
cc -- C compiler


   cc [options] file . . .


The cc command is the interface to the C compilation system. The compilation system consists of the following conceptual phases: preprocessing, compiling, optimizing, basic block profiling, assembling, and linking. The cc command examines its options and filename suffixes, and then executes the proper phases with appropriate options and arguments.

The cc command recognizes the following filename suffixes:

A file that contains unprocessed C source; all phases are applicable.

A file that contains preprocessed C source; all phases except for preprocessing are applicable.

A file that contains assembly language source; only the assembling and linking phases are applicable.

A file that contains input applicable only to the linking phase. This category commonly includes object files (.o), archive libraries (.a), and shared object libraries (.so).

If no options are present, the cc command sends all files through those phases (as appropriate to their suffixes) as are necessary to combine them into a dynamically linked executable with the name a.out in the current directory. If an intermediate result is requested instead, it is similarly placed in the current directory, with a filename derived by replacing the incoming suffix with a suffix appropriate to the resultant file. If the assembling phase occurs, the cc command places the object file (.o) in the current directory, but this file will be removed if a single source file is being compiled through to an executable. All other intermediate files are placed in a temporary directory. (The choice of directory can be controlled with the environment variable TMPDIR.)

An exception to the filename suffix rule is that any file name, regardless of suffix, will be accepted with the -E option. This allows the C preprocessor to be invoked as a standalone tool for use with non-C source files.

The following options are applicable to all phases.

-o str
Uses str as the name of the output file instead of the default name. With no options this renames the a.out executable. With -c this renames the generated .o object file. With -S this renames the generated .s assembly file. With -P this renames the generated .i preprocessed source file file. The -o option has no effect in conjunction with the -E option.

-Q str
Controls the inclusion of compilation tool identification information in the output. If str is ``y'' (the default), then the information will be present; if str is ``n'', it will not.

Causes the cc command and each invoked tool to print its version information, one per line, on the standard error output.

-W phase,list
Hands the argument(s) specified by the comma-separated list (in order) to the single compilation phase named by phase. An argument in list can include a comma by escaping it by a preceding ``\''. If more than one conceptual phase is implemented by a single tool, all the associated argument lists are passed to the tool. The phase names are the following:




basic block profiler



Relative to the regular options and arguments passed to the compilation phase, the location of the arguments specified by list is unspecified and may change.

-X str
Controls the degree of conformance to the ANSI and ISO C standards. The option argument str can be one of the following:

Specifies standards conformance except that some required warnings are omitted and the name space is expanded to include names that are not specified by the standards. All C constructions behave as specified in the standards. All implemented language and library extensions beyond the standards are also available. This is the default.

Like a, except that the keywords inline and restrict are not recognized as keywords.

Specifies strict conformance to ISO/IEC 9899:1990 (C89). As such, -Xc will cause inline and restrict not to be taken as keywords (like -Xb), and will issue one-time use warnings at the first occurrence of pure syntactic extensions. Examples of these are compound literals, intermixed declarations and statements in a block, and flexible array structure members. Because the name space of the language and headers is reduced from that of -Xa, certain extensions (such as the asm keyword) and some commonly expected header file declarations are not available. The latter may be helped by use of -D_POSIX_SOURCE or -D_XOPEN_SOURCE.

Specifies standards conformance except where the semantics differ from ``classic'' C. (See Kernighan & Ritchie, First Edition.) In addition, warnings are issued about preprocessing phase semantic changes such as new escape sequences (like \x) and any trigraph replacements (like ??!). Certain potential optimizations available in the other -X modes are also disabled.

In all -X modes, the compiling phase will warn about expressions in which the modified promotion rules for narrower unsigned values may cause an otherwise hidden behavior change.

-Y str,dir
Uses the directory dir to find the item(s) named by str. The option argument str is one or more of the following:

Causes the phase (spelled the same as for -W) to be found in the directory dir. If more than one conceptual phase is implemented by a single tool and differing directories are specified for the phases, it is unspecified which directory is used.

Changes the directory searched last for preprocessing phase include files.

Changes the linking phase default library search path to be the colon-separated list of one or more directories, dir. (More directories can be added to the front of the path due to other options.)

Changes the directory in which to find the implementation's start-up object files.

