
ypmake -- rebuild Network Information Service (NIS) databases


/etc/yp/ypmake [ map ]


ypmake is used to build the Network Information Service database. If make(CP) is on the system, the file makefile in the directory /etc/yp is used by make(CP) to build the Network Information Service database. If make(CP) is not on the system, then ypmake will create the database unconditionally. With no arguments, ypmake creates dbm(NS) databases for any NIS maps that are out-of-date and then executes yppush(NADM) to notify the slave servers that there has been a change.

If you supply a map on the command line, ypmake will update that map only. Typing ypmake passwd will create and yppush the password database (assuming it is out-of-date). Likewise, ypmake hosts and ypmake networks will create and yppush the host and network files, /etc/hosts and /etc/networks, respectively.

ypmake uses four special variables:

gives the directory of the source files. The default is /etc.

when non-null, inhibits doing a yppush of the new database files. The default is the null string.

constructs a domain other than the master's default domain.

distributes administration accounts such as root and sys. The default is not to distribute administration accounts.
Refer to ypfiles(NF) and ypserv(NADM) for an overview of the Network Information Service and ypmapxlate(NF) for file format.



See also

dbm(NS), make(CP), makedbm(NADM), ypfiles(NF), ypmapxlate(NF), yppush(NADM), ypserv(NADM)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005