
fur -- function and object code rearranger


fur -o order-file|-l list-of-functions-file [-W] [-O var1=val1 var2=val2 ...] [-k|-K keep-file] relocatable-object

fur [-W] [-O var1=val1 var2=val2 ...] [-k|-K keep-file] [-B block-insertion-code] [-b all|flow|listfile] [-P prologue-insertion-code] [-p all|listfile] [-E epilogue-insertion-code] [-e all|listfile] [-c compile-command] relocatable-object

fur -r [-W ] [-O var1=val1 var2=val2 ...] [-k|-K keep-file] [-m] [-v] -f block-log-file... [-o order-file] [-l function-file] relocatable-object

mkblocklog [-p prefix] number-of-blocks name number-of-functions

mkproflog number-of-blocks name number-of-functions


fur is used for three related purposes:

In its first form, fur rearranges the code based on one of two specifications: an order-file or a list-of-functions-file. An order-file is completely superior to a list-of-functions-file, but is more complicated to produce. A list-of-functions-file is a file that contains an ordered list of function names. fur will reorder the functions in the relocatable file to suit this ordering; any functions not listed in the file will be placed in the file in their (relative) original order. A list-of-functions is usually produced by using flow-profiling and the tool lrt_scan(1).

An order-file is more detailed. It lists the functions and an ordering for them, but it also shows an ordering for the blocks within each function (a block is a piece of ``straight-line code'' -- no branches). This file is produced by fur itself by analyzing block profiles (see below).

In its second form, fur inserts code into the first block of each function, every block of each function or each block that executes a "return" instruction. Optionally, a compile-command will also be executed (intended to be used to build associated code). The number of blocks and a shortened name of the relocatable-object will be appended to the compile-command and then this command is executed. This can be used to take a relocatable file and profile it without having to recompile the code. To create prof(1) profilable objects:

   fur -P prof.o -c mkproflog -p all relocatable-object
To create fprof(1) profilable objects:
   fur -p all -e all relocatable-object
There is currently no support for making lprof(1) relocatable-object's.

There is a fourth type of profiling, block profiling. This form has similar functionality to lprof(1), but is better suited to the task of locality tuning and ill-suited to human readability. This command:

   fur -b all -c mkblocklog relocatable-object
will insert block profiling code into each block and produce a relocatable-object log.basename-of-relocatable-object.o to be linked into the final object (see ``Examples''). This form of logging produces an output file for each relocatable file that it is run against (and for each process it is linked into) by the name block.basename-of-relocatable-object.num (where num is incremented until a unique name is found). This can then be given as the block-log-file option to fur (see below). If -b flow is used in place of -ball, code is inserted into only enough blocks such that the flow of control through the program can be recognized. For example, code will not be inserted at the only target of an unconditional jump, since whenever the source executes, the target executes.

Note that one can write one's own code to be inserted into the relocatable file at the designated points. One can give a relocatable file that meets the following restrictions as the block-insertion-code, prologue-insertion-code or epilogue-insertion-code parameters to fur:

The easiest way to meet these restrictions is to make the inserted code be a call to a function and compile that function separately.

In its third form, fur analyzes block-logs. The -r (read-only) option tells fur to not change the relocatable file (if the -r is not present, the file will be tuned based on the information contained in the block-log-file's). The -v option tells fur to present a "view" of the log; it will output the information in the log. The -m option asks fur to output metrics that will describe how much the code would be improved by transforming the code based on the information contained in the logs. Four types of data are presented:

Maximum Executed Function
Gives an idea of how much the data can be trusted - the code needs to be sufficiently exercised to be useful

Jump Percentage
Code can be changed to reduce the number of jumps it takes, this statistic tells you what percentage of the original jumps will still be taken in the new version of the code. The lower this number is, the more tuning will help the code.

Line Usage Efficiency (before and after tuning)
Gives a sense for how well the code fits in memory and cache before and after tuning. The best a program can do is to have 100% efficiency.

If the order-file option is present, an ordering of the blocks that best fits the data in the log will be written to the file (which can then be given to fur as an option in the first form, as described above). If the list-of-functions-file option is present, the order of the functions written to the order-file will be that presented in this file, while the ordering of the blocks within each function will be ordered based on the information contained in the block-log-file's.

