
mkfs -- construct a filesystem (generic)


mkfs [-F FSType] [-V] [-m] [current_options] [-o specific_options]
special size [operands]


mkfs constructs a filesystem by writing on the special file; special must be the first argument. The filesystem is created based on the FSType, specific_options and operands specified on the command line. mkfs waits 10 seconds before starting to construct the filesystem. During this time the command can be aborted by entering a delete (<Del>).

operands are FSType-specific and the FSType specific manual page of mkfs should be consulted for a detailed description.

current_options are options supported by the s5-specific module of mkfs. Other FSTypes do not necessarily support these options. specific_options indicate suboptions specified in a comma-separated list of suboptions and/or keyword-attribute pairs for interpretation by the FSType-specific module of the command.

The options are:

Specify the FSType to be constructed. The FSType should either be specified here or be determinable from /etc/vfstab by matching the special with an entry in the table.

Echo the complete command line, but do not execute the command. The command line is generated by using the options and arguments provided by the user and adding to them information derived from /etc/vfstab. This option should be used to verify and validate the command line.

Return the command line which was used to create the filesystem. The filesystem must already exist. This option provides a means of determining the command used in constructing the filesystem. It cannot be used with current_options, specific_options, or operands. It must be invoked by itself.

Specify FSType-specific options.

mkfs constructs a filesystem by writing on the special file.

Specify the number of logical 512 byte sectors in the filesystem. The largest filesystem size is determined by the FSType.


list of default parameters for each filesystem


mkfs_bfs(1M), mkfs_dosfs(1M), mkfs_s5(1M), mkfs_sfs(1M), mkfs_ufs(1M), mkfs_vxfs(1M), mount_memfs(1M), prtvtoc(1M), vfstab(4)


This command may not be supported for all filesystem types. For example, mounting an memfs filesystem creates an instantiation of the filesystem. Therefore, the mkfs command is not required for that filesystem type.

This command has been updated to handle files greater than 2GB.

© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004