
rpcinit -- RPC start/stop script


/etc/rpcinit start

/etc/rpcinit stop


The /etc/rpcinit command starts or stops the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) software. RPC will start automatically at system startup time if /etc/rpcinit is linked to /etc/rc2.d/Sname Similarly, RPC will stop automatically at system shutdown time if /etc/rpcinit is linked to /etc/rc0.d/Kname See rc0(ADM) and rc2(ADM) for further information.

/etc/rpcinit starts the daemons portmap(NADM), rwalld(NADM), and rusersd(NADM). By default, the daemon rexd(NADM) is disabled.

See also

pcnfsd(NADM), portmap(NADM), rexd(NADM), rpcinfo(NADM), rusersd(NADM), rwalld(NADM)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005