
lesskey -- specify key bindings for the less command


lesskey [-o output] [--] [input]

lesskey [--output=output] [--] [input]

lesskey -V

lesskey --version


The lesskey(C) command creates a file that specifies a set of key bindings used by the less(C) command. It takes a text file as input and creates a binary output file.

The format of the the input file is defined in the lesskey(F) manual page. If no input file is specified, the default $HOME/.lesskey is used. If the input file is "-", standard input is read.

The output file is a binary file which is used by the less command. If no output file is specified, and the environment variable LESSKEY is set, the value of LESSKEY is used as the name of the output file. Otherwise, the default $HOME/.less is used. If the output file already exists, lesskey will overwrite it.

See also

less(C), lesskey(F).
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005