
accept, reject -- allow/prevent print requests to a lineprinter or class of printers


/usr/lib/accept destinations

/usr/lib/reject [ -r [ reason ] ] destinations


accept allows lp(C) to accept requests for the named destinations. A destination can be either a printer or a class of printers. Use lpstat(C) to find the status of destinations.

reject prevents lp from accepting requests for the named destinations. A destination can be either a printer or a class of printers. Use lpstat to find the status of destinations. The following option is useful with reject:

-r [ reason ]
Associates a reason with disabling (using disable(C)) the printer. The reason applies to all printers listed up to the next -r option. If the -r option is not present or the -r option is given without a reason, then a default reason is used. reason is reported by lpstat. Please see disable(C) for an example of reason syntax.


To use this utility, you must be a printer administrator. This means that you must have the lp authorization in authorize(F). Refer to subsystem(M) for more details of the lp authorization.



See also

disable(C), enable(C), lp(C), lpadmin(ADM), lpsched(ADM), lpstat(C)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005