
dslpadmin -- configure directory-enabled print service


dslpadmin [-C directory-context] [[-q print-queue-name [-D queue-description] [-n local-queue-name] [-o banner | nobanner] [-A mail | none] [-F fault-recovery] [[[-P physical-printer-name] | [-Q print-queue-dn]] [-s network-entity-name]]] [-P physical-printer-name [-T printer-type] [-l location] [-L pdl-list]] [-q print-queue-name -P physical-printer-name [-v device-pathname] [-I content-type] [[-i interface-script] | [-m [standard | PS]]] [-o print-options]] [-q print-queue-name -Q print-queue-dn [-I content-type]]] [-q print-queue-name -s network-entity-name [-a print-system-DNS-name | printer-system-address] [-t BSD | HPNP]]

dslpadmin [-C directory-context] [-q print-queue-name [-u physical-printer-name] [-U object-dn]]

dslpadmin [-C directory-context] [-x print-queue-name] [-X physical-printer-name] [-r network-entity-name]

dslpadmin [-h]


The dslpadmin command is used to configure a directory-enabled print service, as follows: The dslpadmin utility parallels the functionality supplied by lpadmin(1M) (which is not directory-aware), and continues to use the traditional ``flat file'' configuration system. Note that where both systems are in use, the printer subsystem employs information found in the directory first. It is the responsibility of the administrator to ensure that naming conflicts do not arise between the two configuration systems.

The directory-enabled utilities employ ``distinguished names'' (DNs), ``relative distinguished names'' (RDNs), and ``directory context''. For an explanation of these, see


The user of this utility must be directory-enabled and have permissions set for write, modify, search and read on the directory, in the directory context in which they are administrator.


Note that some of the following ``major'' options require qualification, using the ``minor'' options, and some combinations are invalid:

-q print-queue-name
Create or modify a print queue object. The print-queue-name argument specifies the RDN of a print queue object. When adding a new print queue, the -s and -P, or else -Q, options must always be specified, so that the command knows the network-entity-name and physical-printer-name, or else print-queue-dn, for the print queue being added. If the print queue object does not exist, dslpadmin creates it.

A print queue can be serviced by:

-P physical-printer-name
Create or modify a physical printer object. The physical-printer-name argument specifies the RDN of a printer object. If the object does not already exist, dslpadmin creates it.

The -P option is not valid if the -Q option has been specified.

-s network-entity-name
Specifies the network entity system object that hosts the print queue. If -a is also given, the object is created or modified. The network-entity-name argument specifies the RDN of an object whose directory context is specified by the -C option, or by the current directory context. The network entity object defines the network address that remote clients need to use to access the print queue.

-x print-queue-name
Delete the print queue object.

-X physical-printer-name
Delete the physical printer object.

-r network-entity-name
Delete the network entity system object. Care needs to be taken not to delete a non-printer system object. It is the responsibility of the administrator to ensure that the correct object is deleted.
A command line can contain any combinations of options -q, -P and -s, or any combination of -x, -X and -r, but only one of each option. When multiple directory objects are simultaneously created or modified, appropriate links are set up between the three object types (printers, print queues and network entities).

Some of the major operations can be enhanced using additional minor options. Some of these enhancements are mandatory.

The following minor options are valid with all major options:

-C directory-context
Specifies the directory context for the command. If this is not given, the user's current directory context is used.

Displays a brief help screen.
The following minor option is valid in combination with -s:

-a printer-system-DNS-name | printer-system-address
Associates a DNS name or network address with the system. If the argument given can be interpreted as an IPv4 or IPv6 address, it is an address, if not it is assumed to be a DNS name. The option causes the network entity object specified by -s to be modified, or else created if it does not already exist. The administrator should ensure that network entity objects are given unique names, so as to avoid modifying existing UNIX system objects instead of adding new print system objects.
The following minor options are valid in combination with -q:

-A [mail | none]
Instructs the print system to generate a mail message if a print request fails. The mail is sent to the owner of the physical printer, or to the root user of the system hosting the print queue, if the printer has no owner or the user has no mail address. The default is none.

-D queue-description
Defines a description comment for the print queue (-q) object. This is then displayed whenever a user asks for a full description of a print queue using the lpstat(1) utility. Strings containing whitespace should be double quoted.

