
dslpprotocol -- configure remote print protocol of print queue


dslpprotocol -t remote-protocol [-T timeout] [-R retry] [-r] [-C directory-context] print-queue-name

dslpprotocol -l [-S] print-queue-name


The dslpprotocol utility is used to configure the ``remote print protocol'' that a remote print client can use when sending print requests to a print queue.

In directory-enabled printing, to print to a remote print queue, the client must first get the remote print protocol it can use. This is obtained from the print queue object in the directory. This can be one or more of BSD, S5 or HPNP. Where more than one protocol is configured for a print queue, the UNIX print system uses the first value it reads, so a queue will normally only have a single protocol configured.

The print-queue-name parameter is the Relative Distinguished Name (RDN) of the print queue. If the value assigned to print-queue-name does not exist in the directory context (see the -C option), the command fails.

The user of this utility must be directory-enabled and have permissions set for write, modify, search and read on the directory, in the directory context in which they are administrator.


The following command line options are supported:

-C directory-context
Specifies the directory context for which the command is valid. For example, the command can modify the print queue object, in the directory context, to set up the remote print protocol with which the queue can be accessed. If this option is not given, the current directory context is valid.

Print out a description of the remote print protocol parameters associated with the print queue.

-t remote-protocol
Specifies the remote print protocol that can be used when sending print requests to this print queue. The protocol type values supported are bsd, s5 and hpnp. The default value is bsd.

-T timeout
Set the network connection timeout value for the specified protocol, that is, the time a network connection should stay alive in an idle condition before disconnection. The value n can also be specified in order to disable timing out. The value 0 causes the connection to be dropped as soon as it becomes idle. The default value is 10 minutes, and there is no practical upper limit. See the lpsystem(1M) manual page for a full definition of the -T option.

-R retry
Set the network connection retry time for the specified protocol, that is, the time in minutes to wait before trying to re-establish the network connection after a failure. The default value is 2 minutes. A value of 0 causes the connection to be retried immediately. Note that this value must be shorter than the timeout value specified using the -T option. The value n can also be specified in order to prevent dropped connections being retried when no work is available. There is no practical upper limit on the value. For ``networked printers'', the retry time should be set to 0. See the lpsystem(1M) manual page for a full definition of the -R option.

This option is used to remove a specified protocol from the print queue object. This option requires that the -t option also be specified.

Used with the -l option to display the print queue's protocol setup in a simple format.

Exit codes

On success, dslpprotocol returns 0, otherwise one of the following exit codes is returned:

invalid options

specified print queue is unknown

this user does not have modify permissions

invalid DN supplied

value is already set

other error


To set a print queue to allow the BSD remote print protocol:

dslpprotocol -t BSD printq1

To remove the System V protocol from a print queue:

dslpprotocol -C ou=hr,o=sco -r -t s5 hpcolor


dslpaccept(1M), dslpaccess(1M), dslpadmin(1M), dslpenable(1M), dslpprinter(1M), dslpsearch(1), lpsystem(1M)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004