
pkginfo -- display software package and/or set information


pkginfo [-q] [-p|-i] [-x|-l] [-r] [options] [pkg ...]

pkginfo [-b bufsize] -d device [-q] [-x|-l] [options] [pkg ...]


pkginfo displays information about software packages or sets that are installed on the system (as requested in the first synopsis) or that reside on a particular device or directory (as requested in the second synopsis). A package is a collection of related files and executables that can be independently installed. A set is made up of a special-purpose package, referred to as a Set Installation Package (SIP), and a collection of one or more packages that are members of the set. The SIP controls the installation of the set.

When run without options, pkginfo displays one line of information about every installed package (whether installed completely or partially) whose category is not the value ``set''. The information displayed includes the primary category, package instance, and name of the package. For UNIX software packages produced before UNIX System V Release 4, pkginfo displays only the package name and abbreviation. For SCO OpenServer software packages (installed using custom(1M)), pkginfo prints the heading ``Custom Installed Packages'', followed by a list of packages. The list shows the package name and abbreviation.

The -p and -i options are meaningless if used in conjunction with the -d option. The -p and -i options are mutually exclusive. The -x and -l options are mutually exclusive.

The options for this command are:

-b bufsize
Specifies the buffer size passed to cpio to copy a package image from a device (such as a tape drive) to a temporary work area on disk. By default, the buffer size is taken from /etc/; and, if this value fails, the command is re-tried with a buffer size of 512. The -b option overrides the value in /etc/; if the buffer size you supply fails, the command is attempted again with a buffer size of 512.

Display information only for fully installed packages.

Display a ``long format'' report (that is, one that includes all available information) about the specified package(s). If no pkg(s) is/are specified, information is displayed for all installed packages, not including those "Custom Installed".

Display information only for partially installed packages.

Quiet mode. Do not list any package information. This option overrides the -x, -l, -r, -p, and -i options. (Can be invoked by a program to query whether or not a package has been installed.)

List the installation base for the specified package if the package is relocatable.

Extract and display the following information about the specified package: abbreviation, name, and, if available, architecture and version. If no pkg(s) is/are specified, this information is displayed for all installed packages, not including those "Custom Installed".

options may include the following:

-c category, [category...]
Display information about packages that belong to category category. (Categories are defined in the category field of the pkginfo file and can be one of the following: "application", "graphics", "system", "utilities", "set", "patch"; see pkginfo(4) for details.) More than one category may be specified in a comma-separated list. A package is required to belong to only one category, even when multiple categories are specified. The package-to-category match is not case-sensitive. For example, to list all installed packages of either category "graphics" or "application":

pkginfo -c graphics,application

If the category specified is ``set'', pkginfo will display information about Set Installation Packages (SIPs).

-a architecture
Specify the architecture of the package as architecture.

-v version
Specify the version of the package as version. All compatible versions can be requested by preceding the version name with a tilde (~). The list produced by -v will include pre-Release 4 and SCO OpenServer software packages (with which no version numbers are associated). Multiple white spaces are replaced with a single space during version comparison.

A short string used to designate an abbreviation for the package/set name. For more information on pkg, see pkginfo(4).

To indicate all instances of a package, specify 'pkg.*', enclosing the command line in single quotes, as shown, to prevent the shell from interpreting the * character. Use the token all to refer to all packages available on the source medium.

If pkg is a SIP, information about the packages with which the SIP is associated will be displayed.

-d device
Display information from packages/sets that reside on device. device can be (a) the full pathname to a directory (such as /var/tmp), (b) the full pathname to a device (such as /dev/rmt/* or /dev/dsk/*) [see disk(7) and tape(7)], (c) a device alias; or (d) ``"-"'' which specifies packages in datastream format read from standard input. The default device is the installation spool directory (/var/spool/pkg).

An alias is the unique name by which a device is known. (For example, the alias for a cartridge tape drive might be ctape1.) The name must be limited in length to 64 characters (DDB_MAXALIAS) and may contain only
alphanumeric characters and/or any of the following special characters: underscore (``_''), dollar sign (``$''), hyphen (``-''), and period (``.''). No two devices in the database may share the same alias.

Exit codes

Successful completion of script.

Fatal error. Installation process is terminated at this point.


default spool directory


disk(7), pkgadd(1M), pkgask(1M), pkgchk(1M), pkginfo(4), pkgrm(1M), pkgtrans(1), setinfo(4), tape(7)


pkginfo cannot tell if a pre-UNIX System V Release 4 or SCO OpenServer software package is only partially installed. It is assumed that all pre-Release 4 and SCO OpenServer software packages are fully installed.

If pkginfo is invoked to obtain information on packages that are members of sets located on tape media, all options to pkginfo are allowed since the information on these packages is readily available on the tape. In the case of diskettes, if the SIP and each of its member packages are on separate disks, not all information on these packages is available. In this case, the pkginfo command will only display a short listing. For this reason, the -a, -l and -v options will not work for sets whose packages span over several diskettes.

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004