
snmpd -- SNMP agent


in.snmpd [-v]


The in.snmpd daemon is the Internet Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) server process. It also functions as an SMUX server.

snmpd listens for incoming snmp requests on the UDP port 161.

in.snmpd also listens on the TCP port 199 for incoming connect requests from the SMUX peers and various other TCP end-points connected to SMUX peers to exchange SMUX PDUs.

The ports on which the SNMP agent listens for SNMP and SMUX requests are specified in the Internet Requests for Comments (RFCs) that define these standards.

The optional argument, -v, is used to enable debugging output. Debugging information is written to standard output.


snmpd uses the following configuration files:

Initializes elements in the system group.


Initialize the lists of systems and communities that will be allowed to access the Management Information Base on the local system.

Authenticates open requests from potential SMUX peers.
Refer to manual page section 4snmp for more information on these files.


getid(ADMN), getmany(ADMN), getnext(ADMN), getone(ADMN), getroute(ADMN), setany(ADMN), snmp(ADMN), snmpd.comm(SFF), snmpd.conf(SFF), snmpd.peers(SFF), snmpd.trap(SFF), trap_rece(ADMN), trap_send(ADMN)

RFC 1155, RFC 1156, RFC 1157, RFC 1213, RFC 1227

© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 - 01 June 2005