
getsub -- extract routing information from SNMP entity


getsub entity_addr community_string [ partial.IP.address ]


getsub is an SNMP application that retrieves routing information from an entity by traversing the ipRouteDest, ipRouteIfIndex, ipRouteMetric1, ipRouteNextHop, ipRouteType, and ipRouteProto variable classes for ach subnet found. It takes as arguments the address of the SNMP entity, a community string to provide access to that entity, and, optionally, a net or subnet address qualifier. Only those portions of the routing table which match the net or subnet address qualifier are retrieved. For example, if one were to enter:

getsub myagent top-secret 192.244

getsub would retrieve all entries beginning with 192.244. Similarly,

getsub myagent top-secret 128.139.4

would retrieve all entries beginning with 128.139.4. Finally,

getsub myagent top-secret

would retrieve the entire routing table.


getid(ADMN), getmany(ADMN), getmet(ADMN), getnext(ADMN), getone(ADMN), getroute(ADMN), setany(ADMN), snmpd(ADMN), snmpd.conf(SFF), snmpd.comm(SFF), snmpd.peers(SFF), snmpd.trap(SFF), snmpstat(ADMN), trap_rece(ADMN), trap_send(ADMN)

RFC 1155 (STD 16), RFC 1156, RFC 1157 (STD 15), RFC 1213 (STD 17)

© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 - 01 June 2005