
labelit -- provide labels for filesystems


/etc/labelit special [ fsname volume [ -n ] ]


The labelit command can be used to provide labels for unmounted disk file systems or file systems being copied to tape. The -n option provides for initial labeling only. (This destroys previous contents.)

With the optional arguments omitted, labelit prints current label values.

The special name should be the physical disk section (e.g., /dev/dsk/0s3). The device may not be on a remote machine.

The fsname argument represents the mounted name (e.g., root, u1, etc.) of the file system.

volume may be used to equate an internal name to a volume name applied externally to the disk pack, diskette, or tape.

For file systems on disk, fsname and volume are recorded in the super block.

See also

filesystem(FP), fsname(ADM), labelit_vxfs(ADM), sh(C)

Standards conformance

labelit is conformant with AT&T SVID Issue 2.
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005