The keep-file option is used to store information about the relocatable-object for subsequent executions of fur. If keep-file does not exist, it is created from information about the relocatable-object. If keep-file exists, then fur is saved a great deal of time in reading the relocatable-object. When -k is specified, and keep-file does not match the relocatable object, fur fails. If -K is specified and keep-file does not match the relocatable-object, it is treated as if keep-file did not exist (the object is read and the information is stored in keep-file).

Optional variables may be specified on the command line (if an order-file is created, the parameters will also be stored therein). They may also be set as environment variables. These variables are:

Specifies how many functions should be aligned, counting from the beginning of the reordered code. The default is for all functions to be aligned.

Specifies what value the beginning of functions should be aligned to. The default is 16.

Defines how many iterations fur should consider a loop. By default, fur considers a block to be the beginning of a loop if the block executes 50 times more than its predecessor.

Specifies what value the beginning of loops should be aligned to. The default is 16.

If this parameter is not zero, all blocks in a function will be kept together when the code is rearranged. This will, most likely, hinder fur's ability to speed up code. The default is 0.

If this variable is not set to 0, fur will issue warnings if an order-file references a function which is not contained in the relocatable-object. The default value is 1. If a single order-file is used for multiple objects, the order-file is likely to contain information that is not relevant to each object. In this case it may be preferable to turn off these warnings.
Two optional variables control the amount of inlining attempted by fur. Only calls that match both criteria below and are otherwise acceptable are inlined.

This variable controls the amount of inlining that fur attempts. The values range from 0 to 100, where 0 means that no functions are inlined and 100 means that fur will attempt to inline every function call possible. A value of 10 means that fur will attempt to inline the function call points that account for the first 10% of the calls. The default value is 0, which means that no inlining is attempted.

This variable also controls the amount of inlining that fur attempts. The concept behind this variable is that it is wasteful to inline a function at a point if that particular call to the function does not account for a significant amount of the calls to the function. A value of 10 means that a function call that accounts for at least 10% of the calls to a given function will be attempted to be inlined. The default is 50. Note that if INLINE_CRITERIA is set to 0 (no inlining attempted), any value set for INLINE_CALL_RATIO is ignored.

The -W option suppresses warning messages from fur.

mkblocklog and mkproflog are utility programs used by fur. They should only be used as part of a command line supplied using the -c option. Since fur automatically appends the number-of-blocks, a name and the number-of-functions, no options are necessary. The -p option is used to specify where log files are written (a number is appended to the prefix); by default, block.name is the prefix. mkblocklog produces log.name.o, which must be linked with the original relocatable to perform logging. mkproflog produces prof.name.o.


The keep-file option is presented as a convenience; there is no guarantee that the format of the file will not change between versions of the tool. It is also not guaranteed that the format of block-log-file will not change.

This command has been updated to handle Intel Pentium III Streaming SIMD instructions; see ``Pentium III extended floating point support'' in New features for more information.


You can profile code without recompiling. If you used to compile for profiling like this:

cc -p -c x.c
cc -p -c y.c
cc -p -o z x.o y.o

now, you can do this:

cc -c x.c
cc -c y.c
fur -P prof.o -c mkproflog -p all x.o
fur -P prof.o -p all y.o
cc -p -o z x.o y.o prof.x.o prof.y.o

Here is a sample session with block-logging. If you compile your program like this:

  1. cc -c prog1.c

  2. cc -c prog2.c

  3. cc -o prog prog1.o prog2.o
Change it to this:

  1. cc -c prog1.c

  2. cc -c prog2.c

  3. ld -r -o prog.o prog1.o prog2.o

  4. cc -o prog prog.o
Between steps 3 and 4, you can do any amount of tuning you wish. For example,

cp prog.o hold.o

fur -c mkblocklog -b all prog.o

cc -o prog prog.o log.prog.o

prog [options]

cp hold.o prog.o

fur -r -o prog.order -f block.prog.00 prog.o

fur -o prog.order prog.o

cc -o prog prog.o


fur is guaranteed to produce working code only if the relocatable file was created using the UnixWare C Compilation System. If assembly code or code produced by another compiler is used, there is a very unlikely possibility that the object code will not work properly. This can only occur under one of these two circumstances:


fur fails if:


CC(1C++), cc(1), fprof(1), lprof(1), lrt_scan(1), prof(1)

© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004