
resmgr -- display and modify in-core Resource Manager Database


resmgr [-p "param1[ . . .]"]
resmgr -a -p "param1[ . . .]" -v "val1[ . . . ]" [-d delim]
resmgr -f file
resmgr -k key [-p "param1[ . . .]"]
resmgr -k key -p "param1[ . . .]" -v "val1[ . . . ]" [-d delim]
resmgr -m modname [-p "param1[ . . .]"] [-i brdinst]
resmgr -m modname -p "param1[ . . .]" -v "val1[ . . . ]" [-d delim] [-i brdinst]
resmgr -r -k key
resmgr -r -m modname [-i brdinst]


The resmgr command displays and updates the Resource Manager database. The UnixWare kernel maintains the Resource Manager database that associates (key, param) pairs with sets of values. The autoconfiguration subsystem and other subsystems use the database to store and retrieve information.

Most users interact with the in-core Resource Manager database using the Device Configuration Utility (see dcu(ADM)). The resmgr command is used primarily in shell scripts and for debugging.

Some of the display functions and behavior of resmgr are specific to the autoconfiguration system for AT architecture systems. Specifically, certain autoconfiguration parameter names (for example, IRQ and IOADDR) and associated types are known to resmgr. This affects what resmgr displays by default and allows use of these parameters without specifying their types.

For the -p and -v options, one or more parameters can be specified; multiple entries must be entered as a delimiter-separated list enclosed in double quotes. The default delimiter is space; the -d option overrides the default.

Only a privileged user can use the resmgr command.


The option combinations used with resmgr dictate its behavior and are the following: If the parameter is not one known to the resmgr (actually to the underlying Resource Manager access library), then its type must be specified along with its parameter name. The type is specified by a single type character separated from the parameter name with a comma, for example, ``cabletype,s'' is used for a parameter with the name cabletype and type string. The type characters recognized are:

for string

for single number

for number range

Exit codes

The resmgr command exits with one of the following values:




The resmgr command modifies only the in-core Resource Manager database. If the changes are to be permanently reflected (across reboots, for example), you must use the idconfupdate(ADM) command to update the Resource Manager database.


To display the resource manager database:


To remove the resource Manager database entry for the first asyc (asynchronous port driver) board instance:

resmgr -r -m asyc

To remove the Resource Manager database entry for the second asyc (asynchronous port driver) board instance:

resmgr -r -m asyc -i 1

To add a new parameter and value for the asyc entry:

resmgr -m asyc -p speed,s -v V32bis

To create a new Resource Manager database entry with multiple parameters:

resmgr -a -p "MODNAME IPL ITYPE IRQ" -v "lp 5 4 7"


dcu(ADM), idconfupdate(ADM)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 - 02 June 2005