
diskusg, vxdiskusg -- generate disk accounting data by user ID


/usr/lib/acct/diskusg [ -v ] [ -p passwdfile ] [ -u nouser ]
[ -i vol[,vol ... ] ] [ file ... ]

/usr/lib/acct/vxdiskusg [ options ] [ files ]

/usr/lib/acct/diskusg -s [ diskusgfile ... ]


diskusg and vxdiskusg generates intermediate disk accounting information for the specified files, or those specified on the standard input if these are omitted.

diskusg normally reads only the inodes of filesystems for disk accounting. In this case, files are the special filenames of these devices. vxdiskusg is used to read the inodes of VxFS filesystems for disk accounting.

diskusg and vxdiskusg outputs lines on the standard output, one per user, in the following format:

uid login #blocks

The fields are:

numerical user ID

user's login name

total number of disk blocks allocated to the user
diskusg and vxdiskusg recognize the following options:

-i vol[,vol ... ]
Ignore the data on the named filesystems (vols). The list of filesystem names must be separated by commas, or can be separated by spaces if enclosed within quotes. diskusg compares each name in this list with the filesystem name stored in the volume ID (see labelit(ADM)).

-p passwdfile
Use passwdfile as the name of the password file to generate login names; /etc/passwd is used by default.

-s [ diskusgfile ... ]
Filter input data from the files diskusgfiles. If no diskusgfiles are specified, diskusg reads from the standard input. The input data must already be in diskusg output format. diskusg combines all lines for a single user into one line.

-u nouser
Write records to nouser of files that are not charged to anyone. Records consist of the special filename, the inode number, and the user ID.

Verbose: print a list on stderr (standard error) of all files that are not charged to anyone.
The output of diskusg and vxdiskusg is normally used as input to acctdisk (see acct(ADM)). This generates total accounting records that can be merged with other accounting records. diskusg and vxdiskusg are normally run in dodisk (see acctsh(ADM)).


The following example generates daily disk accounting information:
   for i in /dev/dsk/0s1 /dev/dsk/0s3; do
   	diskusg $i > dtmp.`basename $i` &
   diskusg -s dtmp.* | sort +0n +1 | acctdisk > disktacct


Note that diskusg uses quot(ADM) to account filesystem disk space usage.


used to convert user IDs to login names

See also

acct(ADM), acct(FP), acctsh(ADM), labelit(ADM), quot(ADM)

Standards conformance

diskusg is conformant with AT&T SVID Issue 2.
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005