-F fault-recovery
Defines the print queue's fault recovery mode. This option specifies the recovery to be used if the printer on a print queue fails while printing a print request. The value given to fault-recovery can be any of the following:

Continue printing on the top of the page where printing stopped. This requires a filter to wait for the fault to clear before automatically continuing.

Start printing the request again from the beginning.

Disable printing on physical-printer-name and wait for the administrator or a user to enable printing again.

During the wait the administrator or the user who submitted the stopped print request can issue a change request that specifies where printing should resume. If no change request is made before printing is enabled, printing resumes at the top of the page where it stopped, if the filter allows; otherwise, the request is printed from the beginning.

The default value is beginning.

-I content-type[, content-type, ...]
Specifies the print queue's content types. Allows the print queue to handle print requests with the content types listed in the list. If the list contains more than one content-type, commas separate them. See the lpadmin(1M) manual page for a full description of the format. This also requires the -P or -Q options.

-n local-queue-name
Defines the local name of a print queue. This name normally only differs from the queue's RDN when the queue is on a non-directory-enabled host, for example, an OpenServer(TM) system. It is used by incoming remote network connections to identify the print queue on the receiving system. The default value is the print queue's RDN.

-o [banner | nobanner]
Defines if a banner page will always be produced by this print queue. The default value, banner, forces a banner page to be printed for all print requests, whereas nobanner allows the user to submit a print job specifying that no banner page is to be printed.

-Q print-queue-dn
Defines a print-queue-dn to service the print queue as specified with the -q option. It allows a print queue to queue jobs to another print queue; typically this is used to allow the use of filters that are available on the system hosting the first queue (-q), but not on the system hosting the other (-Q) queue. This option is invalid if -P or -i have been specified. A print queue (-q) can queue to one or more other print queues.

-t [BSD | HPNP]
Defines the print protocol used by this ``networked printer'' print queue. Retry and timeout values are set to their default values for a networked printer. To change these, the dslpprotocol(1M) utility should be used. Note that this option should only be used for networked printers supporting the BSD or HPNP protocol.

-u physical-printer-name
Unlinks the named physical printer from the print queue (-q) without deleting its object.

-U object-dn
Unlinks either the physical printer or the print queue object (specified by object-dn) from the print queue (-q), without deleting its object.
The following minor options are valid when both -q and -P are specified:

-i interface-script
Pathname for the printer's interface-script when accessed through the specified print queue. This option is not valid if the -Q option has been specified, or if the -P option has not been specified. These are usually user-supplied scripts. This option cannot be given when -m has also been specified.

-m [standard | PS]
Model interface program for the printer when accessed through the specified print queue. It selects the model interface script to be used by the print queue. When a physical printer object is being created, and neither the -m nor the -i option has been specified, the default is standard. This option cannot be given when -i has also been specified.

-o print-option=value[, ...]
See the lpadmin(1M) manual page for full details.

-v device-pathname
Device pathname for the printer when accessed through the specified queue. It associates device-pathname with the print queue connected to the physical printer. This can be either a serial or a parallel device, such as /dev/lp.
The following minor options are valid in combination with -P:

-l location
Defines the printer's location. This is a string identifying where a printer is physically located, for example ``Building X, Room 6''. It can be searched on by the dslpsearch(1) utility. Once set, this value can only be overwritten, not removed.

-L PDL[, PDL, ...]
Specifies the list of Page Description Languages (PDLs) supported by the printer. This is used to advertise any PDL the printer supports, and can be searched on, using the dslpsearch(1) utility. The AUTOSW, PCL, PCLXL, POSTSCRIPT, TEXT, ESCP, PJL and OTHER PDLs are supported. If the option is used to modify an existing physical printer object, the list replaces the existing list.

-T printer-type[, printer-type, ...]
List of printer types. It identifies the printer as being of one or more printer types, for example ``hplaserjet''. See the lpadmin(1M) manual page for details.


When configuring a print queue, where the administrator is not on the system that is to host the print queue, the interface-script argument to -i and the device-pathname argument to -v are not checked. This is because the remote system cannot be accessed in order to do the checks. It is therefore the administrator's responsibility to ensure that the specified interface-script and device-pathname exist on the remote hosting system. This also applies to the printer-type argument to -T.

