
cb -- C program beautifier


   cb [-s] [-j] [-l leng] [-V] [file . . .]


The cb command reads syntactically correct C programs either from its arguments or from the standard input, and writes them on the standard output with spacing and indentation that display the structure of the C code. By default, it preserves all user new-lines. cb processes supplementary code set characters according to the locale specified in the LC_CTYPE environment variable (see LANG on environ(5)).

cb accepts the following options:

Write the code in the style of Kernighan and Ritchie found in The C Programming Language.

Put split lines back together.

-l leng
Split lines that are longer than leng.

Print on standard error output the version of cb invoked.



Kernighan, B. W., and Ritchie, D. M., The C Programming Language, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall, 1988


cb treats asm as a keyword.

The format of structure initializations is unchanged by cb.

Punctuation that is hidden in preprocessing directives causes indentation errors.

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