
dfmounts -- display mounted resource information


dfmounts [-F fstype] [-h] [-o specific_options] [restriction ...]


The generic dfmounts command shows the local resources currently mounted by clients through a distributed filesystem fstype along with a list of clients that have the resource mounted.

The output of dfmounts consists of an optional header line (suppressed with the -h flag) followed by a list of lines containing whitespace-separated fields.

For each resource, the fields are:

   resource server path clients

The meaning of resource is dependent upon the distributed file system type that is being used.

Specifies the system from which the resource was mounted.

Specifies the pathname that was given to the share(1M) command.

The format of clients is dependent upon the distributed file system type that is being used.
A field may be NULL. Each NULL field is indicated by a hyphen (-) unless the remainder of the fields on the line are also NULL. In this case, it is blank.


The following options are available to the dfmounts command:

Specifies the filesystem type. If this option is omitted, dfmounts is executed for each configured distributed filesystem type.

Suppresses the header line in dfmounts output.

-o specific_options
Depend upon the distributed filesystem (fstype) being used. For a list of specific_options and for details of the availability and semantics of restriction, refer to the documentation on the filesystem type being used.

specific_options and restriction should be used in conjunction with the -F option.

If dfmounts is entered without arguments, all resources currently shared on the local system, along with resources that are available for mounting, are displayed, regardless of filesystem type.




dfmounts(1nfs), dfshares(1M), mount(1M), share(1M), unshare(1M)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004