Exit codes

On success, dslpadmin returns 0, otherwise one of the following exit codes is returned:

error in configuration setup; error messages are displayed to qualify the error or failure


The following examples illustrate use of the dslpadmin command, when the user is logged on to a directory-enabled UNIX system.

The following adds an HP LaserJet PostScript printer on the parallel port (/dev/lp) of the local system, with a print queue RDN of ``delj5n'', and a physical printer RDN of ``deplj5n''. It gives the print queue a description of ``HP LaserJet (PostScript)'' and the model interface script as ``PS''.

   dslpadmin -q delj5n -P deplj5n -T PS-b -D "HP LaserJet (Postscript)" \
   -I PS -m PS -v /dev/lp -A mail -o nobanner
The print system will allow print requests of content type PS, and disable banner pages on this print queue. If a printer fault occurs, the print system will mail the owner of the printer.

The following adds an HP LaserJet PCL printer on the parallel port (/dev/lp) of the local system, with a print queue RDN of ``delj5n2'', and a physical printer RDN of ``deplj5n2''. It gives the print queue a description of ``HP LaserJet (PCL)'', the printer type ``hplaserjet'', and the model interface script as ``standard''.

   dslpadmin -q delj5n2 -P deplj5n2 -T hplaserjet -D "HP LaserJet (PCL)" \
   -I pcl -m standard -v /dev/lp -A mail -o "stty='clocal -onlcr'"
The print system will allow print requests of content type PCL for this print queue, but will reject requests if no banner page is requested. If a printer fault occurs, the print system will mail the owner of the printer.

The following adds an HP LaserJet network printer that uses the BSD remote print protocol, with a print queue RDN of ``denlj5n'', and a physical printer RDN of ``denplj5n''. It gives the print queue a description of ``HP JetDirect (PostScript)'', the printer type ``PS-b'', and the model interface script as ``PS''. The printer has a network address of ``p_hplj.caldera.com''.

   dslpadmin -q denlj5n -P denplj5n -T PS-b -D "HP JetDirect (Postscript)" \
   -I PS -m PS -A mail -o nobanner  -s denslj5n -a p_hplj.caldera.com -t BSD
The print system will allow print requests of content type PS for this print queue, and disables banner pages.

The following adds an HP LaserJet PostScript network printer, using the HPNP remote print protocol, with a print queue RDN of ``dehpnp'', and a physical printer RDN of ``dephpnp''. It gives the print queue a description of ``HPNP (PCL)'', the printer type ``hplaserjet'', and the model interface script as ``standard''. The printer has a network address of ``p_hplj.caldera.com''.

   dslpadmin -q dehpnp -P dephpnp -T hplaserjet -D "HPNP (PCL)" -I pcl \
   -m standard -A mail -s deshpnp -a p_hplj.caldera.com -t HPNP
The print system will allow print requests of content type PCL for this print queue, and reject requests if no banner page is requested. If a printer fault occurs, the print system will mail the owner of the printer.

The following adds an HP LaserJet PCL printer to the parallel port (/dev/lp) of the UNIX system ``sys=jenny, sys=domainx, ou=eng, o=sco'', with a print queue RDN of ``delj5n2'', and a physical printer RDN of ``deplj5n2''. It gives the print queue a description of ``HP LaserJet (PCL)'', the printer type ``hplaserjet'', and the model interface script as ``standard''.

   dslpadmin -C "sys=domainx,ou=eng,o=sco" -q delj -P deplj -T hplaserjet \
   -D "HP LaserJet (PCL)" -s jenny -I pcl -m standard -v /dev/lp -A mail \
   -o nobanner -o "stty='clocal -onlcr'"
The print system will allow print requests of content type PCL for this print queue, and disables banner pages. If a printer fault occurs, the print system will mail the owner of the printer.

The following deletes an HP LaserJet PostScript printer:

   dslpadmin -x delj5n  -X deplj5n
The following deletes an HPNP printer:
   dslpadmin -x dehpnp  -X dephpnp -r deshpnp
The following deletes an HP LaserJet PostScript printer on server jenny:
   dslpadmin -C "sys=domainx,ou=eng,o=sco" -x delj  -X deplj


cancel(1), dslpaccept(1M), dslpaccess(1M), dslpenable(1M), dslpprotocol(1M), dslpprinter(1M), dslpsearch(1), lp(1), lpadmin(1M), lpstat(1)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004