The K Desktop Environment

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6. Comments on specific functions

6.1 Mod

Give the remainder of dividing the display number by the next input number.

6.2 Inv Mod

Integer divison of the display number by the next input number.

6.3 %

Interpret the final operation carried out in the current calculation as follows:


Type:             45 / 55 %
Answer Displayed: 81.8181...
Explanation:      45 is 81.81...percent of 55

Type:             11 + 89 %
Answer Displayed: 112.35.. 
Explanation:      89 + 11 = 100 and  100 is 112.35 percent of 89. 

6.4 Lsh (Rsh)

Left (right) shift the n times, where n is the next input number. You get Rsh (right shift) by pressing INV Lsh.

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