
devassign -- device assignment database file


See authcap(F)


The devassign file (/etc/auth/system/devassign) contains entries associating different names for login terminals or printers which refer to the same physical devices.

Changes to this file are normally made by the Assign selection of the Terminal Manager.

The first field of each entry is the name of the special file associated with the device; this should match the t_devname entry in the terminal control database, ttys(F).

The following keyword identifiers are supported:

A comma separated list of device files which are equivalent to the entry name.

The type of device described by the entry. Device types supported are printer and terminal.


The following line from devassign equivalences /dev/tty2a and /dev/tty2A for the purposes of auditing and control of login access:


device assignment database

See also

authcap(F), getdvagent(S)

Standards conformance

devassign is not part of any currently supported standard; it is an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005