In addition to the ability to specify the directory in which to find the various compilation phases, if the cc command is invoked as prefixcc, then each tool executed will be similarly prefixed, as will the filenames for the start-up object files. For example, if the command ./abccc is invoked with -Ya,../xyz, then the assembler would be expected to have the pathname ../xyz/abcas.

The following options are applicable only to the preprocessing phase. During this phase, the macros _ _STDC_ _, _ _USLC_ _ and _ _SCO_VERSION_ _ are always predefined. _ _USLC_ _ always has a positive integer value (which signifies that a USL C compilation system is being used), _ _STDC_VERSION_ _ has the value 199409L, and _ _STDC_ _ has the value ``1'' only for -Xc, and the value ``0'' otherwise. _ _SCO_VERSION_ _ has a constructed long int value of ``VvvYYYYMML'', where ``V'' is the major version of the compiler, ``vv'' the minor version, ``YYYY'' the year of the compiler release, and ``MM'' the month of the compiler release.

-A name[(tokens)]
Causes name to be asserted as a predicate associated with the optional parenthesized tokens as if by a #assert directive.

-A -
Causes all predefined macros (other than those that begin with ``_ _'') to be undefined and all preassertions to be unasserted.

The affected predefined macros and preassertions are the following:

   	#define i386 1       /* not present if -Xc */
   	#define unix 1       /* not present if -Xc */
   	#assert system(unix)
   	#assert cpu(i386)
   	#assert machine(i386)
   	#assert model(ilp32)

Causes all comments other than on directive lines to be retained in the output of the preprocessor phase; otherwise, they are removed.

-D name[=tokens]
Causes name to be defined as a macro to be replaced by tokens, or by ``1'' if =tokens is not present, as if by a #define directive.

Suppresses all phases but preprocessing, and sends the result to the standard output. The result will contain lines similar to preprocessing directives and can be used for a subsequent compiling phase. The name of the file being preprocessed may have any suffix.

Causes the pathnames of all files included to be printed, one per line, on the standard error output.

-I dir
Causes dir to be searched for included files whose names do not begin with / before searching the usual directories. The directories for multiple -I options are searched in the order specified.

Suppresses all phases but preprocessing, and places the result in a .i-suffixed file. Unlike -E, the result will contain no directives. Compiling this resultant .i file produces an executable whose line numbers match the .i file instead of the .c file.

-U name
Causes name to be undefined as a macro as if by a #undef directive, even if name is a predefined macro (including those that begin with ``__'') or is also the subject of a -D option.

The following options are applicable to all phases except the preprocessing phase. All options affecting only the linking phase are also handed to the ld(1) command.

-B str
Controls the linking phase library name search mechanism for subsequent -l options. The option argument str can be either ``dynamic'' (the initial setting) or ``static''. The order of the -B, -L, and -l options is significant; see the -l option.

Suppresses the linking phase. No produced object files (.o) are removed.

-d str
Determines the mode of the executable result of the linking phase. If str is ``y'' (the default), a dynamically linked executable is to be produced; if str is ``n'', the result will be statically linked.

Causes the linking phase to produce a shared object instead of an executable.

Causes the generation of information that facilitates symbolic debugging. This option clashes with -O but has higher precedence: debugging information is generated if both are specified.

Causes the linking phase to omit inclusion of the crti.o and crtn.o startup code object files when producing a shared object. This is useful when you are supplying your own _init and _fini sections for the shared object.

-K list
Enables certain variations in code generation, or optimization, or linking, or a combination thereof. For those items in the following list presented in groups of two or more, the first item is the default choice, and at most one of each such group will be effective. The option argument list is a comma-separated list of one or more of the following items:

Changes code generation to be position-independent.

Specifies whether the program will use the multi-threading facilities. In threaded mode, arranges for the appropriate preprocessor flags to be turned on and for the threading library to be linked in the correct order. -lthread should not be used.

Causes the same effect as -Kthread, except that libthreadT (tracing) is linked. If -Kthread and -KthreadT are specified on the command line, -KthreadT will be used and a warning will be issued. -lthreadT should not be used.

