
unshare -- make local resource unavailable for mounting by remote systems


unshare [-F fstype] [-o specific_options] {pathname | resourcename}


The unshare command makes a shared local resource unavailable to filesystem type fstype.





If the option -F fstype is omitted, then the first filesystem type listed in file /etc/dfs/fstypes will be used as the default.

specific_options, as well as the semantics of resourcename, are specific to the particular distributed filesystem associated with the specified filesystem type. Note that, if pathname or resourcename is not found in the shared information, an error message will be sent to standard error.

Only a privileged user can execute this command.


share(1M), shareall(1M), unshare(1Mnfs)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004