
ttys -- terminal control database file


See authcap(F)


The ttys file (/etc/auth/system/ttys) contains entries for each terminal that can be used to log in to the system. Authentication programs use this database to determine if logging in is permitted on a particular terminal.

Changes to this file are normally made by using the Terminal Manager.

The following keyword identifiers are supported:

This field defines the terminal device filename for the entry (excluding the /dev pathname). For example, if the terminal entry describes the /dev/tty01 device, the t_devname field should contain ``tty01''.

The number of consecutive unsuccessful login attempts to the terminal device.

This flag indicates whether the terminal device has been locked or not. This field may be manipulated by authorized administrators only.

The login delay enforced by authentication programs between unsuccessful login attempts as a time_t value. This slows the rate of penetration attempts on a terminal device.

The login timeout value in seconds. If a login attempt is initiated by entering a user name at the login prompt but successful authentication is not completed within the timeout interval specified, the login attempt will be aborted.

The last successful login time to the terminal device as a time_t value.

The maximum number of consecutive unsuccessful login attempts permitted using the terminal before it is locked. Once the terminal is locked, it must be unlocked by an authorized administrator.

The system time of last logout associated with this terminal device as a time_t value.

The user ID of the last user to log out from the system using the terminal device.

The user name of the last user to successfully log in using the terminal device.

The last unsuccessful login time to the terminal device as a time_t value.

The user name of the last user to unsuccessfully attempt to log in using the terminal device.


The following is an example of a terminal control database entry:
This entry is for the device /dev/tty01. The most recent successful login session was for the user georgep. The most recent unsuccessful login attempt was by the user ianw. Prior to the most recent successful login session, user steve was logged in. The entry records the system times for the current successful login, the end of the previous successful login session, and the most recent unsuccessful login attempt. This terminal is shown as not being locked.


terminal control database

See also

authcap(F), default(F), getprtcent(S), login(M)

Standards conformance

ttys is not part of any currently supported standard; it is an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005