Causes the same effect as -Kthread, except that in addition POSIX threads semantics are enabled at runtime for the fork(2), raise(3C), thr_exit(3thread), and pthread_exit(3pthread) calls. -lpthread is an acceptable synonym for -Kpthread.

Specifies that the compiler should allow the character $ to be used in identifiers. Since this usage is an extension to the ANSI/ISO C Standard, use of this option with -Xc will result in a warning diagnostic on the first usage of $ in an identifier. This option may be needed when porting code from other systems.





Causes code generation specifically tuned to the selected Intel® microprocessor. blended (the default) balances the code generation choices to work well on all these processors. pentium_pro optimizes for all Intel Pentium® Pro-based processors such as the Pentium II. Used only in conjunction with -O.


Controls whether the generated floating point code strictly conforms to the IEEE floating point and C standards. ieee specifies strict conformance. no_ieee permits more aggressive floating point optimization. It assumes that the application does not change rounding modes, does not check for exception conditions, and does not produce NaNs or infinities. In this mode, errno might not be set as often and exceptions may not be raised.


Specifies whether the compiler generates calls to alloca(3bsd) inline or not. The default is to inline, unless -Xc is specified, in which case the default is to not inline.



Specifies the stack frame layout strategy the compiler is permitted to use. frame uses the ``%ebp'' register as a dedicated stack frame pointer. fixed_frame and no_frame represent alternate stack layouts: both permit ``%ebp'' to be allocated as a general purpose register, which usually produces faster code, but in rare instances may cause debugging stack traces to fail. Between the two, fixed_frame saves instructions at the expense of stack space, while no_frame does the reverse. fixed_frame is advantageous for the Intel Pentium Pro processor architecture, and is the default when -Kpentium_pro is specified. Otherwise, no_frame is the default. This option only applies when the -O option is specified; unoptimized code always uses the frame pointer layout.


Specifies whether the compiler may perform argument passing in registers, which produces faster code. This is done for certain types of calls within a translation unit, and only when -O is specified. A consequence of this option is that function breakpointing in debugging, and argument information in debugging stack traces, may be unreliable. -Kargs_in_regs clashes with inlining but has lower precedence; no argument passing in registers is done if both are specified.


In hosted mode, the compiler assumes that function names in the C standards are reserved and behave as described by the standard. The compiler will be free to inline such functions if requested. If no_ieee is also specified, the compiler assumes that math functions do not have NaNs or infinities as arguments and do not produce NaNs or infinities.


Specifies whether the compiler should perform function inlining. Inlining may yield better execution speed at the expense of extra code size. Only applies if the -O option is specified.

Similarly, the C99 inline function specifier will cause the compiler to attempt to replace invocations of such functions with an inline substitution only when the -O option is specified.


Specifies whether the compiler performs loop unrolling when optimization is enabled (-O). Loop unrolling may yield better execution speed at the expense of extra code size.


Specifies whether plain character types are considered signed or unsigned. The default is signed.


The system uses certain heuristics in distinguishing between binaries compiled for OpenServer using the OpenServer application binary interface and binaries compiled for UnixWare or UnixWare using the binary interface specified by the "System V Application Binary Interface Intel386(TM) Processor Supplement." These heuristics can fail in rare cases. The udk option can be used in cases when the heuristics break down. It instructs the link-editor to add a special mark to a binary object to positively identify it as a binary compiled by the UnixWare compiler and intended to be able to run on UnixWare, OpenServer and UnixWare. no_udk indicates that no special mark should be inserted. When linking on OpenServer and passing the -Wl,-fosr5 option to ld(1), the -Kno_udk option must be used.

Multiple -K options have the same effect as if the separate list arguments were merged into one option.

-L dir
Adds dir to the linking phase list of directories to be searched for subsequent -l options. The order of the -B, -L, and -l options is significant; see the -l option.

-l str
Causes the linking phase to search the library or libstr.a. The order of the -B, -L, and -l options is significant: A -l option causes the linker to check first in the directories specified by preceding -L options (in order) and then in the directories of the default library search path (-YP). If -Bdynamic is set at the point of the -l option, each directory is checked first for and then libstr.a; otherwise, only libstr.a is checked. Avoid specifying -lc; cc will ensure that libc is linked in the proper order. Linking libc in the wrong order may cause incorrect execution behavior. If you do specify -lc, make sure there are no other dynamic libraries specified after it. Do not specify -lC; C++ links must be done with CC(1C++). Use -Kthread (or -KthreadT) instead of -lthread (or -lthreadT) when linking with the threads library. Using -lthread (or -lthreadT) directly may cause incorrect execution behavior.

