
cg_info -- get information about a CPU-Group


#include <sys/cguser.h>

int cg_info( cgid_t cgid, cginfo_t *infop);


cg_info obtains information about a single CPU-Group in the system. The cgid parameter specifies the CPU-Group for which information is to be returned; the special value CG_CURRENT may be used as shorthand for the caller's current CPU-Group.

The information is returned in the cginfo_t structure pointed to by infop. This structure contains the following fields:

int cg_state
Either CG_ONLINE or CG_OFFLINE. If the CPU-Group is offline, the other fields are meaningless.

memsize_t cg_near_mem
Size of near memory in bytes.

Note that on some machines it may be possible for physical memory sizes to be larger than the natural data sizes of the processor. A memsize_t on such a machine may be a long long quantity.

memsize_t cg_far_cache
Size of any far memory cache on the CPU-Group. Some machines will have hardware that is capable of cacheing the contents of far memory. A large far memory cache can partially hide the costs of using far memory.

long cg_ncpus_config
The number of CPUs configured (the total of online and offline CPUs for the CPU-Group). Note that not all hardware configurations will have equal numbers of CPUs on each CPU-Group.

long cg_ncpus_online
Number of CPUs online for the CPU-Group.

Return values

On success, cg_info returns 0. On failure, cg_info returns -1 and sets errno to indicate the error:

the infop pointer points to an invalid memory address.

cgid does not refer to an existing CPU-Group.

the cg_info call is not supported by the system.


cg_ids(2) cg_info(2) sysconf(3C)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004