
yppasswdd -- server for modifying NIS password file


/usr/lib/netsvc/yp/rpc.yppasswdd passwdfile shadowfile [-nogecos]
[-noshell] [-nopw] [-m argument1 argument2 . . .]


yppasswdd is an Network Information Service (NIS) server that handles password change requests from yppasswd(1nis). It changes a password entry in passwdfile and shadowfile, which are assumed to be in the format of passwd(4) and shadow(4).








passwdfile is the password file that provides the basis for the passwd.byname and passwd.byuid maps. shadowfile is where the encrypted passwords are kept, which are needed to create password maps.

When passwdfile and shadowfile are the server's /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files, the creatiadb(1M) command will be used to update the I&A security database. However, since they contain an entry for the super user, it is recommended that these files not be used.

If the -noshell, -nogecos, or -nopw options are given, then these fields may not be changed remotely using yppasswd(1nis) or passwd(1).

If the -m option is given, then after passwdfile is modified, a make(1) will be performed in /var/yp. Any arguments following the flag will be passed to make.

This server is not run on the master server by default. It can be enabled as described in ``Starting the yppasswdd daemon'' in Administering the Network Information Service (NIS).


The password file specified to rpc.yppasswdd may not be a link.


creatiadb(1M), make(1), passwd(1), passwd(4), shadow(4), nis.conf(4nis), ypbuild(1Mnis), ypfiles(4nis), yppasswd(1nis)


If the NIS password and shadow files are stored as /var/yp/passwd and /var/yp/shadow, then to have password changes propagated immediately the server should be invoked as:

/usr/lib/netsvc/yp/rpc.yppasswdd /var/yp/passwd -m passwd DIR=/var/yp

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004