Enables the optimization phase. This phase clashes with -g but has lower precedence: the optimization phase is disabled if both are specified. This phase also clashes with -ql but has lower precedence: the optimization phase is disabled if both are specified.

Causes extra code to be generated that counts the number of calls to each routine. If the linking phase is enabled, the default library search path (-YP) is altered to check directories that are intended to contain similarly instrumented libraries before the usual directories. Moreover, different start-up object files are used that arrange to record (in the file mon.out) the time spent in each routine; see prof(1).

-q str
Causes extra code that instruments the program to be generated. If str is ``p'', the behavior is the same as the -p option. If str is ``l'', the basic block profiling phase is enabled which generates extra code that counts the number of times each source line is executed; see lprof(1). If str is ``f'', a flow profile log is created; see fprof(1). The -O option clashes with -ql but has lower precedence: the optimization phase is not enabled if both are specified.

Suppresses the assembling and linking phases, and produces an assembly file (.s-suffixed file).

Causes the compiling phase to perform extra syntactic, semantic, and lint(1)-like checks.

Causes the compiler to suppress warning messages.

-Z str
Controls the packing of ``full-size'' structure members in the compiling phase. Bit field packing is not affected by this option. The option argument str is one of the following:

Selects at least one byte alignment for all structure members; or, in other words, include no padding. (This can also be specified as -Zp.)

Selects at least two byte alignment for structure members of at least two bytes in size.

Selects two byte alignment for two byte sized structure members and four byte alignment for larger structure members. This is the default choice.

The cc command recognizes -e, -h, -R, -u, and -z as linking phase options with arguments. These, and all other unrecognized option-like arguments are handed to ld(1).

Finally, the cc command also recognizes the option -#. If one -# option is present, the cc command will print each tool with its options and argument just before it is invoked. With two -# options, the pathname of each tool is also printed; with three, the invocations are skipped.


default name of resulting executable

last directory to search for include files

startup code object files

runtime support archive

preprocessor and compiler


basic block profiler



dynamic shared standard C library

archive standard C library

subdirectory of each LIBPATH entry in which to check for profiled libraries

usually /usr/include

usually /usr/ccs/lib

usually /usr/ccs/bin

usually /usr/ccs/lib:/usr/lib

usually /var/tmp but can be overridden by the environment variable TMPDIR.

language-specific message file [See LANG on environ(5).]

runtime objects used to implement the -X option


as(1), debug(1), elfmark(1), ld(1), lint(1), lprof(1), monitor(3C), prof(1), tmpnam(3S)

Kernighan, B. W., and Ritchie, D. M., The C Programming Language, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall, 1988

American National Standard for Information Systems - Programming Language C, X3.159-1989

International Standard ISO/IEC 9899:1990, Programming Languages - C

International Standard ISO/IEC 9899:1999, Programming Languages - C

International Standard ISO/IEC 9945-1:1990, Information Technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part 1: System Application Program Interface (API) [C Language]

Standards compliance

The C language conforms to the updated C standard (C99), ISO/IEC 9899:1999, except for two major exceptions and two minor ones. The main unimplemented features are complex arithmetic and variable length arrays. The former also means that there is no <complex.h> header. The minor items are the return value for snprintf(3S) when the destination array is not long enough (the C99-conforming functions are provided, but are spelled _xsnprintf() and _xvsnprintf()), and some header name space issues. The latter means that many of the new names added by C99 to existing headers will not be visible when using -Xc.


A compatibility libc is provided that allows applications compiled using this compiler to run with earlier UnixWare 7 releases. See Intro(3C). The -Xb option removes recognition of only the two new keywords restrict and inline. All the other new keywords (for example, _Bool) will continue to be recognised.


If a mode choice option (such as -Q or -X) is specified more than once, generally the last is used.

New code should use -Xa, -Khost and -v; old code is probably best handled with -Xt and -Kno_host.

© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004