
prtvtoc -- disk information display utility


prtvtoc [-ap] [-f vtoc-file] raw-device


The default and primary function of prtvtoc is to display the contents of the VTOC (Volume Table Of Contents). The information displayed for each valid slice includes slice number, slice tag, slice flag/permissions, slice start sector, slice size (in sectors).


Print the alternates tables (bad tracks and bad sectors).

Print the information contained in the pdinfo structure.

-f vtoc-file
Write the current contents of the VTOC into the vtoc-file in a condensed format. The format of the file is slice number, slice tag value, slice flag value, slice start sector, slice size (in sectors). The purpose of this file is to be input for the edvtoc(1M) command.

The character special device for the disk drive to be accessed. It must be the slice 0 device to represent the entire device (for example, /dev/rdsk/0s0 or /dev/rdsk/c0b0t0d0s0).




When editing the VTOC, the following entries are the valid slice tags and slice permission flags.

/* Slice tags */

#define V_BOOT 0x01 /* Boot slice */ #define V_ROOT 0x02 /* Root filesystem */ #define V_SWAP 0x03 /* Swap filesystem */ #define V_USR 0x04 /* Usr filesystem */ #define V_BACKUP 0x05 /* full disk */ #define V_ALTS 0x06 /* alternate sector space */ #define V_OTHER 0x07 /* non-unix space */ #define V_ALTTRK 0x08 /* alternate track space */ #define V_STAND 0x09 /* Stand slice */ #define V_VAR 0x0a /* Var slice */ #define V_HOME 0x0b /* Home slice */ #define V_DUMP 0x0c /* dump slice */ #define V_ALTSCTR 0x0d /* Alternate sector/track */ #define V_MANAGED1 0x0e /* Volume management public slice */ #define V_MANAGED2 0x0f /* Volume management private slice */

/* Slice permission flags */

#define V_UNMNT 0x01 /* Unmountable partition */ #define V_RONLY 0x10 /* Read only */ #define V_VALID 0x200 /* Partition is valid to use */

The start and size value are in absolute sector numbers where the first sector on the drive is 0 (which is reserved for the partition table). Slices should start and end on a cylinder boundary if possible. The head, cylinder and sectors/track information provided by prtvtoc -p will assist in the calculations. Slices should not overlap (slice 0 is the exception, it describes the entire UNIX partition).


edvtoc(1M), sd01(7), sdi(7), vtoc(7)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004