
dac960tk -- dac960 toolkit administration shell utility




dac960tk is the toolkit administration utility that is used to change the state of a SCSI disk and to issue other miscellaneous commands to the DAC960 disk array controller. The menu options are:

returns the following information related to the current configuration:

Each of the configured system drives is either critical, offline or online. An offline system drive is one that cannot be accessed, either because it is a non-redundant RAID with one of the SCSI disks ``dead'', or because it is a redundant system drive on which two or more of the SCSI disks are ``dead''. A critical system drive is a redundant drive (RAID 1, RAID 5, RAID 6) that has a ``dead'' SCSI disk.

get device state
shows the present state of the devices. It prompts for the channel number and target number and tells you whether the device is online or critical or ``dead''.

start device
is used to ``start'' a SCSI disk and to set its state (to ONLINE or DEAD or REBUILD). Upon receipt of this command, the DAC960 waits for all pending commands on that channel to complete. It then issues a spin-up command to the device. The DAC960 does not wait for the device to become ready; it negotiates with the device, and sets up the device related parameters. If the device is not ready, the command completes with an error; otherwise the DAC960 sets the state of the disk to the state requested in the command. Whenever a bad disk is replaced without resetting the system, the new disk must be started up with the start device command. This command also applies to non-disk devices. Such devices must not be added or removed while the system is powered up. The DAC960 automatically starts all connected devices at power-up or reset.

make standby
can be used to make a disk that has been attached to a DAC960 into a standby. A standby is one that can be used by DAC960 to automatically replace a disk that fails. You must not make a disk into a standby if it is already online. The DAC960 keeps a record of all ``standby-replacements'' in the ``replacement-table''.

make online
can be used to set online a disk that has been attached to DAC960. You should use this command only if disks have been accidentally killed. For example, if some disks were powered off when the system was powered on, (and the warning message from the BIOS is ignored), the DAC960 assumes those disks have failed and kills them. Data on these disks is still valid and you may use these commands to bring them online.

kill device
is used to kill a device that is attached to a DAC960. If the disk is a part of a system drive, killing it would have catastrophic consequences if the system drive were currently active.

set device state
is used to set the state of the device to the requested state. Valid states are DEAD, ONLINE and STANDBY.

stop/start channel
is not permitted under UNIX. You should use the dac960sh utility to hot-replace a disk.

rebuild status
returns the progress of the ongoing rebuild or standby rebuild.

get bad block table
displays the contents of either the write back bad block table or the rebuild bad block table.

get SCSI device info
displays information about a SCSI device as recorded in DAC960. The information listed is: presence of the device, size (in blocks), state, type, ID, error count and synchronization parameters.

get remap list
displays the current contents of the replacement table in the DAC960.

causes the DAC960 to flush all dirty data from its cache to the disk.

select next
selects the next DAC960. The command is only usable when you run the dac960tk command from the command line. If you attempt to run the command from the dac960tk option in the dac960sh menu, the system will not allow the command to execute.

See also

dac960mon(ADM), dac960sh(ADM)
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005