
idconfupdate -- update system configuration files


idconfupdate [-f] [-o file] [-s] [-r confdir]


The idconfupdate command ensures that the system configuration files on disk are consistent with the current system configuration, as defined by the in-core Resource Manager database.

When idconfupdate is invoked without options, it reads the Resource Manager database from /dev/resmgr, and performs two functions:

  1. It saves the Resource Manager database in /stand/resmgr so that the database will be available for reboots. If idconfupdate is not run after changes are made to the in-core Resource Manager database, those changes will be lost when the system is rebooted.

  2. It updates the parameters for hardware drivers in the /etc/conf/sdevice.d files to agree with those provided by the Resource Manager.

    Only sdevice files for hardware drivers are affected; a hardware driver is identified by having an ``h'' in the flags field of its Master file.

    All drivers that are not in the Resource Manager database are turned off. That is, the ``config'' field of each line in their sdevice files is changed from ``Y'' to ``N''.

When idconfupdate is invoked with the -s option, the Resource Manager database is constructed using the sdevice files. The -o option must be specified with the -s option to prevent a user from accidentally overwriting /stand/resmgr.


Force idconfupdate to create a new database and update the sdevice files even if the resmgr's timestamp indicates that no update is necessary.

-o file
Save the resmgr database in the given file; file defaults to /stand/resmgr if not given. The -o option must be specified if the -s option is used, for safety.

-r confdir
Override the built-in /etc/conf path, so an alternate root may be specified, for example, idconfupdate -r $ROOT/$MACH/etc/conf.

Read the current sdevice files and create a resmgr database based on them. The -o option must be specified when using the -s option to avoid accidentally destroying the /stand/resmgr system database.


in-core copy of Resource Manager database

Resource Manager database


dcu(ADM), idbuild(ADM), idcheck(ADM)
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 - 02 June 2005