
groupls -- list attributes of a group


/usr/sbin/groupls -g group1,group2,... [-ado] [-x extendedOptionString] [-X extendedOptionFile]


Without arguments, the groupls command generates a list of groups the user belongs to. The user syntax also allows a list of usernames to be specified.


The following options are supported:

Outputs all attributes associated with the specified group accounts to standard output in extended option syntax (parsable from a datafile using the -X option).

Displays groups accounts with duplicate IDs.

-g group_name
Reports all attributes associated with group group_name.

Causes displayed information to be delimited with colons (:).

-x extendedOptionString
Lists extended group account attributes. Most attributes are group parameters that can be changed; the groupls command can only be used to query them. See groupadd(1M) for a list of group account attributes.

-X optionsFile
Specify the file from which the group attributes are to be taken.
If group is preceded by a ``+'', (for example, ``+student''), the group definition is administered by the Network Information Service (NIS). In this case, the value for group ID will be taken from the NIS database.


group file

local group file for NIS servers

distributed group file for NIS servers


groupls exits with 0 on success, and either 1 or 2 on failure. Error messages for the following conditions are displayed:
   * Invalid command syntax.


groupadd(1M), groupdel(1M), groupls(1M), logins(1M), useradd(1M) userdel(1M), usermod(1M), userls(1M), users(1bsd), group(4).
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004