
lpmove -- move print requests


/usr/lib/lpmove requests dest

/usr/lib/lpmove dest1 dest2


lpmove moves requests that were queued by lp between LP destinations.

The first form of the command moves the named requests to the LP destination dest. Requests are request-ids as returned by lp.

The second form moves all requests for destination dest1 to destination dest2; lp will then reject any new requests for dest1.


Note that when moving requests, lpmove never checks the acceptance status (see accept(ADM)) of the new destination. Also, the request ID of the moved request is not changed so that users can still find their requests. The lpmove command will not move requests that have options (content type, form required, and so on) that cannot be handled by the new destination.


To use this utility, you must be a printer administrator. This requires the lp authorization in authorize(F).



See also

accept(ADM), disable(C), enable(C), lp(C), lpadmin(ADM), lpsched(ADM), lpstat(C), reject(ADM)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005