
removef -- remove a file from software database


   removef pkginst path1 [path2 . . .]

removef pkginst -

removef -f pkginst


removef informs the system that the user, or software, intends to remove a pathname. Output from removef is the list of input pathnames that may be safely removed (no other packages have a dependency on them).

When the second synopsis is used, the pathname descriptions will be read from standard input. These descriptions are the same as would be given in the first synopsis, but the information is given in the form of a list.

After all files have been processed, removef should be invoked with the -f option to indicate the removal phase is complete.

Name of package instance with which the pathname should be associated.

Indicates the removal phase is complete. This option is used with removef when all files have been processed.


The following shows the use of removef in an optional post-install script:
   echo "The following files are no longer part of this package \
   	and are being removed."
   removef $PKGINST /dev/xt[0-9][0-9][0-9] |
   while read pathname
   	echo "$pathname"
   	rm -f $pathname
   removef -f $PKGINST || exit 2

Exit codes

Successful completion of script.

Fatal error. Installation process is terminated at this point.

Internal error.


compver(4), copyright(4), depend(4), installf(1M), pkgadd(1M), pkgask(1M), pkgchk(1M), pkginfo(1), pkginfo(4), pkgmap(4), pkgmk(1), pkgproto(1), pkgtrans(1), space(4)


Using multiple invocations is discouraged if standard input style invocations can be used with a list of files. This will be much faster because the contents file must be searched for each entry.

language-specific message file [See LANG on environ(5).]

© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004