
dac960mon -- dac960 monitor utility


Foreground mode
dac960mon [logfile]

daemon mode
dac960mon [logfile] &


The first syntax of the command runs it in foreground mode; the second syntax runs the command in daemon mode.

dac960mon constantly monitors DAC960 adapters and reports drive failures (standby rebuild, background rebuild progress ) to the system console and to a log file. A maximum of 4 DAC960 adapters can be monitored using the monitor.

Standby rebuild
will take place if a 'hot spare' is already defined. In the event of a drive failure, the DAC960 adapter automatically starts rebuilding a new drive (hot spare).

Background rebuild
refers to the administrator initiated rebuild process.
dac960mon constantly monitors the following:


The log file is created in /usr/adm directory. The default log file name is dac960mon.log. logfile can also be specified on the command line.



See also

dac960sh(ADM), dac960tk(ADM)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005