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Colours |
KSirc does Colours!
- mIrc
- kSirc
- Colours
- Sending
- Examples
KSirc follows the colour scheme used by mIrc and a slight modification
for more powerfull in house use.
<fg> == foreground
<bg> == background
[] == optional
- 0x03<fg>[,<bg>]
- sets the foreground and background
- 0x03
- resets to defaults for THAT line
- ~<fg>[,<bg>]
- sets the foreground and background
- ~c
- resets tp defaults
- ~b
- sets bold font
- ~u
- sets underline
- ~i
- sets italics
- ~r
- sets underline
Why did I change ksirc to use ~ instead of 0x03 (^C)? Well, it's hard to
use 0x03 in scripts and not all C functions seem to like it.
~<letter> also alows more commands while not stomping on mirc's future
0. white
1. black
2. blue
3. green
4. red
5. brown
6. purple
7. orange
8. yellow
9. lightGreen
10. cyan
11. lightCyan
12. lightBlue
13. pink
14. gray
15. lightGray
You can use the following key combinations to insert control codes in text:
- Control-B for bold text
- Control-U for underlined text
- Control-R for reverse text
- Control-K for coloured text
- Control-O for plain text
To underline a single word in a sentence:
- Type Control-U
- Type in the word
- Type Control-U again
Only the text that is enclosed by the start and end codes will be affected.
You can use this method with all of the other control codes.
The Control-K control code is slightly different because it allows you to
specify a colour number. To colour a single word in a sentence:
- Type Control-K
- Type a number between 0 and 15
- Type the word
- Type Control-K again
If you also want to change the background colour of a word, you would need
to type two numbers separated by a comma instead of just one number. The
first number is the text colour, the second number is the background
colour. The colours range from 0 to 15, the index is in the previous section.
You can enclose text in multiple control codes, so for example you could
have a bold, underlined, and coloured word.
Andrew Stanley-Jones
Last modified: Mon Jan 12 21:07:38 MST 1998