << d.make_string().

Functions for expressing Durations in natural units

The following functions may lead to clearer expressions where constructors might otherwise be used. For example, seconds(1) is probably easier to read than Duration(0,0,0,1).

static Duration days(Duration_t d); Duration::days(d) is equivalent to Duration(d).

static Duration hours(Duration_t h); Duration::hours(h) is equivalent to Duration(0,h).

static Duration minutes(Duration_t m); Duration::minutes(m) is equivalent to Duration(0,0,m).

static Duration seconds(Duration_t s); Duration::seconds(s) is equivalent to



As described above, certain operations have preconditions requiring that their results lie in the range of representable Durations. For example,

       Duration::max() + seconds(1)

violates the precondition of the addition operator, while

       -Duration::max() - seconds(2)

violates the precondition of the subtraction operator. Although preconditions are never checked for and the result is technically undefined when preconditions are not satisfied, the usual effect of such operations is that large positive Durations become large negative Durations, and vice-versa.


printf(3S), iostream(3C++), Objection(3C++), String(3C++), Time(3C++), Place(3C++), Time(3C++)
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