
ypbuild, ypalias -- rebuild NIS database


cd /var/yp ; make [map]

cd /var/yp ; ./ypbuild SHELL=/sbin/sh [map]


The file called Makefile in /var/yp is used to build the Network Information Service (NIS) database.




If make(1) is installed on your system, use the first form of the synopsis to build the NIS database. If make is not installed, execute /var/yp/ypbuild as shown in the second form of the synopsis to build the NIS database.

With no arguments, make (or ypbuild) creates dbm databases for any NIS maps that are out-of-date, and then executes yppush(1Mnis) to notify slave databases that there has been a change.

If map is supplied on the command line, make (or ypbuild) will update that map only.

There are three special variables used by make (or ypbuild) in the Makefile: DIR, which gives the directory of the source files; NOPUSH, which when non-null inhibits doing a yppush of the new database files; and DOM, used to construct a domain other than the master's default domain. The default for DIR is /etc, and the default for NOPUSH is the null string.

make (or ypbuild) also creates entries in /var/yp/aliases. These entries are generated by /usr/sbin/ypalias, which takes a string as input and returns the alias derived from that string.

Refer to ypfiles(4nis) and ypserv(1Mnis) for an overview of the NIS service.


make(1), makedbm(1Mnis), yppush(1Mnis), ypserv(1Mnis), ypfiles(4nis)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004