
ypmapxlate -- translation table to handle long NIS map names


long_map_name short_map_name


An NIS map name, X, under domain, Y, exists as the two files named X.pag and X.dir, both under the directory path, /etc/yp/Y/. However, under System V, the length of the name, X, can be no more than ten (10) characters, since ten added to the length of the extension .{pag,dir} is equal to fourteen (14), which is the maximum file name length under System V. A critical NIS map name such as passwd.byname would be a problem to represent on a System V file system.

The file, /etc/yp/YP_MAP_X_LATE, contains entries of the form shown in the ``Format'' section.

When the NIS server receives a packet containing a logical (long) map name, this file is used to determine the physical (short) map name. Conversely, when the server transmits a packet containing a map name, the physical map name is looked up in the translate file to find the logical map name for transmission.


You cannot put comments ``#'' in the translation file



See also

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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005