
rwall -- write to all users over a network


rwall hostname ...

rwall -n netgroup ...

rwall -h host -n netgroup


rwall reads a message from standard input until end-of-file. It then sends this message, preceded by the line ``Broadcast Message ...'', to all users logged in on the specified host machines. With the -n option, it sends to the specified network groups, which are defined in netgroup(NF).

A machine can only receive such a message if it is running rwalld(NADM).

rwalld is stopped and started by rpcinit(NADM).


The timeout is fairly short in order to send to a large group of machines (some of which may be down) in a reasonable amount of time. Thus, the message may not get through to a heavily loaded machine.

See also

netgroup(NF), nfs(NADM), rpcinit(NADM), rwalld(NADM), wall(ADM)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005