
cpqs -- Compaq CPQS tape driver


The cpqs driver controls the obsolete Compaq CPQS tape adapter and tape compression adapter. These tape drives use a different set of device name conventions from those for SCSI tape drives (described on scsitape(HW)). The device node format for accessing a DAT or 320/525 tape drive is:


where # is the target ID of the tape drive (0-4).

The following table describes the available options:

Option Description
c Access the tape drive using the compression chip on the tape adapter. To use this option, no other drives on the adapter can be in use by other processes. Once a drive is being accessed using the compression chip, the other drives on the adapter cannot be used until the process using the compression mode closes the tape drive.
i Immediate mode. Certain commands, like erase or retension will return to the application program before the command actually finishes on the tape drive.
n No rewind. A rewind command will not be issued to the drive when the device is closed.
-150 Access the tape in QIC-150 density. This option is only relevant on a 320/525 tape drive.

 |Option | Description                              |
 |c      | Access the tape drive using the          |
 |       | compression chip on the tape adapter.    |
 |       | To use this option, no other drives on   |
 |       | the adapter can be in use by other       |
 |       | processes. Once a drive is being         |
 |       | accessed using the compression chip, the |
 |       | other drives on the adapter cannot be    |
 |       | used until the process using the         |
 |       | compression mode closes the tape drive.  |
 |i      | Immediate mode.  Certain commands, like  |
 |       | erase or retension will return to the    |
 |       | application program before the command   |
 |       | actually finishes on the tape drive.     |
 |n      | No rewind.  A rewind command will not be |
 |       | issued to the drive when the device is   |
 |       | closed.                                  |
 |-150   | Access the tape in QIC-150 density.      |
 |       | This option is only relevant on a        |
 |       | 320/525 tape drive.                      |

The auto-density mode selects the format to match the data on the media for reading. The highest density for the media type present is selected for writing. On the 320/525 tape drive, the QIC-150 mode is used to force QIC-150 format when writing on high density media so that the tape can be read on 150/250 type drives. If a 6150 or 6250 tape media is used, the drive writes QIC-150 format in the auto-density mode.

On both a DAT and 320/525 tape drive, immediate mode returns without waiting for the command to complete, which is useful for executing retension and erase tape commands.

Compaq tape formats

The Compaq CPQS adapter and 320/525 CPQS tape drive support the following tape formats:

Recording format

Media type QIC-24 QIC-120 QIC-150 QIC-320
DC-300 RD N/A N/A N/A
DC-6150 RD RD RD/WR(150MB) N/A
DC-6320 RD RD RD/WR(150MB) RD/WR(320MB)
DC-6525 RD RD RD/WR(250MB) RD/WR(525MB)

 |Media type | QIC-24 | QIC-120 | QIC-150      | QIC-320      |
 |DC-300     | RD     | N/A     | N/A          | N/A          |
 |DC-600A    | RD     | RD      | N/A          | N/A          |
 |DC-6150    | RD     | RD      | RD/WR(150MB) | N/A          |
 |DC-6320    | RD     | RD      | RD/WR(150MB) | RD/WR(320MB) |
 |DC-6525    | RD     | RD      | RD/WR(250MB) | RD/WR(525MB) |

The default device automatically determines the tape format to use. For reading, the data written on the tape media determines the tape density and format. The media type determines the default on write operations; that is, the highest density for the type of media present is written. If you want to use a lower tape density, use a device type that explicitly selects lower density.


The following error messages may be displayed on the console. See messages(M) for general information about kernel error messages, including a list of generic device driver errors.

NOTICE: cpqs: Adapter timed out, status=0xn
The adapter reset routine timed out after 30 seconds; the adapter failed to reset.
NOTICE: cpqs: Adapter self test failed, status=0xn
The adapter registered an internal error while it was being reset.
NOTICE: cpqs: Bad device type n in device major/minor ioctl
An inappropriate ioctl(S) command was used on the device.


character (raw) special device files

See also

mkdev(ADM), scsitape(HW), tape(C), tape(HW)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005